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Thread: Family/Relationship Problems - caused by AAS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Family/Relationship Problems - caused by AAS?

    Does anyone have any family members that actively try to convince/bother/worry about your AAS usage? my mom found a few bottles of test I had lying around and she flipped, saying im going to get a heart attack and possibly die, while she smokes a pack a day.....

    basically what im saying... does anyone have to deal with people constantly judging them for using AAS, even though its your own choice, constantly telling them the ill effects, and the risks/death/disease that is involved with it...... while the whole time remaining compleltly ignorant of the subject

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    My bad..When i saw the title of this post i thought it was some dumb rant about steroids, roid-rage and their effects on family

    Yea i HAVE experienced some arguements.. Not wid roids tho...(my mum knows nothing about those..besides i keep em in a special 'bag')...She did flip when she found my injectable B12 in the fridge... or overheard me talking about insulin(which i have stashed in a supplement bottle in the same fridge) or when i tried to source cytomel from my aunt(her sister) who's a nurse.

    Talked a lot of ish about injection dangers and failing drug tests, about atheletes not needing to 'cheat'.She questions why i'd get into a 'health-sport' to do 'unhealthy' things.Sometimes i wish she and others would take the time to research(as i do).. and get a clue.

    Whenever a guy here fails a drug test i get phone calls, text messages or some other form of communication telling me ish or giving advice about not using gear from the uninformed; those that couldn't tell you the name or effect of a steroid to save their lives.Heck, the ignorance about roids is so deep that when a guy asks me what supps he should take to put on size he ends it by saying "i don't wanna take no steroids tho..." or "does this have in steroids?" I was mixing a powder at work and a customer told me hoped i wasn't mixing any steroids...I got pissed and asked him just WHAT a steroid was...Idiot din't even know...

    ~End of Rant~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    exactly what im saying....... the ignorance goes soo deep and soo in depth and most people are blind, even if I presented people with scientific studies that prove their opinions wrong they will say " steriods are horrible, your going to die".......... the ignorance runs soo deep its amazing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    be better at hiding your ****, and if your living at home with your parents, are you old enough to juice?(not being a dick) u need to wait till your 22ish, and if you are...move out..

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