figured youd like to hear it!
im on my cycle of sust -dbol 3 weeks in.... me and some friends were partying it up last night... they were gettin on my shit about how much weight i gained... we all used to lift but they all quit and moved on to other things. well my old friend from highschool really was bustin my balls about juice and i kept telling him i wasnt on it... well we get into it... hes like 150lbs 6'3" a shell of his former self @ 210lbs muy tai kick boxer... well hes like 10 beers into the night and ive been takin it easy im on like 3 sober. i decided to teach him a lesson. i started on his drug addictions and we went outside.. We did the old skool push each other and he punched me right in my eye so fucking hard.. i couldnt see out of it and literally saw stars.. i threw a right hook totally missed him and he hit me like 2 more times in the ribs... then put me in the sick ass choke hold and continued to punch me in the face... the only pain in inflicted on him was when i was screaming i hurt his ears and i poked him in the eye. he let me go and was like dude i guess your not on juice... lol it sucks totally destroyed my pride. im 5'10" 190bs now... ive gained 7lbs in three weeks and the only thing it did was shrink balls and get my ass kicked. Granted we wrestled around a little bit and i totally over powered him he still kicked my ass. so just for fun anyone know a nice fighting cycle i can start soon... i think next time i party with my boy im gonna bring some ludes and drug em all up and beat his ass when hes sleeping.... well i can hardly wait to see how hard i get flamed and made fun of..... talk to you lata on