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  1. #1
    Swellin Guest

    Swellin's LASEK Surgery

    I just got back from having LASEK performed on both eyes. When I told them I wante EK rather than IK, they all laughed and said., "good luck."
    This caused me a bit of concern. After the surgery, I understood what they meant. It is the most painful of the corrective surgeries, and has the longest recovery time as well. They use a soft contact lens as a bandage. I knocked mine off the right eye, while I was getting a prescription filled...I didn't even notice it happened. Last night was pure agony. This morning was worse. I went back for the post-op check up, and they put another one in that eye. It still hurts like hell! They asked did I get my pain meds filled...hell yes, and I took all five Mepergan last night!

    I can see right now, but the pain is getting bad again. I will be back later with a more in depth update.

    Oh yeah, they checked my vision yesterday before the surgery, and my left eye was 20/150. This morning, it was 20/16.
    My right eye is so fried right now that I only got about 20/70 out of it...but it has gotten much better since then. They expect it to take two months for the vision to stabilize.

    I just took a valium and a vicadin...good night all.

  2. #2
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    dude good luck...get better..but the end result will be dope..

  3. #3
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    my dad did it not to long ago...fukker was up the next day reading the paper!!!...he only did one eye at a time...and im guessing he did the less painful one?

  4. #4
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Have a speedy recovery my friend!!!

  5. #5
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    Get better bro. I had lasik done several years ago and I'm seeing better then 20/20 now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Good luck bro!!!

    I won't go into my botched LASIK nightmare story... I've told the tale too many times, and besides it's a period of my life I'd rather forget.

    Suffice to say I know EXACTLY how you (and your eyes) feel. Do get well soon bro.


  7. #7
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    Eye pain is one of the worst.
    Good luck.

  8. #8
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why did you choose EK over IK?

  9. #9
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    I just got back from having LASEK performed on both eyes. When I told them I wante EK rather than IK, they all laughed and said., "good luck."
    This caused me a bit of concern. After the surgery, I understood what they meant. It is the most painful of the corrective surgeries, and has the longest recovery time as well. They use a soft contact lens as a bandage. I knocked mine off the right eye, while I was getting a prescription filled...I didn't even notice it happened. Last night was pure agony. This morning was worse. I went back for the post-op check up, and they put another one in that eye. It still hurts like hell! They asked did I get my pain meds filled...hell yes, and I took all five Mepergan last night!

    I can see right now, but the pain is getting bad again. I will be back later with a more in depth update.

    Oh yeah, they checked my vision yesterday before the surgery, and my left eye was 20/150. This morning, it was 20/16.
    My right eye is so fried right now that I only got about 20/70 out of it...but it has gotten much better since then. They expect it to take two months for the vision to stabilize.

    I just took a valium and a vicadin...good night all.
    my mom and bro got theres done two years ago. they have perfect vision, no more hassles from contacts. me on the other hand am wearing glasses, still happy with my low grade 75/90

  10. #10
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    Why did you choose EK over IK?
    I am applying to flight school. EK is recommended by the USAF. EK also leaves no visible the ones the don't know...won't know.

  11. #11
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    I know two guys who were denied by the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) because of having laser eye surgery, although I never asked which procedure they had. Something about high G-force potentially affecting the eye or surrounding structure or some sh*t like that. Have you checked into the military pilot guidelines about specific rules concerning this surgery? In any case, hope you are satisfied with the end results.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    I am applying to flight school. EK is recommended by the USAF. EK also leaves no visible the ones the don't know...won't know.

  12. #12
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    IK weakens the cornea FOR LIFE

    The "flap" cut by the micro-Keratome will ONLY heal on the surface, but the structure of the cornea never EVER heals (you'd go blind if it did!). Basically the flap sticks back to the cornea and heals on the surface around the cut... but inside it stays cut.

    Now in most cases this is no big deal. Main reason being that any blow or trauma to your eye severe enough to rip the flap open after it has healed periferally would destroy your eye anyways.

    The BIG problem with IK is that there is no long term info on what will happen 25-30 years down the road when you need catarac surgery (from old age), or when your eyes degrade with age...

    EK does have a much steeper healing curve than IK and it's a lot more long term work for the Opthalmologist, but most LASIK "chop shops" push the IK procedure as it's less work for them, less support, and a lot quicker (so they can pack in that extra 2-3 clients that day).

    If I had to do it again, it'd go with EK with NO hesitation.


  13. #13
    VIXI's Avatar
    VIXI is offline Female Member
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    Great post...been thinkin about going with Lasik myself..would love to hear how it ends out...either way hope you're feeling better soon...xxxSass

  14. #14
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    feel better and get well soon

  15. #15
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck bud, I dont think I could ever let anyone go near my eyes ever.

  16. #16
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    My wife had ik last year and has been perfect ever since, good luck and a speedy recovery to you!

  17. #17
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    IK weakens the cornea FOR LIFE

    The "flap" cut by the micro-Keratome will ONLY heal on the surface, but the structure of the cornea never EVER heals (you'd go blind if it did!). Basically the flap sticks back to the cornea and heals on the surface around the cut... but inside it stays cut.

    Now in most cases this is no big deal. Main reason being that any blow or trauma to your eye severe enough to rip the flap open after it has healed periferally would destroy your eye anyways.

    The BIG problem with IK is that there is no long term info on what will happen 25-30 years down the road when you need catarac surgery (from old age), or when your eyes degrade with age...

    EK does have a much steeper healing curve than IK and it's a lot more long term work for the Opthalmologist, but most LASIK "chop shops" push the IK procedure as it's less work for them, less support, and a lot quicker (so they can pack in that extra 2-3 clients that day).

    If I had to do it again, it'd go with EK with NO hesitation.

    Been considering this myself. Great info Red.

  18. #18
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Man, 20/16 now...thats amazing. Goodluck with the recovery.

    Redketchup, good info.


  19. #19
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    yeah - what about this "custom lasik" that does a 3d job? - I am also kinda concerned because the issue for me is that I want to be able to go to everest someday and wondering what high altitude would do to IK or EK

  20. #20
    navydevildoc's Avatar
    navydevildoc is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swellin
    I am applying to flight school. EK is recommended by the USAF. EK also leaves no visible the ones the don't know...won't know.
    Be real careful with this one... here is the quote from AFI48-123, the medical standards for being a pilot. This is in attachment 2, disqualifying conditions:

    "A2.5.4.10. History of keratorefractive surgery, of any kind, accomplished to modify the refractive power of the cornea, or of lamellar, penetrating keratoplasty. Radial Keratotomy is also disqualifying. RK is not compatible for continued worldwide duty, medical evaluation board (MEB) is required."

    Also, LASEK also slices the epithelium just like LASIK, just with a thinner blade and then the cut is finished off with alcohol, and then it's peeled back just as in LASIK. If an eye doctor looks carefully (which I hope they would when someone wants to be a pilot of a multi million (or billion) dollar plane) I don't see why they wouldn't also see the cut.

  21. #21
    Swellin Guest
    Actually, they do not cut through the cornea for EK. In fact, the USAF will perform PRK on pilots. The Army now allows it as well.

    The surgeons at Emory University (now called InView claimed that they cannot look at an eye that has had LASEk and tell that a procedure was performed...even under the microscope.

  22. #22
    1badcamaro's Avatar
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    just had it done myself bro and the entire weekend felt like someone was continually dumping sand in my eyes....what a pain in the a** Most of my meds didn't work either, the only thing that helped was the valium cause it put me to sleep for like 16 hours out of the day. Got the contacts out though and doing much better........well worth it now!

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