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Thread: Mid cycle lab results opinion needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Mid cycle lab results opinion needed

    Low body fat with extremely clean diet (Low carb for 3 years)
    4-5 lifts a week

    Pre cycle bloods were all great, BP good

    Current cycle: 7 weeks in

    Weeks 1-12:
    Test Cyp 500mg EW split Monday/Thursday
    Proviron 50 mg ED split Am/Pm
    Arimidex .5mg E3D (now, see below)

    Weeks 1-5:
    Anavar 50mg ED split Am/Pm

    First 3 weeks was feeling great not running the Arimidex (done previous cycles without, no issue) but got mild puffy chest. Other than that was not having any high E sides. So start the Arimidex the last 4 weeks, feeling like shit, figured I dropped the E a little low. So I get my labs back (attached) and I’m at 65 on specific E. I have been researching a lot about the T:E ratio vs chasing a specific #. Looking at the labs with my T being 5k (right where I expected it to be with the rough 10x normal estimate at 500 per week) what is your opinion on the A-dex level moving forward? Or any other suggestions? Haven’t run into this before, must be getting older and more finicky. Thanks in advance
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	35796D0C-2AEA-4195-8857-17E5F0BC9337.jpeg 
Views:	156 
Size:	207.8 KB 
ID:	172335  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Dont do 0.5mg, better to try 0.25mg adex.

    Drink more water.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Dont do 0.5mg, better to try 0.25mg adex.

    Drink more water.
    I’ll up the water. Thank you... .25 E3D? No concerns on the E at 65?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    the Adex itself may be making you feel like shit.. lower your test to a dose that you can tolerate without having to run an AI. Add something like Masteron in (which will block estrogen and prolactin at receptor sites) and give you some anabolic benefits. The proviron is doing this but to a much lesser degree then Mast can do it. OR keep your test dose where it is, drop the AI completely and add in a small dose of a SERM like Nolva to deal with the puffy nipples and prevent gyno (without having to lower your total blood levels of E or feel like shit from the AI itself).

    most negative effects guys get from their cycles like low energy, low sex drive etc. is rarely from the cycle itself, its a side effect of the AI

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireDogg View Post
    I’ll up the water. Thank you... .25 E3D? No concerns on the E at 65?
    thats completely fine having slightly elevated E when your total test is 5k+. . thats what you would expect, actually even higher. as total test goes up E levels are supposed to go up along with that. Plus estrogen will help you grow, put on more muscle (yes its anabolic), and maintain more strength via inter cellular water retention.
    the only time you don't want E elevated is for contest prep (then its normal to feel like shit all the time too).. or if you estrogen sensitive or gyno prone (but even then you can simply run a low dose SERM).

    also when your test to e ratio gets way off it will throw things out of whack and. you'll have way more side effects.. this happens when guys take a high dose of an AI from day one of their cycle. Test levels start raising as E levels start dropping,, bad place to be in

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    AI doses confuse the bejesus out of me anymore

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    AI doses confuse the bejesus out of me anymore
    imo , AI use in general has gotten out of hand and way overboard the last 5 years or so. guys popping AI's like they are tic tacs. Plenty of high level guys and Pros I know of don't even bother using AI's unless they are in prep, yet every average Joe gym goer thinks he has to have one for every cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Are you running pharma grade arimidex?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Are you running pharma grade arimidex?
    Yes Pharma grade.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Thank you for all the responses! I truly appreciate it

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