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Thread: Funny Joke here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Talking Funny Joke here

    Here is one that had me

    This old man is sitting on his porch as he noticed a kid walking and dragging something behind him

    He said “Hey boy whatcha got there".
    The boy replied “I got some chicken wire here”
    The man said “whatcha gonna do with that chicken wire”
    Boy replied “gonna catch me some chickens”
    Man said “Your not gonna catch any chickens with that chicken wire”

    Later that day the boy comes back with the chicken wire rolled out and full of chickens.

    The next day the man sees the boy and he has something in his hand.

    He said “Hey boy whatcha got there.
    The boy replied “I got some duck tape here”
    The man said “whatcha gonna do with that duck tape”
    Boy replied “gonna catch me some ducks”
    Man said “Your not gonna catch any ducks with that duck tape”

    Later that day the boy comes back with the duck tape rolled out and full of ducks.

    The next day the man sees the boy and he has a chain pulling a stump with roots all over.

    He said “Hey boy whatcha got there.
    The boy replied “I got a pussy willow tree here”
    The man said “Hold on boy I’m getting my hat”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Talking ROFL !!

    Now that's FUNNY

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    LOL that i like!!

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