just curious...any pot heads here who know of a goood detox product? i have a drug test coming up soon, i need to know of something that actually works...
just curious...any pot heads here who know of a goood detox product? i have a drug test coming up soon, i need to know of something that actually works...
Tyler's Detox
But not saying that i smoke
Adulthood and responsibility.
yeah thanks...Originally Posted by bdtr
can you buy it at a supplement store?Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
bwhahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaOriginally Posted by bdtr
Yeah. You can get it online. I know that. I have never bought/used it but i know a lot of people who have. Use that and drink a lot of water.
Hey Lil Vito is that Whitey Bulger in your avatar pic? Why?
Also Ive seen friends take charcoal pills and I've heard you can take sure-gel made for canning stuff its found in all grocery stores. Drink lots of water.
Also Exercise and sweat like hell. Good Luck.
Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!Originally Posted by bdtr
People say gnc stuff works what there I dont know. I think herbelclean might be one brand. Also I hear its not cheap.
well vito.... urineluck.com
i used to smoke about 3 joints a day...I had to pass a drug test to get my job , so i called a drug rehab and told them my story.
He said it takes 7-14 days depending on how much you smoke and how potent it is.thats naturally .
I drank as much water as i could every day....and i mean no slacking!!Also chugged a gAllon on the way there so it was a ton of water i was pissing.
I passed in 6 days...take it for what its worth
tons and tons of water added to any detox thing u take. Ive gone both ways with it. Once i passed and once i failed.
Urine test...a couple of weeks of non use. If it's blood or hair analysis...you're f'ed.
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