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  1. #41
    CBRRyder's Avatar
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    Suscribed. Very anxious to see how everything works out for you duece. Best of luck to you.

  2. #42
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass;451***0
    You couldn't even imagine how happy I am to hear this.

    Great decision, and good luck.
    Thanks Man !!! I appreciate it !!

    ** UPDATE **

    Ok so today is day # 25 I weighed myself and I am at 229lbs. and 19% BF ... not too bad seeings how I started at 216lbs. and 23% BF. I am supposed to be doing "My Back Workout" Today but there is a chance that I will not be able to hit my workout because I have class at 5:30 until 10:30 so if anything I will have to do it when I get home... I am contemplating joining a gym but I have everything I need to workout at home so I dont think that I need to belong to a gym if everything I need to complete my workouts is at my place of residence.

    So if I have to miss another workout day not only will is piss me the fvck off bad it will also make me feel like I am not taking full advantage of being on cycle. The upside to it all is that I will be riding my bicycle to and from school which is 5 miles from my home... so hence a 10 mile bike ride... which is awesome since I haven't been implementing any cardio. I don't like the idea of not being able to do my workout but there have been worse things in life that have happened. Life will go on if I dont hammer the iron today.

    ** SIDE NOTE **

    Out of the 8 times I have cycled I have never ... NEVER had a problem with gyno. Today I noticed (maybe it was just my anxiety) that I had an itchy right chest... not so much my nipple... yah maybe a lil bit on my nipple but not much... THAT BEING SAID !! I (since i never had an issue before) didnt purchase any Nolva [stupid I know] and now I have to order some just in case there happens to be an issue. I just can't believe I was that stupid to not have any on hand... ROOKIE MISTAKE !!! So hopefully I will get it before it turns into a full blown gyno situation that I cant get control of.

    My question to my buddies is.... IS NOLVA GOING TO BE ENOUGH ??? SHOULD I GET ANYTHING ELSE?? LETRO?? [I hate letro btw] ADEX?? What should I get guys?? ... i dont have any adex yet either... GOD WHY DIDNT I PURCHASE MY ANTI E'S BEFORE I STARTED MY CYCLE.!! ROOKIE STUPID MISTAKE !!!

    Ok so that is that... hopefully Later I will be able to post that I did my workout.. GOT MY FINGERS CROSSED !!!

    OH AND P.S. - WHAT DOSAGE OF NOLVA SHOULD I RUN ??? 20 mgs ED?? and what happens when I start the NPP?? I can't run NOLVA with NPP... I know these are amateur questions but... I HAVE NEVER HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS BEFORE. HELP !!
    Last edited by The Deuce; 03-24-2009 at 01:29 PM. Reason: Forgot something... P.S.

  3. #43
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    This is what i would do in your situation:

    Start running Adex at .25 mg EOD

    Get some Nolva and start poppin IMO 10mg ED, now the only prob here is Im not sure how long you can do this. no experience either, just knowledge. (if that makes sense to u LOL) Maybe til you start the NPP, more on that later

    Why? to the 2 suggestions above...
    the adex will help prevent this further in your cycle, the nolva will stop what has already begun if it is any gyno

    as with the NPP, you should be staight by that time. hopefully the adex will control the rest of your guno issues.

    still gonna use caber right?

    worse case scenario, it turns into full blown gyno and you use letro for gyno reversal at the end of your cycle
    Last edited by CHUCKYthentic; 03-24-2009 at 08:01 PM.

  4. #44
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    Hmmm just noticed you said it was day 25 and NPP is going to start week 4...

    Im a little lost now on what to say, hopefully someone else should chime in

    Also, you def need to figure out if that is gyno or not

  5. #45
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Well because of the delay in the shipment of my Caber I will not be starting my NPP until week 6... I am actually waiting for the adex and caber... so ....

    HAHAHAHA I am going to switch my cycle up ... AGAIN !!!

    Here is what I am proposing for a lil switch because !!! My damned ANTI E'S aren't here yet....

    1-12 Test Prop 75mgs ED
    10-24 Test E 625 mgs EW
    6-10 NPP 75 mgs ED (Using this now to more or less kickstart my DECA ... Just cause)
    8-22 Deca 550 mgs EW
    18-24 Inj. Winstrol 50mgs ED (CHANGED MY MIND FROM ORAL TO WINNY AMPS)

    ADEX .25mgs ED (Once it friggen gets here...)
    Caber .25mgs E3D WEEK 6-22 (Just to be absolutely sure no Sexual Problems arise from running the 19-nor)

    So basically it's the same cycle except I am using the NPP to kickstart the Deca... sorta like people using Test Prop to kickstart a Test Enan/Cyp cycle ya know??

    Debating on whether or not I should UMMM stay with the oral winny or if i should legitimately switch to the inject. I got 21 amps of winny... so I would only need to get 21 more to complete the journey ya know?? WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ?!?!!?

    ** Update 3/25/09 **

    I missed my BACK WORKOUT yesterday I hate when I miss a workout... makes me feel useless... BUT I did do 1 hour of cardio... which is a first for me... and I loved it... I went on a 10 mile Bike ride... and being how I live in Maine... it's all UP and DOWN hills and straight a ways which is great for fat burning ya know?? Bumping my heart rate up and then lowering it.. then taxing it again then lowering it back down again. I am going to try and do an hour of cardio 4 days a week for the duration of the time I am on the PROP then when I switch to the Test Enan I am going to bump it to 6 days a week at 45 minutes a day.... then when I hit the end of the cycle... 1 hour of cardio 7 days of week (WHILE I AM DOING THE WINNY) Anyone suggest that I throw in some clen for the last two weeks of my cycle???

    ANYWAY ... I will continue my workout today with my back and post my routine after I am done... Thanks for paying attention to my log !! It should be awesome results at the end of it all !!!


  6. #46
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    A couple of things stand out to me:

    1.) have you ever run injectable winstrol ? I had to stop my last 4 week cycle of it because I couldn't deal with the sides (dry, extremely sore joints). I'd definitely go with orals if I was you.

    2.) while you're doing the winny, what is your cardio plan? I can see you're planning on "running 1 hour 7 days a week"... but when exactly? I'm hoping at least 30 mins of that cardio would be dedicated to empty stomach in the A.M.

    3.) how many days a week are you going to do core training during this cut? (how many days of abs per week, and amount of time per session).

  7. #47
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    1.) No I haven't, ran oral winny 3 times before... experienced the same sides you did but... when I ran winny with DECA ... it alleviated all those symptoms ... that's why I am running the inj. winny with the DECA this time in hopes that I wont experience any of those symptoms... if I do I will switch back to the oral...

    2.) Yes 30 minutes right when I wake up... then 30 minutes again right after i finish my workout... low intensity hr between 130-145 bpm.

    3.) During the cut I will be implementing abs in my routine 3 times per week on a 6 day a week training schedule.

    Does that help brotha??

  8. #48
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Oral or injectable it is still winstrol ....... If you get sides from the injectable the same will be seen with the oral.

  9. #49
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    ** Update **

    Today's Back Workout !!

    Barbell Rows 6 sets - (Warmup 45lb/20rep super slow and strict) 95lb/15rep, 115lb/10 rep, 115lb/10rep, 135lb/10rep, 155lb/8rep, 185lb/6rep

    Dumbbell "WoodCutter's" 4 sets - (warmup 30lb/10 ss + s) 60lb/10rep, 70lb/10rep, 80lb/8rep, 90lb/6rep

    Dumbbell Rows 2 sets - 57.50lb/10rep, 77.50lb/6rep

    T-Bar Row 4 sets - 60lb/15rep, 110lb/10rep, 160lb/8rep, 180lb/6rep

    Bicep PumpSet - 2 sets (Preacher Curl [BarBell]) 70lb/20rep * 2

    And that was my back workout for today !! I am so glad I got to get my friggen workout in... took me two days to finally get to it but... it's done now !! I am trying not to overtrain myself so I am dropping the number of sets I have been doing dramatically (doing 16 or so sets now was doing like 30 sets) !! My back is feelin' pumped to the max right now and lovin' it !! So I know I did something right !! This is my last back workout like this before I am switching my training regimen around... I do that every 4 weeks or so... and I am impressed with myself to say the least !!!

    Well that's all for today... Will Post more tomorrow ... Another day another workout !!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    Oral or injectable it is still winstrol....... If you get sides from the injectable the same will be seen with the oral.
    Nice !! I was figuring the same thing.. just never done the inject before... and I got 21 winny amps for free so ya can't complain so I figured I would just go the injectable route this time... I know I wont have a problem because I will have enough DECA running through me to combat that "DRY" feeling i got it the one time i did get it when I ran it without DECA.

  11. #51
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    ** Update **

    Shoulder Workout !!

    Shoulder Press 6 sets - (Warmup 45lb/20rep) 85lb/15rep, 95lb/10rep, 115lb/8rep, 135lb/6rep, 135lb/6rep

    Arnold Presses 4 sets - 30lb/15rep, 37.50lb/10rep, 47.50lb/8rep, 57.50lb/8rep dropset to 30lb/tofailure (18)

    Upright Row 5 sets - (warm 45lb/20rep) 75lb/10rep, 85lb/10rep, 95lb/8rep, 115lb/6rep

    Seated Side Lateral 4 sets - 15lb/10rep, 20lb/10rep, 25lb/8rep, 27.50lb/8rep

    Rear Delt Raises 4 sets - 15lb/10rep, 20lb/10rep, 25lb/8rep, 27.50lb/8rep

    Shoulder Shrugs 4 sets- 135lb/20rep, 185lb/20rep, 225lb/10rep, 275lb/8rep

    Plate Shrugs 3 sets - 35lbplate each arm/til failure (50) 45lbplates/til failure (42) and 35lbplates/til failure (31)

    WOW !! Feeling super STRONG !! Almost feel like my weights were too light but I thought better safe than sorry... completed each rep nice and smooth... until of course I was near the end of my workout and my SHOULDERS WERE RIGHT PUMPED BUB !! YUUT !! Haven't really noticed much in Growth though myself... but the WIFEY is all like HUN YOU ARE GETTING HUGE AGAIN !!! That makes me SMILE !!... LOL I mean It's almost 4 whole weeks into my cycle and I have gained 15 lbs. and dropped 4 % or more BF. I'd say that is awesome awesome awesome GAINS ... wouldn't you??

    The only thing left to do today is my CARDIO !! 45 minute Bicycle ride to... well to school... Lil chilly out today though... like 46 degrees... can't wait for summer !!! So I will have to bundle up !! I need to get out of MAINE !! This place sucks... for real though... CONTEMPLATING A MOVE TO LAS VEGAS... or the outskirts... IF i can talk the WIFE into it. Highly unlikely but ya never ever know !!

  12. #52
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    hay bro are u going to post picks throuout ur cycle or just before and afters? keep at it!

  13. #53
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    I'll be Posting Pics throughout MY CYCLE. I will be Posting the next round of PICS after or should I say right BEFORE I start the NPP... then again right after I finish the PROP/NPP portion of the CYCLE (before i start the TEST E/DECA portion) and again HALFWAY through that part and then finally at THE VERY END.

  14. #54
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    ** UPDATE **

    So my friend stops over today... Says he is out of the game... and HANDS ME FOR FREE...

    GET THIS... HANDS ME !!!

    60 FREE SUSTANON AMPS 250mgs per amp. FOR FREE !!!!


    I was all like THANK YOU MAN THANK YOU !!!

    So since I have never run SUST before and since it was FREE !!! I will be running it with the DECA instead of the ENAN. It's Pharm Grade too !!!! YAAAY !!!!

    I'll be shooting an Amp EOD !!!

    Just thought I would share with EVERYONE !!

    Oh and Today is OFF DAY !!!

    Tomorrow should be fun though... Full Arms day workout... Bumping up the weights so I should be seeing the major progression that I expected at the end of week 4... LOVING IT SO FAR !!!

    OH and ... Weeks 8-14 I will be using TBOL 50mgs ED ... Just Cause... just thought I would add that tidbit in there... I have been wanting to use an oral at the end of PROP aspect of my cycle like I stated before so I chose TBOL as that Oral.


  15. #55
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Nice friend lol.

    Tbol addition I like as well.

    Keep up the training and hard work.

  16. #56
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    . LOL I mean It's almost 4 whole weeks into my cycle and I have gained 15 lbs. and dropped 4 % or more BF. I'd say that is awesome awesome awesome GAINS ... wouldn't you??



    Do you mean you gained 15lbs on top of your starting weight, while losing 4% BF????

    I find that VERY hard to believe.

  17. #57
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    started 217 and from what i think was 23% BF might have been closer to 22% and when i weighed myself the day i posted that i weighed 229lbs.and then i taped myself and was 19.59% BF I swear to god brotha... I didn't believe it either... my starting numbers may be just a few numbers off but seriously 12 lbs. and at least 3%BF Honest to GOD.... Not something I would being making up but like i said it may be off by just a lil bit...

    It's not that that Hard to believe ... I have gained more before in 4 weeks... I gained 20 lbs. in 4 weeks on 150mgs ED of DROL and Test CYP frontloaded... but I don't think I dropped that much BF... In fact I think I may have gained a 1% margin on it but...

    To have gained 12 lbs. and dropped at least 3% BF isn't too too bad... ya know?? I was off on the 15 lbs. I said I gained... I just rounded up on both occasions... 3.19 %BF Loss I shouldnt have rounded to 4% but I was just throwing numbers around... SORRY.. LOL

    SO TO BE MORE ACCURATE FOR YOU BRO... 12LB. WEIGHT GAIN 3.19% drop in BF. At week 4mark on 75mgsED of Test PROP and 200mgs of CYP... Sooo... a total of 725mgs of TEST the first two weeks of this cycle.... then 625mgs the third week and then finally this week was 575mgs ... down to 525mgs per week starting next week seeings how it will be straight PROP.... I would say I have some water weight BUT !! No... there really isn't any ... and I am not on an AI.... It's strange... I feel totally different than any other cycle I have ever ran... I feel much more FULL OF ENERGY... I also follow a STRICT DIET and take caffeine and aspirin and ephedrine (ECA) and a ENERGY SPORT VITAPAK and Injectable B-Complex and Super O M E G A s 6-9 grams daily and Milk Thistle and Glucosamine and Chondriton and MSM... SO i take a bunch of things... that I have never done before.... AND MY ENERGY LEVEL IS CRAZY.... I'm all over the place... I don't know if that has anything to do with the aided BODY FAT LOSS or not... but yah...

  18. #58
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    Ok so I just TAPED MYSELF... It's 10:00 and I taped myself ... 3 days ago I was 19.78% ...and now apparently I am 20.43%BF ... I am UP from what I was the other day... NOW I AM ALL MAD... SO WHAT I DON'T CARE !!!LOL... I am starting to LOOK A HELL OF A LOT BETTER NOW THEN I WAS 4 WEEKS AGO !!!!

    Apparently .... I need more Cardio... I am not worried about it... I know by the end of this cycle ALL WILL BE FINE !!!

  19. #59
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    Flat Bench Barbell 4 sets - 135/20rep, 185/10rep, 225/4rep, 245/1rep-205/4rep-135/10rep

    Incline Dumbbell 4 sets - 57.50/15, 77.50/10, 67.50/10, 57.50/15

    Incline Barbell 3 sets - 135/10, 155/8, 165/6

    Decline Barbell 3 sets - 135/10, 155/8(7), 165/6(4)

    Flat Dumbell - 57.50/20, 77.50/10


    Had to rush this workout but still managed to slam out a decent workout with a killer PUMP !! Feeling Strong !! Day 30 !!

    ** UPDATE **

    STARTED MY NPP TODAY 50 mgs ED !! Now with a new element involved hopefully everything starts flowing a lot more evenly... I am hoping anyways....

  20. #60
    Dinosaur's Avatar
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    nice progress and all i want to say is keep ur bf % in close watch. good luck

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by charrif View Post
    nice progress and all i want to say is keep ur bf % in close watch. good luck
    Thanks Brotha !! Yah I taping myself everyday now... I am thinking I need my damn ADEX and CABER to get here SOON !!! Just in case things take a turn for the worse... Other than that... Ummm I am going to get some pics up of my progress... I'm LOVING it... Everything is going according to plan !!!

  22. #62
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    Not Impressed at all !!!

    I havent been able to work out since my last post... 3 days !! Feel like total sh1t !!

    Ever since I started the NPP. I dont know if it is really because of that but I just feel really really lethargic... no energy... so as of tomorrow I am going to stop taking it altogether and save it for a future cycle or something... maybe to kickstart Deca on a different cycle down the road... I am just not feeling it right now. I was just doing fine on the Test ALONE... So that is what i am going to do...

    Dropping the NPP... I dont even know if what I am feeling is because of the NPP. Maybe I am just getting sick or something.. I mean I cant even EAT ... id be lucky if I have even consumed 2000 cals per day in the last 3 days when I was up around 4,500 clean cals a day. I am not happy at all... I wonder how long its going to take to have this 150mgs of NPP to work its way out of my system.

    To over come it I may just bump my Test up to 100 mgs ED. If this is the way Nandrolone is going to make me feel then I am going to have to totally rework my cycle. UGH I am not a happy camper.

    I mean cmon I am on an injectable vitamin B complex for energy and nothing... seriously like I have been falling asleep during the day and everything... I slept 10 hours last night and then took a 4 hour nap today and still dead tired and will probably go to bed again soon...

    SOMEONE HELP !!! TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO!! PLEASE !! I dont want my cycle to go to hell...
    Last edited by The Deuce; 03-31-2009 at 06:20 PM.

  23. #63
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    is it really so bad that you cant work through i?.have u tryed caffine or something?i dont realy know what or how your feeling but when im tired and dont fell like working out i just do it anyways. after the first set im charged up and ready to go. sometimes those end up being my best workouts.good luck bro and im sorry for the hard luck as of late.

  24. #64
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    I am all set now !!! whatever was wrong with me has passed and im back in the gym ... started a new traing regimen. Will post up todays workout tommorrow. Thanks for looking oiut bro !!

  25. #65
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    Started my next 4 week workout routine called The Strength and Size and Strength and Endurance!! Here is Day 1 Chest,Arms

    Incline Flye 3 sets 12(40lb),10(50lb),8(55lb) warmup
    Incline Dumbbell Press - 1 set S+S* (60LB for Heavy and 40LB for Light)
    Bench Press - 1 set S+S* (155LB for Heavy and 135LB for Light)

    Preacher Curl 3 sets 12(50lb)10(60lb)8(60lb) warmup
    Barbell Curl 1 set S+S* (70LB for Heavy and 40LB for Light)

    Pressdown 3 sets 12(100lb)10(110lb)8(120lb) warmup
    Seated Tri-Extension 1 set S+S* (50LB for Heavy and 35LB for Light)

    S+S* = Explained

    6rep + 12rep (rest 30 sec)
    5rep + 10rep (rest 30 sec)
    4rep + 8rep
    Rest 3 minutes (Reverse)
    12rep + 6rep (rest 30 sec)
    10rep + 5rep (rest 30 sec)
    8rep + 4rep =

    1 set

    Higher number reps are lighter weights and lower number reps is heavier weight.

    LET ME JUST SAY !!! HOLY HELL DID THIS WORKOUT KICK MY A$$ !!! I was soooo unbelievably beat after this workout I could barely lift my arms... but in a good way... I know I didn't overtrain because I am not all that sore today but the PUMP was intense and still got a great pump going now... 24 hours later.


    STILL ON 75mgs ED of PROP and 50mgs ED of NPP ... Lovin' it !!!

  26. #66
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    ** Update !!**

    This Post is Strictly to inform those who are paying attention to this thread that I just ate my Cheat Meal for this week... IT WAS !!! [duhn duhn duhn]


    WOOO !!! LOL...

    I eat one box of them a YEAR and it was sooo delicious... lol...

    1120 Calories... 96 grams of Fat.... 122 grams of Carbs... 16 grams of Protein...

    Talk about a CARB SLAM !!! LOL... Obviously I wont do that again until next year or on this cycle again but I had to do it... THEY ARE THE BEST COOKIES EVER !!!

  27. #67
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    hahaha oh man i had some girls scout cookies about a month ago, DELISH!

    Aaaah now you have me thinkin about my cheat meal, which is 2day

    and its pizza! a whole 1! lol

    Damn i love pizza

  28. #68
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    I have two workouts to POST UP !! They are the final two workouts for the STRENGTH and SIZE portion of my workout week... next up the STRENGTH and ENDURANCE aspect of it... so without further ado ....

    LEGS + ABS

    Leg Extension 3 sets 70lbs... warmup...
    Leg Curl 3 sets 70lbs... warmup....
    Leg Extension 1 set - S + S = 160lb/80lb
    Leg Curl 1 set - S + S = 100lb/50lb
    Seated Calf Extension 1 set - S + S = 250lb/150lb


    Machine Crunch 1 set - S + S = 150lb/75lb

    CARDIO : I bicycle to the gym at 15 minutes Each way... both ways is a hilly adventure... up and down so it is a great workout... I bike EVERYDAY to the GYM now that it is starting to get NICE out... friggen MAINE...

    Also did 15 minutes on TreadMILL after my Workout =1 minute WALK warmup 12 min. Fast pace Jog/Run between 6.0mph - 7.5mph then 2minute CoolDown

    So 45minutes total Cardio... THIS WORKOUT WAS YESTERDAY... Now... Onto TODAY !!


    Lat Pulldown (WIDE) Nice and Slow [warmup] 3 sets 80lb/12 90lb/10 100lb/8
    Seated Row (Close) 1 set - S + S = 120lb/80lb
    Dumbbell "WoodCutters" 1 set - S + S = 60lb/40lb

    Machine Lateral Raise 3 sets 70lb/12rep *2 and 75lb/10 [warmup]
    Over Head Dumbbell Press 1 set - S + S = 50lb/25lb

    Smith Machine Shrug 1 set - S + S = 225lb/135lb

    Same Cardio Routine Listed above for Today also.

    For those of you that don't know what "S + S" is exactly... I'll outline it again

    6rep + 12 rep - rest 30 sec
    5rep + 10 rep - rest 30 sec
    4rep + 8rep
    3 Minute Rest
    12rep + 6rep - rest 30 sec
    10rep + 5rep - rest 30 sec
    8rep + 4 rep

    The Lower rep number is the higher weight that is listed above next to workout and of course vice versa the higher rep number is the lower weight listed in the workout.

    NEAT HUH????

    Well that's that guys !! Just completed week number 5 and my first week of NPP. 2 more weeks... well technically week 8 I start the WINNY and 50 mgs ED .. Pretty pumped about that... Just started an OTC FAT BURNER TOO !! Lipo-6 ... HEARD mixed reviews on it but I thought HEY why dont I just try it myself and pass my own judgement on something...

    A lot of people say they HATE EQ... but I for ONE ... LOVE IT !! I run it at 1 gram per week for 16 weeks ... and it treats me just fine and dandy !! I'll run it again sometime... same goes for PRIMO... every BASHES on that too... I love that compound too !!

    Anyways that's it for today Bro's... TUNE IN SOON FOR MORE UPDATES !!

  29. #69
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    **SOME NEWER PICS AT THE END OF WEEK 5 RIGHT BEFORE THE NPP KICKED IN ... Kinda Dark on the RIGHT side but oh well...**
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6trap.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6flex2.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6lat.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6latsprd.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6tricep.jpg  

  30. #70
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    MORE PICS !!!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6trap2.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6bicep.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editbicep2.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6flex.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editwk6flex3.jpg  

  31. #71
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    looking good that tattoo of the chicks.keep at it. if what thay say about muscle memory is true. youll be huge in no time.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    looking good that tattoo of the chicks.keep at it. if what thay say about muscle memory is true. youll be huge in no time.
    I am hoping so... I want soooo BAD to be back where I was before my accident... and Thanks man !! Lighting was HORRIBLE .. but I am hoping to have another round of pics up in a few weeks of being a month in on the NPP and about 2 weeks in on the WINNY... THEN again on completion of the TEST PROP/NPP/Winny part of my cycle ... I AM HOPING AT THE CONCLUSION OF THIS PART OF THE CYCLE I AM BACK WHERE I STARTED BEFORE MY ACCIDENT !!

    That's when I will be starting the BULKING EXPEDITION of my cycle... and as we all know I switch it up a thousand times over.. lol... but I have finally set it in concrete...

    1-14 Test Cyp 800mgs EW
    1-12 Nandrolone Decaonate 525mgs EW (injecting this compound 3 weeks prior so it is up to speed come week 1) ya know what I mean?? **
    1-4 Anadrol (50mgs 1st week) 100mgs for the next 3
    8-14 Anavar 80mgs ED
    1-14 .25 ADEX ED

    ** = meaning I will be running the PROP FOR 12 weeks... so on week 9 I will start injecting the Deca and then on week 10 I will start the CYP... so when the Prop/NPP ends on weeks 11 and 12 .... Come Week 1 of the Bulking part of my cycle ... my levels stay consistent and I dont have any lag time at all...DOES THAT MAKE A LOT MORE SENSE???

    HOPEFULLY UPON CONCLUSION OF THIS WHOLE CYCLE I will finally be at 230lbs. 12% (hopefully lower but being optimistic) BF

    Currently 223 18.5% BF.... SO my Goals are not unreasonable at all... I think anyways....

  33. #73
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Oh and I changed the MACROS in my DIET.....

    Let me know what you think.... 400Pro/225Carb/60Fat

    300 grams of the protein from REAL food, 100 grams of Powdered Protein (50whey/50casein)

    125 grams of them Carbs is in my PWO... The rest is divided up between 2 servings of Oats... couple slices of wheat bread for lunch, The Milk I consume during the day and the 15 or so carbs from my serving of Cottage Cheese w/pineapple at night.

    30 grams of Fat from the Peanut Butter and the rest scattered throughout the day...

    SOUND GOOD ??? Gonna Post it up in the Diet Forum also...

  34. #74
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i think your on the right track. i saw the thread where the guy showed how to do the math to really dial your diet in. that was good info.

  35. #75
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    I should post up my workout's for the past 4 days.... Just so you guys can see what kind of training regimen I am on... I just finished my STRENGTH + ENDURANCE aspect of my workout for the week. LET ME TELL YOU !!! THAT SHIZZIT WAS INSANELY RUGGED !!!

    I mean... do you guys even want to KNOW?? I dont know exactly what i SHOULD be posting in here.. No one is really saying much of anything so I guess I just keep going with what I have been doing...ya know??

    P.S.- The past two days... not TODAY but the TWO days PRIOR to today..

    I accidentally shot more PROP then I intended too... (100mgs ED instead of 75mgs) I was more accurate today and got it right on... now should I have compensated for it ?? and shot only 50mgs for today and tomorrow?? or did I do the right thing and go right back to just shooting 75mgs ED??

    Thanks Guys !!!

  36. #76
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    Does anyone really care about this?? LOL... I mean no one is responding to anything.. I haven't posted my workouts in awhile but ....

    So I did Pec Injects yesterday... I injected .5ml's in my left Pec (NPP) AND Injected 1.5mls in my right PEC (Test P and B-complex) It went awesome !!

    I am so impressed with PEC INJECTS and I can't believe I have never ever done them before.. what the hell was my issue?? LOL... I was just worried that it being so close to my heart that for some reason my anxiety kicked in and wouldn't allow me to go through with the inject so I just would shoot my delt instead... don't get me wrong, I love the injection procedure myself.. It's like my favorite part of my day !! LOL... I hate Long Esters because I only get to shoot twice per week..

    Oh well, I will be switching to the LONG ESTER part of my cycle here in another 6 weeks... because the initial plan was a 14 week short estered then 16 week Long ester. Now it's 12 week Short ester and 18 week Long ester to take on the full benefit of the Long Esters.

    So just so everyone is clear on what the BULK part of my cycle will be ...

    1-18 Test Cypionate 800mgs EW (400 twice per week)
    1-16 Deca 525mgs EW (275mgs EW)
    1-18 Primobolan 400mgs EW **
    1-4 Anadrol 100mgs ED
    10-18 Anavar 80mgs ED
    1-18 .25mgs Adex ED
    1-16 Caber .25mgs E3D

    At the end of this cycle I will be cruising... 325mgs EW, The way I figure it... 250mgs EW would be a TRT dose... and well I don't really wanna do a TRT dose, I wanna cruise... there is a big difference...

    Does anyone agree with this philosophy ?? Or should I just do 250mgs EW of Test E?? I'll be running Norma Pharm Grade Enan.

    And ya know... I really hope people are paying attention to this log because if no one is then well.. I guess I will just stop...

    **(I believe that this will be enough.. on my next Bulker I plan on running 1000mgs EW or I was even thinking 1400 mgs EW) I am utilizing the PRIMO in this part of my cycle at a low dose just for a lil bit of an extra kick. I think that the PRIMO is a Propinate ester... but it said ... PRIMO DEPOT. Does that mean it's along ester?? or a short one??

  37. #77
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Looking good bro, Keep up the good work...

  38. #78
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    Thanks BRO !! Makes me feel good to have people say that so at least I am reassured that I am doing things correctly... ya know?

  39. #79
    BIG_TRUCK is offline Member
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    I'm reading this still.

    Most just read & only respond if you need help.

    Remember, don't get to carried away with dosages and trying make a cocktail of every steroid known to man. Keep it some what simple & it will still be effective so don't worry.

    About your TRT & Cruize question. I'm also on TRT and the normal prescribed dosage is for old sedentary males in their later years, not for active males in their younger years. So I like the idea of a higher TRT / Cruize dsoage to keep your gains, and overall have you still progressing & not just maintaining. You could get away with 250mgs / week, and I think you would be able to keep most of your strength & size off that, But 300mgs is what I would do.

    BTW I'm sending you a pm.

  40. #80
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    P.S.- Just started my WINSTROL today... ate a 50 mg tablet...

    QUESTION : Should I have split it into two doses?? One in the AM and One right before I work out?? Or does it not matter??

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