Because I am prone to gyno sides (only the last two cycles I did) I want to keep an eye on E1, E2, E3? maybe. I know E2 is most important to monitor when it come to gyno and appropriate doses of SERMs and AI.

This lab report only lists estradiol, ESR, Estrogen Level , and prolactin. Unfortunately, my Dr. only checked the boxes for "estrogen level" and "Prolactin" so im wondering what "estrogen level" will tell me at all in terms of gyno or E2? Im assuming nothing really... I guess what is more important is to just pick a protocol like 12.5mg aromisn daily and wait how long to test blood again? 4-6-8 weeks? If all blood is looking healthy and estrogen in check I will run this cycle (low dose test) for a while 16-20weeks possible

So can anyone comment on the difference between "estrogen level" vs e1, e2, e3 etc?