you want a good fighting cycle? I'm far from an expert on gear but, come train with me for a few weeks. You probably won't get any bigger but it'll be a damn good cycle to learn some kick ass.
mma 4 life
you want a good fighting cycle? I'm far from an expert on gear but, come train with me for a few weeks. You probably won't get any bigger but it'll be a damn good cycle to learn some kick ass.
mma 4 life
I dont know about everyone else but Im a lover not a fighter![]()
Man that suks. "Get some new friends".
Best thing to do is avoid the fight. I was stupid before and actually went out looking to start shit. Now i will due everything i can to avoid fights its just not worth it.
Just a few weeks ago I got into a fight with my upstairs neighbor. I live with my wife, this puerto rican couple live upstairs from us. They have two kids and make so much fucking noise it upsets my wife. So I bang on the ceiling to rattle them a bit. A few weeks ago I come home from a kick ass chest and shoulders workout - just burnt them up and was strong as hell, but it left me tired. I come home and eat a hugh supper - just stuffed myself and felt lethargic. Then I take a zanax and about a half hour later I'm fucking my wife. I was on the fourth week of fina and omnadren, put on about 20 lbs and was always breathing heavy, short of breath. It takes me about a half hour to come, and I pull out and bang on the ceiling. The guy comes running down and I go run to put on some PJ bottoms and a t-shirt and was in my socks (big mistake). I am about 260 and hes about 215, no way did I think he would mess with me. I answer the door and there we are standing nose to nose. Then the fucker pushes me. I charge him and push him about 5 feet back and follow it up with a right to his eye. That was pretty much the end of the fight. He came back at me and was trying to wrestle me down. He couldn't do shit but neither could I - my feet were slipping all over the carpet every time I'd try to pick him up or throw him down. He ended up with a welt and a black eye, and I had blisters on the bottom on my feet. A lesson I learned there was don't fight without shoes on. And I should have popped him a few more times right off the bat. I guess I'm getting too nice in my older years and too afraid of doing too much damage and getting sued.
yes fighting is pain full unless you are very good at it .
speaking of blind sideing a person I once had a person get mad and throw my creitine(spelling) well never less before he had a chance to set up I smoked his ass and that was the end of that.
there are times to fight and times not to most of the times there is no reason to fight so dont do it.
Let me ask the originator of this weren't the type of guy who beat up on the skinny kid in school just "because you could" did you?Originally posted by VEGETA990
Don't know about you guys, but I'm over 18. It was all fun when we were juveniles, but you can go to jail for that stuff now.
Real power is knowing you can, but don't
Then you may know how it feels now.
Sorry dude, hate to sound like a flame, but you need to grow up bro.
Big dont mean shit, or how much u lift.........if u lift and dont train to fight ur gonna be nothin but a sandbag and ur 190 talk to me when ur 290 then go fight maybe u could do a little damage then
i cant believe people still do the pushing thing....
You have to remember one thing no matter how much exp you have of fighting (I have alot) there is always some one who is better than you.I,ve boxed and know what it is like to be put in a corner and have the shit kicked out of you.I never lost a fight but picked up injuries like broken nose,fractured hand,split eyebrow and other scrapes and bumps from streetfighting and boxing.
I also went through a stage of fighting in the street and again I have always been lucky sure I,ve been hit and hurt but I,ve always come out on top - thankfully as you get older you appreciate how fu**ing stupid it is.Yes I made a name for myself which I thought was great but that also attracted trouble and at that time I thought I was untouchable.
Nowadays I,m more mature and I have nothing to prove to anybody the wisdom is knowing that you can do it but having the control and maturity to walk away.
Lecture over and class dismissed !!
Amen Billy Boy, this is a lesson many of the guys here will learn but only when they get into their 30's.....Originally posted by Billy Boy
Nowadays I,m more mature and I have nothing to prove to anybody the wisdom is knowing that you can do it but having the control and maturity to walk away.
Lecture over and class dismissed !!
I learned sooner than that but I see people out in the clubs and streets looking for it and it saddens me.When i used to fight it was just fists with the odd kick nowadays you,ll get people put you to the floor and continue to kick you in the head and if you are lucky you get to wake up in hospital with a fractured skull.
I,ll tell a little story here and it is 100% true.
I was in hospital having an op on my nose(It had been broken so many times that the bone had fractured and splints had come through the inside of my nose resuting in me only being able to have 20% of the breathing capacity through it 3 years later its still no better)
Anyway I had ,had the op and 1 guy came in all bandaged up.I got talking to him and one of his mates was hit on the head as he came out of a club.his mate was BB and pretty big guy but he had taken a punch to the head and went down.The guy attacking him jumped ontop of him and continued to hit him.The guy in hospital draged him off his mate and then found this nutter slashing at him with a knife as he tried to defend himself.
The extent of his injuries? the knife went through his hand he had lacerations up both sides of his arms a punctured lung and lacerations to his legs as well as a stab wound through his right trap/shoulder.
He was lucky to be alive - now is fighting really worth that?
Dude, that is some seriously crazy a** stuff. No way.Originally posted by Billy Boy
I learned sooner than that but I see people out in the clubs and streets looking for it and it saddens me.When i used to fight it was just fists with the odd kick nowadays you,ll get people put you to the floor and continue to kick you in the head and if you are lucky you get to wake up in hospital with a fractured skull.
I,ll tell a little story here and it is 100% true.
I was in hospital having an op on my nose(It had been broken so many times that the bone had fractured and splints had come through the inside of my nose resuting in me only being able to have 20% of the breathing capacity through it 3 years later its still no better)
Anyway I had ,had the op and 1 guy came in all bandaged up.I got talking to him and one of his mates was hit on the head as he came out of a club.his mate was BB and pretty big guy but he had taken a punch to the head and went down.The guy attacking him jumped ontop of him and continued to hit him.The guy in hospital draged him off his mate and then found this nutter slashing at him with a knife as he tried to defend himself.
The extent of his injuries? the knife went through his hand he had lacerations up both sides of his arms a punctured lung and lacerations to his legs as well as a stab wound through his right trap/shoulder.
He was lucky to be alive - now is fighting really worth that?
I've never been a fighter, never needed to be one (yeah I was picked on in school but as an adult I am talking about).
I am as friendly a guy as one will meet, I always have a smaile on my face and try to cheer everyone up. I like laughing and hate fights and arguing. I do enjoy debate but that is not fighting (many folks don't get that notion on the internet).
Billy, I'm glad you came in with your thoughts, I just hope some of the younger guys here heed your warnings.
Canes its no warning we all make our own destiny I,m just stating facts all it takes is one unlucky punch or kick and regardless of any MA training it could kill you.Its that simple.We all know violence is on the increase only last night I was watching Crimewatch UK where some guy shot a young girl in the chest for a phone ...yep a mobile phone how nutz is that?
I,m moving this to the general forum
Hey bro dont feel bad about 3 years ago one of my buds,5-4 165 lbs kicked the shit out of this big dude for grabbing his lady at a club, he has always been quiet and never one to fight ,but has been in the arts since age 6 ,it isnt how strong but how smart you are that determines a fight,and when on gear save the rage for the gym. gymnut
Look at those mother fuckers in the UFC! Some of those guys look like my next door nieghbors! They would kick the ever living shit out of damn near anyone of us. Today and at our age, we need to walk away from shit like that. Besides, it would fuck up your ego and you might not want to lift with your bros for a few days! :-) This is a funny damn post! Thanks Saint Dog!! Keep your ass out of street fights or bring more friends! :-)
when you get "fired up" thats when you lose control, and thats when you lose the fight.
being stronger does not mean being a better fighter
damn you guys all busted my balls... lol thanks though glad a few got a laugh from this.. it was kinda like a post to show that it doenst matter what you think you can do, if you cant you wont... but thanks again for the advice i appreciate it alot. i'll keep you all informed of my mishaps and such. talk to you lata sd
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