Originally Posted by
I completely agree. It nauseates me when someone reads the front page of their local "unbiased" newspaper and/or listens to a 30 minute political radio program and assumes that they are now well-informed. This is almost as bad as MTV's BS "rock the vote" crap.....your voice counts......."get out and vote". BS! You're 18, and you live at home and work at Wendy's. Don't vote, you know nothing. Your vote is less than meaningless, it's harmful. It's your right to vote, but it's your responsibility to make an educated decision if you choose to exercise this right. I don't want some punk kid casting his vote based on the canned opinions he was spoon-fed by the head cashier over there at Wendy's.
All that said, I've never voted, and I never will. It's not nearly as important as people portray it to be. I roll my eyes at the pople that can recite, ad nauseum, trivial facts about political candidates, yet know nothing about themselves, friends, family, etc. Do me a favor people, and do away with the superficial political back-and-forths at the smalltown cafes (and everywhere else in this country), and go live your life. YOU have, by far, the biggest impact on your life. Gov't plays a very minor role, and that role doesn't change to any appreciable degree, based on who lives in the White House. So, what? Your taxes went up a few %.....big deal....why spend 8 hours/day bitchin' about it? Live your life....do something with your life besides wallowing in your bitter resentment over the choices you've made (or not made). Get a **** weekend paper route to offset the 2% wage change if it's that big of a deal. If YOU take full advantage of your life and potential, there isn't anything gov't can do to you that has any real significance.