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Thread: Ever been to obsessed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Ever been to obsessed?

    Im starting to think bodybuilding is become to big of a obsession for me.

    when I look back at this last 6 months I have done absolutely NOTHING except lift weights, think about lifting weights, read about dieting and plan my meals and dream of and planing my bulk cycle.

    Its not like Im totaly suffering from it cause I love lifting more then anything else! No place feels as much as home as the gym does

    But because of my obsession I have made no new friends at all since I moved here(I left my hometown last summer and started college in the town I now live in). I almost never party cause I hate alcohole and I dont like to do drugs more then 2-3 times a year and beeing out partying feels like a waste of time I could have spent eating and recovering instead.
    The problem is it seems like partying is the only thing "normal" people care about around here.

    I have no other hobby then lifting and the class Im in at uni sux big time. So how the hell am I suposed to meet new people

    Anyone know any good way of meeting people(girls especialy) WITHOUT getting drunk or spending time at some **** bar or club?
    Im a TOTAL lone wolf nowdays and I cant say I enjoy it, a trip back to my hometown 2 weeks ago made me realise just how **** much I miss having good friends around me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Im starting to think bodybuilding is become to big of a obsession for me.

    when I look back at this last 6 months I have done absolutely NOTHING except lift weights, think about lifting weights, read about dieting and plan my meals and dream of and planing my bulk cycle.

    Its not like Im totaly suffering from it cause I love lifting more then anything else! No place feels as much as home as the gym does

    But because of my obsession I have made no new friends at all since I moved here(I left my hometown last summer and started college in the town I now live in). I almost never party cause I hate alcohole and I dont like to do drugs more then 2-3 times a year and beeing out partying feels like a waste of time I could have spent eating and recovering instead.
    The problem is it seems like partying is the only thing "normal" people care about around here.

    I have no other hobby then lifting and the class Im in at uni sux big time. So how the hell am I suposed to meet new people

    Anyone know any good way of meeting people(girls especialy) WITHOUT getting drunk or spending time at some **** bar or club?
    Im a TOTAL lone wolf nowdays and I cant say I enjoy it, a trip back to my hometown 2 weeks ago made me realise just how **** much I miss having good friends around me
    I am in the same boat bro, but I am back in my hometown which is very small. I am old enough where all my friends have married off and have kids. I also am recently single and am trying to fing that nitch, I meet plenty of girls at like the grocery store the gas station the mall about anywhere, but meeting new friends in our game is tough

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    I am in the same boat bro, but I am back in my hometown which is very small. I am old enough where all my friends have married off and have kids. I also am recently single and am trying to fing that nitch, I meet plenty of girls at like the grocery store the gas station the mall about anywhere, but meeting new friends in our game is tough
    No kidding, true friends are not easily found.

    For some reason I dont get along so well with "regular" people either. I dont enjoy there company that much. I mostly only like the company of serious bb'ers(or pl'ers) or martial artists. Seems like bb'ers and people doing martial arts in general have a slightely different and more sic, brutal and perverted sense of humor that I appriciate alot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    ive been obssessed ever since i joined this site, i am obssessed with the way i look, what i eat and so on. i spend a huge chunk of cash on supplements etc. i look at my physique numerous times a day and people are starting to notice. i have even stopped going out starting this month to cut out alcohol completely. what can i say:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    ive been obssessed ever since i joined this site, i am obssessed with the way i look, what i eat and so on. i spend a huge chunk of cash on supplements etc. i look at my physique numerous times a day and people are starting to notice. i have even stopped going out starting this month to cut out alcohol completely. what can i say:

    Where I live there really isnt any b'b or p liftes we are a backwards state, spoon can I have the # of the girl in your avatar she's f'n hot bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    Where I live there really isnt any b'b or p liftes we are a backwards state, spoon can I have the # of the girl in your avatar she's f'n hot bro

    thanks bro, yes she's a looker anyway as far as being obssessed is, the most criticism ive ever received is for logging in my daily calories/intake of food. when i do it in the office, my friends comment that i am such a hard worker for computing profits during lunch time. if only they knew what i was computing

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Johan, just because you are obsessed with the gym, MA and strongman stuff doesn't mean you can't go to the parties and clubs to pick up women. Not everybody at a party is f'd up and if you go often enough you will find a lil sweetie, I guarantee it. There are always others who aren't into the party scene that turn out just to meet people.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I know what you mean about trouble meeting women if you dont drink and party but you're in college. You've got options like meeting girls in class or getting a new job for a month meeting all the girls there, quitting, then finding a new one and doing it again. Its good to be obsessed, it means you found something that you love, which most people cant find.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ok my friend this is no joke. Get on yahoo personals. Put up a pic.

    Bro I garentee you that you will have some wome lined up for real. A buddy at my gym told me the same thing last summer, I didnt beleive him. Its a DAYMN gold mine. Bro i have had about 6 or 7 dates and got tail from about 3 of them. You are making a big mistake if you dont.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    Johan, just because you are obsessed with the gym, MA and strongman stuff doesn't mean you can't go to the parties and clubs to pick up women. Not everybody at a party is f'd up and if you go often enough you will find a lil sweetie, I guarantee it. There are always others who aren't into the party scene that turn out just to meet people.
    I dont enjoy beeing at clubs and parties much to be honest but yeah your right it sure is a easy place to meet people. But for some reason I have alot of troubble aproaching people in clubs and parties. More then anywhere else and in clubs the music is often so loud that conversations is impossible and I absolutely HATE to dance

    Quote Originally Posted by medic23
    I know what you mean about trouble meeting women if you dont drink and party but you're in college. You've got options like meeting girls in class or getting a new job for a month meeting all the girls there, quitting, then finding a new one and doing it again. Its good to be obsessed, it means you found something that you love, which most people cant find.
    The jobs might be a good idea, thanks bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurePower
    ok my friend this is no joke. Get on yahoo personals. Put up a pic.

    Bro I garentee you that you will have some wome lined up for real. A buddy at my gym told me the same thing last summer, I didnt beleive him. Its a DAYMN gold mine. Bro i have had about 6 or 7 dates and got tail from about 3 of them. You are making a big mistake if you dont.
    Yahoo isnt so popular here in sweden but we have similar sites. Have acctualy gotten a few dates cause of that site but never anything worthwile

    What kind of social hobbys unrelated to sports is popular nowdays? I dont care what it is as long as its pretty fun and a chanse to meet people.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    ya meet good girls in school... always.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    haha take some home economics classes, go take a really low math course. hot chicks seem to be there all the time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    any psychology course is full of the snapper

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    any psychology course is full of the snapper
    Great quote!


  15. #15
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Im obsessed also.. food, weights, training and aas is all i talk and think about .. lol.. and dance.. but I guess that falls under cardio!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Im obsessed also.. food, weights, training and aas is all i talk and think about .. lol.. and dance.. but I guess that falls under cardio!
    Dont you(and anyone else that is truly obsessed) feel that its a shame to live that narowly minded?
    Dont get me wrong I love to live a life centered around lifting and growing, but I think that if I 5 years from now look back and notice that I have done nothing else then lift and eat, not giving a **** about anything else I would be disapointed with myself. theres got to be more to life then lifting and having a few hobbies on the side cant possibly hurt muscle gains.

    Right now I have no life, my days look like this, I go to uni(or well I wont be doing that this coming year cause Im going to take a study break and work), I come home, go to the gym. Then I eat a couple of times do cardio and surf the boards or watch tv and thats how EVERY day of EVERY week looks like except the days I dont lift, those are even more boring and the weekends I spend watching movies I have downloaded. Some weeks when I have no school I can go without having even one singel conversation with anyone(not couting online offcourse)!!
    Worse is that the people I have meet and gotten to know a bit so far is not at all my kind of persons. I can hang with them when partying a couple of times a year and chitchat a bit with them betwen lectures, but I cant se myself spending any other time with them.

    So Im all out of idea on where I can meet and get to know interesting people(not only females)and its a shame cause back in my hometown I almost never spent any day alone. Always hanging with friends, laughing my ass of and having a good time. **** I miss that and most of all I miss laughing
    Feels like Im TOTALY wasting my life sitting here alone infront of the god **** tv or computer not doing anything worthwhile except lifting. Im going ****ing nuts but I dont know what to do cause partying is not the solution for me. I have totaly lost the ability to find friends and I have no social skills at all. Its almost phatetic

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    at american universities there are a lot of clubs, fraternities, intermural sports that even include weight lifting. if you look into your university im sure you will find a club or group of people who you can meet and relate to. if not start a weightlifting club. i watch plenty strongman contests and they're never lacking in scandinavians so im sure you could get plenty of people to join..just a few suggestions. good luck

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by SAUCYgator
    at american universities there are a lot of clubs, fraternities, intermural sports that even include weight lifting. if you look into your university im sure you will find a club or group of people who you can meet and relate to. if not start a weightlifting club. i watch plenty strongman contests and they're never lacking in scandinavians so im sure you could get plenty of people to join..just a few suggestions. good luck
    Unfortunaly almost all of the clubs here are either about drinking or music. But starting my own lifting club thats one hell of a idea bro! Thanks.

    Something Im gonna have to do next fall when I get back to studying

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    johann, not to hijack at all, but i see you are in europe, respond to my eurail thread i started today if u can... thnx.
    oh, and by the way, if you're lookin for girls, you can always go to, nothin' but good luck, and i have seen some pretty girls from sweden on there!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The way I see it is I'm working my ass of now and missing out on a few things once in awhile to make my future better... What I mean by that is, if I'm 20 pounds heavier and 5% BF lower, I can attract a more attractive girl than if I wasnt. Its all about quality and how bad you want it. I can "date" a girl or mess around with her if she's less than perfect but i don't "go out" with a girl unless she is like.. immaculate. I have too god d@mn high standards. So, I guess I just have to bring myself up to the standards of someone like that. When i'm railing a girl that looks like she could be on the cover of cosmo then all the sets reps and meals will be worth it.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 06-06-2004 at 02:14 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States
    I used to be a regular at one bar, kinda like Norm in Cheers. I would get at least one girl a week from that bar easy. Now that I found this site, I can't even think or talk about anything but weights, food, my cycle. I haven't been to a bar in a month since I started this. Needless to say I could use a slump buster about now also. I don't miss it at all. I like the way I feel and look at lot more than I did when I drank three times a week.

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