Hey !
I did my bloodwork - not all of them are ready but the Testo , Free Testo and Estradiol have arrived and I have a few questions
First : the measurement units are strange for me but it's like this :
Estradiol : 126.7 pmol/L - The normal range for an adult male they say is : 41 - 151
Testosterone : 53 nmol/L - The normal range for an adult male 20-49 y old is : 8.64 - 29
Free Testosterone : >100 pg/mL - The normal range for an adult male 19-55 y old is : 1 - 28.2
Can someone with experience tell if these are good results ? I am still waiting for HDL LDL and all the other stuff but I am curios gear wise if the stuff I took is somewhat decent.
This is the 7th week and I did 1x250mg Testo Enanthate first two weeks and then went up to 500mg per week split into 2 doses. I'm also on Anavar 40-50mg ...and some Arimidex