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Thread: An article by U.S. Army Brigadier-General (R) JAMES J. DAVID-3-1-2003

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    Why Israel are selling high tech military equipment to China?

    Oh wait, I have my answer, the cia asked them

    sorry my bad
    Your right its a fact that Israel sells top secret information to China, and the US has shunned them numerous times for those actions, verbally only, no other repercussions. If it was any other country the US would have placed sanctions.

    Oh well, its the Americans that are going to suffer in the long run.

    The Zionists have already started to move to Beijing in high numbers, and setup shop there. They flock to potential, money, and power.

    From Ancient Egypt, Ancient Persia, to Ancient Babylonia, to Medieval Spain, to Communist Russia, to Powerful Germany, and now to America.

    With Extremist Muslims you know they hate you and they tell it to your face, with Extremist Jews, they act like they love you, but they are stabbing away at your back, to benefit themselves.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport lets say america was demilitrzied and you had no millitry and mexico came and invaded your country and you and your family ran to canida for safty and when you came back your house and land was taken over by mexicans.
    and you where not allowed to have your legally owend house back or come back to america.
    if you wanted your house back and wanted to come back to america that would be your "right of return"

    basically when it comes down to it the zionist jews belive that isreal and the land of palestine and some other arab countries belongs to them becuase god promised them the land, and that they have the right to take the land by force expelling the non-jews becuase they want to re-create "eretz yisrael" which is greater israel which stems from the river nile(egypt) all the way to the river Euphrates(iraq) and they belive that any land inbetween the rivers belongs to the jews.

    ....seems to me, that if you start a fight and lose, then you lose your rights to that land. If we couldn't take care of ourselves (like palestine) then we shouldn't start shiat to begin with. Texas was once part of Mexico....not any more......we can't let Mexicans come back across now and claim their land back.....



  3. #83
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    ...oh yeah....a lot of what Brigadier General James David says is his OPINION.....some of which may have valid reasoning behind it....but, nonetheless, he is stating his OPINION....which shouldn't be considered as fact.



  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    Your right its a fact that Israel sells top secret information to China, and the US has shunned them numerous times for those actions, verbally only, no other repercussions. If it was any other country the US would have placed sanctions.

    Oh well, its the Americans that are going to suffer in the long run.

    The Zionists have already started to move to Beijing in high numbers, and setup shop there. They flock to potential, money, and power.

    From Ancient Egypt, Ancient Persia, to Ancient Babylonia, to Medieval Spain, to Communist Russia, to Powerful Germany, and now to America.

    With Extremist Muslims you know they hate you and they tell it to your face, with Extremist Jews, they act like they love you, but they are stabbing away at your back, to benefit themselves.
    EARTH to TRYINTOGETBIG ............ when the jews back stab us and have what they want out of this country ! we will see the price we will pay for what we r doing for them although they in return have done nothing for USA but bribe the government and get whats done under the mafioso scenario that hey have created in this country ! only time will tell !

  5. #85
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    Dec 2003

    What a load of SHEIT

    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    EARTH to TRYINTOGETBIG ............ when the jews back stab us and have what they want out of this country ! we will see the price we will pay for what we r doing for them although they in return have done nothing for USA but bribe the government and get whats done under the mafioso scenario that hey have created in this country ! only time will tell !
    What kind of sick brainwashing, twisted white power group are you a member of????
    This is the kind of sick sheit they teach you to justify ignorant nonsense, created by conspiracy psychos who simply hate Jews, but have no rational reason.
    I challenge you to give me one honest example of how a Jew has effected you in any way, and I don't want to hear any of that KKK bullsheit that has been shoved down your throat.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    What kind of sick brainwashing, twisted white power group are you a member of????
    This is the kind of sick sheit they teach you to justify ignorant nonsense, created by conspiracy psychos who simply hate Jews, but have no rational reason.
    I challenge you to give me one honest example of how a Jew has effected you in any way, and I don't want to hear any of that KKK bullsheit that has been shoved down your throat.
    EARTH again to non brainwashed responder , pal , have u ever stepped outside USA in all the life u have lived here , if not u needn't even make any remakrs to my comments , cause seriously if u havent seen anything happening in the third world nations wiht your eyes u may aswell go eat some food n take a nap rather than comming here any putting out your unavoidable suggestions to me , thank u DRIVE THRU !

  7. #87
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    EARTH again to non brainwashed responder , pal , have u ever stepped outside USA in all the life u have lived here , if not u needn't even make any remakrs to my comments , cause seriously if u havent seen anything happening in the third world nations wiht your eyes u may aswell go eat some food n take a nap rather than comming here any putting out your unavoidable suggestions to me , thank u DRIVE THRU !
    Your trying very hard to avoid my questions. So ok Yes I have spent 5 years in the middle east (egypt, israel, Jordan) and 6 months in europe (england Italy Holland), What the hell does the situation in third world have to do with jews?
    So I ask you again what has a jew ever done to you, give me one clear honest example of how a jew has effected your life that made you so bitter and hateful.......

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    EARTH again to non brainwashed responder , pal , have u ever stepped outside USA in all the life u have lived here , if not u needn't even make any remakrs to my comments , cause seriously if u havent seen anything happening in the third world nations wiht your eyes u may aswell go eat some food n take a nap rather than comming here any putting out your unavoidable suggestions to me , thank u DRIVE THRU !
    Hey, dickhead with less than 200 posts....I shared my opinion on the subject....whether you like it or not, is irrelevant. Read the board flaming.

    I'll be glad when college starts back up...all these wannabe important college kids really get annoying after a while.



  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    Hey, dickhead ...
    plz BEHAVE and stop insulting every memeber that dont share the same views with,respect yourself and act like a real man and stop flaming because this is a respectfull board.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    Why Israel are selling high tech military equipment to China?

    Oh wait, I have my answer, the cia asked them

    sorry my bad
    Actually, several years ago, if my memory is correct, Israel tried to close a deal with China, and the US said no, so it didn't happen.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Wouldnt that be nice

    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    plz BEHAVE and stop insulting every memeber that dont share the same views with,respect yourself and act like a real man and stop flaming because this is a respectfull board.
    You just flamed TRYINGTOGETBIG, so practice what you preach.
    By the way I have a question, is it flaming if I say Hisbala is a bunch of boy raping, pig eating, brainwashing, child killing, woman hating, ass licking, monkey f#cking, rat bastards. I mean that in a nice way of cource.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    You just flamed TRYINGTOGETBIG, so practice what you preach.
    By the way I have a question, is it flaming if I say Hisbala is a bunch of boy raping, pig eating, brainwashing, child killing, woman hating, ass licking, monkey f#cking, rat bastards. I mean that in a nice way of cource.
    just a kid what should i say

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    When exactly do muslims or Islamic scholars believe that the Old testament or the gospels were changed? Obviously, Mohammad and his followers had seen a copies for himself and never mentioned that it was corrupted in his time so it was presumably changed afterward - I am just wondering during what period that they deem this to have happened?

    and while you are at it, you might explain why the peace loving Mohammad and his group did what they did to Abu Afak and Asma Bint Marwan simply because they made satirical poems about him
    I notice no one ever has answers to my posts

  14. #94
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    Bandit County
    When exactly do muslims or Islamic scholars believe that the Old testament or the gospels were changed? Obviously, Mohammad and his followers had seen a copies for himself and never mentioned that it was corrupted in his time so it was presumably changed afterward - I am just wondering during what period that they deem this to have happened?

    and while you are at it, you might explain why the peace loving Mohammad and his group did what they did to Abu Afak and Asma Bint Marwan simply because they made satirical poems about him
    You have your own asnwers in your questions.

  15. #95
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    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    You have your own asnwers in your questions.
    I think the first question is really interesting. Of course many Christians believe the bible was altered in some way at particular times. I guess these types pf questions are for me a way to better understand the thinking of people with a different religion. Not to be critical of them but to undersatnd what they believe and the logic in thier reasoning.

  16. #96
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    Bandit County
    I dont believe in books, books are made by men, therefore, we are reading man's words not God's word. Why God needs a messenger under a human form?
    Now thats a question! fatwa on me

  17. #97
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    I laughed so hard I think I just sh*t my pants.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    I dont believe in books, books are made by men, therefore, we are reading man's words not God's word. Why God needs a messenger under a human form?
    Now thats a question! fatwa on me

  18. #98
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    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    EARTH to TRYINTOGETBIG ............ when the jews back stab us and have what they want out of this country ! we will see the price we will pay for what we r doing for them although they in return have done nothing for USA but bribe the government and get whats done under the mafioso scenario that hey have created in this country ! only time will tell !
    Earth to ZOAIB... You want to talk about back stabbing?. Look at Mohamed Otta, the leader of the 9/11 hi-jackers. He was a convicted killer held in Israeli custody, as part of the Oslo agreement the US demanded his realease and gave him a new life in America, GUESS HOW HE STABBED YOU IN THE BACK.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    Your right its a fact that Israel sells top secret information to China, and the US has shunned them numerous times for those actions, verbally only, no other repercussions. If it was any other country the US would have placed sanctions.!
    This week the British law lords and and house's of parliment passed legilation allowing arm's sales to China and other third world countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    With Extremist Muslims you know they hate you and they tell it to your face, with Extremist Jews, they act like they love you, but they are stabbing away at your back, to benefit themselves.
    Would it not be more accurate to say Extremist Muslims fly planes into your buildings, blow bus's up, attack your cafe dinners, attack your cities etc etc etc...?

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I notice no one ever has answers to my posts
    i am a christian , studying comparative religion , and this is what i have foudn about our holy bible a magazine AWAKE published in 1957 8th of september , published that there are 50 , 000 errors in the bible ............... errors which range from misrepresenting correct names , to misrepresenting correct way of speech n text , now if people who had been reading the bibles before this time , dide in vain because of these errors , and to what caused these errors to be in the bible i am not sure , but here is where it gets interesting ......... example one verse

    Samuel 6;23

    therefore michal the daughter of saul had no child until the day of her death !

    (and now read this)

    samuel 21:8

    but the king took the two sons of rzpah the daughter of Aiah whom she bore unto saul , armoni and mephibosheth : and the five sons of michal , the daughter of saul , whom she brought up for adriel the son of brazilai the meholthite.

    NOW HOW DO I BELEIVE WHEN BIBLE CONTRADICTS ITSELF from one place where MICHAL never bore any children till death n the next oen says she did !

    and CYCLEON if u want more pm me ill send u text of 56 errors i found myself reading ........... and the list goes on ..............

    let me give u a little more and maybe u can indulge in it ............


    genesis 9;23-24

    and shem and japhet took a garment and laid it upon their soulders and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were backward and they saw not their fathers nakedness . And Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him


    genesis 19;36

    thus were both the daughters of LOT with child by their father


    Samuel 11;4-5

    and david sent messengers and took her (wife of uriah) and she came in unto him, and he lay with her , for she was purified from her uncleanness ; and she returned unto her house and the woman concieved and sent and told david and said , i am with child "

    HOW CAN we say these things in the bible about the prophets who are having relationships wiht other married women and their own daughters ........ there are more n it breaks my heart to read this in the bible (new testament) ........

    also as i ahve been reseraching Jesus never had anythign written down as word of God in his life time it was all hearsay ! 30 yrs after his passing paul who was divinly blessed (according to himself) proclaimed what jesus never accomplished and he created a bible out fo what he collected from others , now if u r gonna tell me till 30 yrs ppl remember every correct word ........ YEAH RIGHT ! and his language was aramic , as if some of u have seen THE PASSION OF CHRIST its in Aramic and i was surprised to see my arab friends who went to see that movie with me , didnt even need to read subtitles since aramic is a pre language to arabic and is very similar ....... like portugese is to spanish .......... and they understood most of the language of the movie ..... makes me think ........... jesus never spoke ENGLISH .......... so whatever we have now in the form of the bible is translations , of the original and not the original ................... tranlations from aramic to greek to latin ...... to whatever now ............ u loose chunks of the original meanings in between when evolving something to another language .............. and every year revisions are made to the bible ................. and COMPARITIVELY not one revision or edition has been made to the KORAN .......... its in its original language and text and to my knowledge when GOD wants to keep his WORD alive he keeps the LANGUAGE alive ,

    i am at the point in life where i pray that GOD guides me to the path of truth and GOD WILLING I SHALL find it ! (amen)

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    You have your own asnwers in your questions.
    Prophets are A major degree over regular human beings , thats why God didnt choose u or anyone here to deliver his message he chooses the most perfect ones to do his bidding , and people born out of stupidity makign satirical comments about prophets or even jesus , should be smacked in the gorund ......... since those who have written false verses in the bible about prophets doing fornications , should be smacked down first ! IMO

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    I dont believe in books, books are made by men, therefore, we are reading man's words not God's word. Why God needs a messenger under a human form?
    Now thats a question! fatwa on me
    Those of us putting faith in books you might feel sorry for, but those that believe we see these words on paper can drive people to both good and bad actions. Really wanting to hear from someone who is a practicing muslim that can share their beliefs and speak in general terms something that I have not studied myself.

    Oh well, probably too much info for this thread, I should study up myself.

  22. #102
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    The fact of the matter is that we would never know what really happened and we probably will never know. Because if we did know there would be an outcry for justice among citizen. As for mistaken identity let me repeat what I said. """So the torpedo boats that came within 50 feet of the ship, couldn't see the American flag on the mast, couldn't see the words "USS LIBERTY" on the stern, couldn't see anything? The boats shot at American sailors on the deck of the Liberty as the sailors tried to help one another. As life rafts were put in the water by Liberty sailors in preparation for abandoning the ship, the boats shot them up. One boat pulled one out of the water and took it on board. Didn't see the words "U. S. NAVY" stenciled on it? They couldn’t distinguish between a White Person and an Egyptian?"" And identify they don’t have to they are in Neutral Waters and not threatening anyone! Last time I checked neutral waters are neutral waters and not a war zone. They were monitoring transmissions between enemies commanders and it just so happened they picked up Israeli transmissions as well which should be fine considering USA and Israel are allies?!

    I mean we can debate this till our fingers fall until children of our children will have children of their own the point is we will never know.
    Seems like my thing went ignored

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    Seems like my thing went ignored
    bro , what u say is logical but politics is a huge drama , and people who are not blind act blind and vice versa ............ human beings and war are two old freinds ........... and they cant live without each other , so our children of our children of our cildren will keep doing the same things we did , in new time and eras ........... as history repeats itself !

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Your trying very hard to avoid my questions. So ok Yes I have spent 5 years in the middle east (egypt, israel, Jordan) and 6 months in europe (england Italy Holland), What the hell does the situation in third world have to do with jews?
    So I ask you again what has a jew ever done to you, give me one clear honest example of how a jew has effected your life that made you so bitter and hateful.......
    what a jew has done to me , well nothing really they just so happen to **** christ and CRUCIFI him on a HUGE wooden cross , that we so wear around our necks these days ................. knock knock anyone home !

  25. #105
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    bro , what u say is logical but politics is a huge drama , and people who are not blind act blind and vice versa ............ human beings and war are two old freinds ........... and they cant live without each other , so our children of our children of our cildren will keep doing the same things we did , in new time and eras ........... as history repeats itself !
    And this should be the end of this thread. Cause it just seems it will go on for ever and people will insult each other and no one will proove anything to anyone because people have their own ideas and believes and to change someones views you need some hefty work aka something like hitlers youth

  26. #106
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    my QUESTION TO U is what has ISRAEL done for the USA that we are so Pussy whipped by them to risk our necks to be hated around the world by everyone , to get them liberty ........ why ? are we doing this please answer this question cause its irritating the bejeezez out of me !

  27. #107
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    my QUESTION TO U is what has ISRAEL done for the USA that we are so Pussy whipped by them to risk our necks to be hated around the world by everyone , to get them liberty ........ why ? are we doing this please answer this question cause its irritating the bejeezez out of me !
    You know if I knew an answer to that question I wouldn’t be here debating why Israel attacked American ship and we did nothing in Retaliation. If only we knew why our government is doing what it is doing if only we knew…

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    what a jew has done to me , well nothing really they just so happen to **** christ and CRUCIFI him on a HUGE wooden cross , that we so wear around our necks these days ................. knock knock anyone home !
    So you admit you have had no problem with jews or an Israeli in your lifetime. Yet you condem an entire race to your made up acusations, propoganda, insults, and happily continue to pass on the baseless hatred . All based on the actions of a few jews TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO.

    Do you not see anything wrong with your picture? would it be a flame if I ask, did you learn this sheit from your parents or are you in some kind of white power cult?

  29. #109
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    Dec 2003
    I rarely post in political thread, but im gonna toss something in here. To whomever states they hates Jews because they are Jews- you are what is wrong with the world today, and i now have no respect for you whatsoever. To hate an entire group of people simply based on their religious practices is disgusting. Maybe i should hate you because your from Portugal, pal, but, i dont because i have some compassion for human life. You actually make me sick to my stomach, and its a shame that civilized human beings live among you.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOMMY-GUNN
    I rarely post in political thread, but im gonna toss something in here. To whomever states they hates Jews because they are Jews- you are what is wrong with the world today, and i now have no respect for you whatsoever. To hate an entire group of people simply based on their religious practices is disgusting. Maybe i should hate you because your from Portugal, pal, but, i dont because i have some compassion for human life. You actually make me sick to my stomach, and its a shame that civilized human beings live among you.
    adulterers and fornicators make me sick to the stomach , and oh yeah hypocrates too ......... so if u have any of these qualities , who ever u r out there go vomit somewhere else , the house is all full here , LOL

  31. #111
    Join Date
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    this thread has been one interesting read...drama always fuels the soul

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    So you admit you have had no problem with jews or an Israeli in your lifetime. Yet you condem an entire race to your made up acusations, propoganda, insults, and happily continue to pass on the baseless hatred . All based on the actions of a few jews TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO.

    Do you not see anything wrong with your picture? would it be a flame if I ask, did you learn this sheit from your parents or are you in some kind of white power cult?
    let me just put it more precise n the best to attain some sense bro ! i have quite a few jewish friends , we talk we laugh together nothgin wrong with that , its just some dirty ones that do give them a bad name just like soem extremist christians n some muslims , its everywhere , now why do i protest against jews simply because i cannot bear to see THIS LAND OF THE FREE , built by our blood although we are pretty CARNIVOROUS ourselves , we genocided a whole race to attain it , and are we those carnivores now nope just because the thorn is out of our way and now we are civilized , OR so seem to be doesnt make us HUMANLY SANE NOW ........ we still go in other countries kill ppl change governments , to what pleases us , but i am all up for that too hey why not I AM AN AMERICAN ........... but .......... why are we PUSSY WHIPPED BY THE JEWS .......... please someone put me out of my misery by answering this QUESTION ......... so if u can then please do so ! ............ i dotn hate jews as jews i do hate the ones who manipulate us , n control us its not the TERRORISTS we should be worried about its the ZIONISTS ......... and zionists are not real jews they are the terrorist jews ......... so there maybe it will make someone sick to the stomach n maybe it wont , GO FIGURE !

  33. #113
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    Bandit County
    I remember in the University's washrooms, fourth floor, H building, someone wrote something, and this comes from the worst university in term of Israeli/Palestinian relations .

    "A true Jew would be prosecuted for treason".

    I chuckled on that and peed on myself

  34. #114
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    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    my QUESTION TO U is what has ISRAEL done for the USA that we are so Pussy whipped by them to risk our necks to be hated around the world by everyone , to get them liberty ........ why ? are we doing this please answer this question cause its irritating the bejeezez out of me !
    EARTH TO ZOAIB.. What has Israel done for the USA!. Well its looked after America's interests in the Middle East for the last 50 yrs.. You think that was an easy job?, just at the cluster fvck America has created in Iraq in 1 yr!
    Imagine for a moment if you can the results of Israel lossing just ONE war in the last 50 yrs. It would have mean't China and Russia having control of the Middle Easts oil fields, THATS WHAT ISRAEL HAS DONE FOR YOU. Its mean't America is the worlds super power and not China and Russia, although I fear China will raise soon. America seem's to be in free fall these days.
    So thats what Israel has done for you, question answered?

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    Seems like my thing went ignored
    Nah they didn't go ignored. I just didn't want to rub your nose in it and say what I wanted to say, something like ''Well isn't THAT a climb down''.

  36. #116
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Nah they didn't go ignored. I just didn't want to rub your nose in it and say what I wanted to say, something like ''Well isn't THAT a climb down''.

  37. #117
    Join Date
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    Va Beach
    Well I think we (the US) still owe Israel a good carpet bombing over the USS Liberty forgivness for that...but Israel-Lebanon-Egypt-Iran...same lot....nothing would please me more to see them all suffer the same fate.

  38. #118
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
    Well I think we (the US) still owe Israel a good carpet bombing over the USS Liberty forgivness for that...but Israel-Lebanon-Egypt-Iran...same lot....nothing would please me more to see them all suffer the same fate.
    I don't want anyone to die or suffer no i just want them to admit that they attacked on purpose thats it

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
    Well I think we (the US) still owe Israel a good carpet bombing over the USS Liberty forgivness for that...but Israel-Lebanon-Egypt-Iran...same lot....nothing would please me more to see them all suffer the same fate.
    its the attitude , when any other country does us in anyway , we go RAPE them ! and when Israel does it , OH ITS OTAY ! ........... Israelies keep a even bigger eye on us than they do on anyone else since we are their war machine ........ its not our interests they are lookign out for but theirs to make the GREATER ISRAEL in the middle east ! and then the oil will be tapped through them and we will always have a mediator for our oil in the biz ! if we help or dont help israel , i dont see anythign happening to us , but actually we will have less terrorists tryign to take us out , but then they will take the israelies out , cause thats their main concern we are gettign grinded just because we uphold all law when israel does anything , but someone else does it we NATO the crap out of them ! ......... its all hypocracy !

  40. #120
    Join Date
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    You really expect anyone to believe that? You think a tiny nation in the middle of the desert is the reason America is the world superpower? LOOOOOLLLLL. I see you were obviuosly drinking on the job last night, how did you come up with this?

    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    EARTH TO ZOAIB.. What has Israel done for the USA!. Well its looked after America's interests in the Middle East for the last 50 yrs.. You think that was an easy job?, just at the cluster fvck America has created in Iraq in 1 yr!
    Imagine for a moment if you can the results of Israel lossing just ONE war in the last 50 yrs. It would have mean't China and Russia having control of the Middle Easts oil fields, THATS WHAT ISRAEL HAS DONE FOR YOU. Its mean't America is the worlds super power and not China and Russia, although I fear China will raise soon. America seem's to be in free fall these days.
    So thats what Israel has done for you, question answered?

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