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Thread: haha girls girls and girls

  1. #1

    haha girls girls and girls

    what can I say girls has to be something you never can understand, tonight I was out at a club. Spoked to a quit girl i now, ok nothing more with that she dident say something about that she wanted to dance or something lika that. But what do I hear when i come home and talked to her at the icq "why did you left sow early, sow I dident have time to dance with you?" Say that you will dance when you talked to me some hours ago then


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    im confused... i think u had to much to drink lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by diablo27185
    I'm just messin bro LOL, I had to read that 3 times to understand it. Yea man girls are a mystery.

    I undurstande taht man. See girls just wanted to play with ure brains and makes you thinks that tehy have you wrapped up in there love.

    just remoember all that is happening for a god reason.

    be happy that happining.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida


  5. #5
    Dally: you right i hope it happened for a good reason !
    But you see when i talked to her at the icq, i was playing i little bit with her like you have to give me some nice dance tonight if I go out and she was sow on it,
    like "now I have promise you som nice dance" She also wanted me to come to her place and start party their....but I dont know if I will go out for tonight, but then I think she will be very on tonight,

    what should you have done ? Go for her tonight or just have a nice time at home with friends ?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    bro i got seriously dizzy reading your post

  7. #7
    Spoon: sorry for that, can it be becasue I´m not sow good in english ?

    I´m trying to read and write alot sow I hope I will be better soon =)


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardcore_pb
    Spoon: sorry for that, can it be becasue I´m not sow good in english ?

    I´m trying to read and write alot sow I hope I will be better soon =)

    its ok bro nothing to worry about. i guess you just have to read between the lines. sounds like your lady friend was acting coy and she wanted you to make the first move. i know a lot of women like that they who play hard to get. now you know what to do next time. good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The edge everyday



    Hey bro I can help you out. You just have to remeber one thing. If your lucky enough to remember this then you'll be ok.

    Reproduction only

    Dont try to figure them out because greater men than you and I have failed.

    Reproduction only

    your english is coming along just fine.


  10. #10
    Ok thx both spoon and thegorilla...

    I guess I have to go out tonight and see what´s happening


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Go for it, she should be ready tonight it sounds like. Keep us posted.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    dont waste your time trying to figure her out think about working on another piece of a$$

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Hey your english is coming along. Its a hard language! Here is a tip... u keep saying sow. Its not sow, its so. sow = so
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardcore_pb
    Spoon: sorry for that, can it be becasue I´m not sow good in english ?

    I´m trying to read and write alot sow I hope I will be better soon =)


  14. #14
    juicehoe: thx bro ! =) always good to get small tips about the language !

    I think I will go out tonight just talked to a friend of mine and he will come over and first we will se Kill Bill and then going out and se what we get

    And I hope she will be so on like she was tonight, if so it will be a nice night tonight

    I will let you now if anything happened, or maybe not


  15. #15
    End of story: I went out to the club meet the girl who was out with a gril from my class, strenuous because if we did something everyone should now it ! But nothing happened a big reason was my mate it dident feel good to do something "more" when she dance with us. Or ofcourse we was dancing a little bit naugthing But that was everything... later when we was on the dance floor some guys who knowed the girl came up and start dancing with her and like most girl she start dancing with them, funny how little attention some girls needs to dance with someone new

    Ok nothing to be sorry about I saw enough to now that this bitch just want attention, I did at least finish some dance with my mate and give her a hug then I walked away from the club. And if I now this girl right she will start talking to my I left without saying godbye to her and so on, I will say I dont like girls who just go out to get attention and we are done with each other. Maybe she will learn herself to just go for one guy at the night and not think she go for three and then pick someone in the end of the night.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Charm City
    too bad bro... most times you only have one shot.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    hey, that story was pretty make me least you know bitch !!

  18. #18
    yeah it was too bad but she only have one shot i dont care so much I dont have any feelings for here it was just someone I could have fun with

    So I think she is the one who feels sorry IF she wanted something to happened !


  19. #19
    story continue: haha I think I said end of story a little bit early becasue I talked to her today and I was the one who start the conversation not good but I blame on that I had so boring all my buddies was home and so off after their class party yesterday, okkk I now It was a bad excuse

    But we talked a for a while and a told her that I had boring, she should see some movie with a friend to her and she wanted me to come over and spend some time with her but I say no thx. how funny is it to watch a movie with a girl and her friend But I told her that we could do something some day when we both has boring, so now come on boys and girls and blame me because I dident ignore her


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money

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