I thought this was funny, so I had to share. Gotta love those Fwd:Fwd:Fwd: E-mails, sometimes you get a good one.
That is funny.![]()
By the looks of it, someone needs to get on that and mow that up. Get a little jungle'y if you know what I'm sayin.
I know of someone who had "Suck it or F**k it" tattooed above his groin.Bet that was a right turn on for the ladies.What a plonker.........and before ANYONE asks how I know - I used to play rugby with him
Good pic Jason!
I know a friend who wants to get "Welcome Aboard"
I dated a girl that used to have a YIELD sign tattood about an inch below her panty line
I saw a devil's face tattooed down there, and guess what part was his mouth?![]()
That's funny. I had a friend of mine tell me of a buddy of his that had "your name" written on it. He said he would bet people that I have your name on my dick.and present the words your name on his tally wacker.
yeah but billy even though you play rugby with him it doesnt quite explain how you know what it says down there lol sorry man read that several times and laughed myself silly, so had to respond. No harm intendedOriginally posted by Billy Boy
I know of someone who had "Suck it or F**k it" tattooed above his groin.Bet that was a right turn on for the ladies.What a plonker.........and before ANYONE asks how I know - I used to play rugby with him
Good pic Jason!
Funny J.
I knew a girl who had both lips pierced down there. She had a little luggage lock attaching the two. One nigh when we were really drunk she threw me the key. I was all "What the hell is this for"She was like "you'll see".
LOL, go big Ron
bro all i can say is......................... did ya made a copy of that key lol
Oh balls to youOriginally posted by Hitman
yeah but billy even though you play rugby with him it doesnt quite explain how you know what it says down there lol sorry man read that several times and laughed myself silly, so had to respond. No harm intended![]()
I knew I,d get sh1t over that !! He showed us that was it I swear LOL
ive seen some pretty creative tattoos using the navel... catch my drift.
I had a friend that wanted to get "Home of the Whopper" tattoed in that area
how bout an M on one cheek and an M on the other...bend over and it says???????now flip over and spread em and you got ????????MOM and WOW.....Janet jacksons got one on her hip showing minnie blowing mickie....now that i found smoooooooth...
jason you sick mofo. haaaa!!!
I like the 100 dollar bill tattoo myself, ask any woman if she would like to blow a hundred dollar bill.. then show her your pecker. You know damn well she is gonna say yes.
And no I don't have a 100 dollar bill tattooed on my willy... just to let you all know before anyone says something about that... (boy I bet I get bashed for this comment)..
thats some funny sh*t bro who's the chick with all the lawn
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