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Thread: Low HDL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Low HDL

    Hey guys,

    Need some help with my HDL. It came back at 17.78809 mg/dl which is well below the 40 mg/dl target. My LDL came back within range but because of my HDL being so low, it is throwing my ratio off. My diet is fairly clean with the exception of low fat mayo added to some meals.

    I eat: 6oz bison 1 cup brown rice twice a day and 6oz chicken 1 cup brown rice once a day. Then I have 3 shakes and they all contain 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup egg whites, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup berries, handful spinach, scoop of protein. I just added a full avocado to my diet... what else can I do?

    I have the first phase of my contest prep coming up which is a bulk with tren E so I want to take any/all measures to fix this ASAP.

    Am I over reacting here? What else can I do? Olive oil is supposed to help, can I have macadamia nut and coconut oil instead?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Test will suppress HDL. What's your total chol and triglycerides?
    Consider Slo-Niacin to help out:

    Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health - Life Extension

    Even NAC can help:
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thanks for your reply kel. Looks like both of those are within range. I am posting my results below. I will order niacin and start NAC tonight.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    A good indicator of cardiac health is by dividing your triglycerides by your HDL. You come out to about 3.6 which really isn't bad. 2 or less is perfect. Are you running anything currently? Tren, even low dose = tanked HDL.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015
    You came in 17 natty? long since last roid/sarmsrun?

    Check your heartbeat at rest and BP.

    I have had same problem but i managed to get my HDL to 45 mixing the 5-10 best sources for a better cholestrol, like oat, oliven, pinapple, cranberries, onion, spinach etc in the miuxer and drink tons of it during day..well not tons, but 15 dl at least. Google the most arteriecleaning foodtypes and u will find them.

    Then i have a couple of pubmeds saying aasworsened cholestrol do not thicken your arterie walls. And that has eased my paranoia and started runs with hdl in the 30s.

    But 17, i dunno man. Lets hear how long since your last and maybe u cruise?

  6. #6
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    Aug 2011
    My last cycle was 10 weeks ago which was test and deca. I took a shot of test 4 days before my blood test but that couldn't have effected my blood work could it? I was planning on running tren this cycle but that doesn't seem very safe anymore. I had been on clen for 2 weeks but had dropped it the day before I took my first shot of test.

    Would it be wise to continue on with the test and clean up my diet from a saturated fat stand point and then get blood work again in 4-6 weeks? Im a little weary now after seeing that test can also lower HDL.

  7. #7
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    I check my BP daily and I do HIT cardio so both my blood pressure and RHR are in check.

    I am throwing a lot more veggies into my diet now. So asparagus and broccoli with my 3 solid meals.

    Into my shakes I will be adding cinnamon and pineapple and removing the banana. I can probably get some olive oil in there too but would coconut oil or macadamia nut oil have the same effect?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Would it be wise to continue on with the test and clean up my diet from a saturated fat stand point and then get blood work again in 4-6 weeks? Im a little weary now after seeing that test can also lower HDL.

    That's what I'd do. Remember test isn't really the enemy. It can also lower total cholesterol at the same time it's lowering HDL. If you really want to see what's going on with your chol get either a NMR or VAP Lipo Profile as they break down your LDL particles. Basically large-fluffy particles is good, small-dense = bad. One of those two tests were recently eliminated and I can't remember which at the moment. Another good test to obtain is your CRP value. It's an inflammation marker in blood. Inflammation is the enemy here. As is sugar.

    If you're not taking Fish Oil, do so as well.
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