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Thread: Shinsplints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Woodlands TX


    Here is my deal, I was jsut curious if anyone has had really bad shinsplints and what you did to get rid of them.... Im already on Vioxx (50mg a day) and I ice 3x a day... they just get progressively worse and worse... If I wasnt a college track athlete I would just take some time off but I cant. Im gonna go to the doc next week and see if orthodics would help... If anyone out there has any suggestion I would love to hear it!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    Orthotics and a better shoe is what it took to get rid of mine. I tried all of the exercises suggested and still no dice. The fact that I weigh over 255lbs doesn't help, but still orthotics has them nearly curred. Some advice that I can give you that was given to me by the specialist.

    In a shoe,
    1. Always look for a solid arch.
    2. Try to find a shoe that either has a steel shank in it or has no separation between the heel and toe section (was told that lack of this would promote pronation (twisting in your step) and also cause buckling in the arch area.
    3. Find a shoe that does not sit completely flat when sitting on a level surface. The shoe should be both rounded off at the heel and the toe to promote more of a role to your step rather than a digging in of your heel and a stomp.
    4. Make sure to have good support around the area of the heel so it doesn't slide back and forth with each step.

    There were a couple of others that I can't remember off hand, but I'm sure that your orthopedic specialist will

    The shoe that I found that met all of these categories was the Brooks Beast. It was rated as one of the Best running shoes for the money. This combined with a custom insert should all but cure your shin splints.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Woodlands TX
    Thanks for the info!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good advice BRM I have suffered on and off for years but never really do anything about it guess I should

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Keep off treadmills and dont run.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Good suggestions, i'm like you big tex that due to work, i have to run(mainly on roads), Although im not convinced that i have shin splints, rather my anterior ankle flexor(just on the outside of your shin bone) pumps up so bad that it causes me severe pain. This only seems to occur when i run on hard surfaces though. maybe its time to see the foot doctor...........

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