we have to make up for the busted people out there.
If he gave me a great physique I would,nt be working out busting my balls off trying to look better![]()
JMO Billy![]()
well, He surely didnt give me mine. I had to work quite hard for it. What He did do was to give me the ability to train hard and the knowlege of how to make the best of what he did give me and for that Im very gratefull!
i think that all the people on this board should applaud themselfs.
I think that we all live a different kind of life then the normal man, my girlfriend tells me that i am obsessed with this passion.
I think that we all on the board are too, and a lot of people will be jalous of use, becose they dont have the determination we have to go to the gym, 4-5-6 times a week, work hard and we dont make a penny out of this.
I have been training since i was 13 years old and god didnt give me any good gens to start with.
I remember a guy at golds gym taking my mesurement for a mass program, i was 17 at that time i should have kept the card
here where my stats
i was 5 feet 9 inch and 158 pounds, my arms where big 13 1/2 inch pips WOW, my legs where 20 inch, i was really skinny.
Everybody i knew just kept putting me down that it didnt show that i was training, i should give up.......
Well i never did, and i build myslef a good physique, now behing 5feet 10 inch and 210 pounds (getting the fat off), i still see these people and they are fat fucks now.
Everybody has its stories to train, but the all look pertty much the same, we have to lift, feel the pump.
A lot of people will accuse you of horrible things, well who cars if a guy or gal is on steroids, i took them and you still have to work you ass of to get good gains and to keep them afterwards.
Its a constant battle, but i guess that we are warriors, i have been training for near 15 years now and i still dont like my physique.
My diet isnt quit right but i admit that i letted myself go.
Wanna thank everybody for helping me with my lacks on supplement knowlege and diet.
Wanna wish good luck to all and remeber that even if god didnt bless us with genetics, we have the courage to go out everyday and train are asses of to look better
YHWH gave us the ABILITY to create and apprecaite the physical. that is a good thing huh.
God gave me a bag of shite!
I did this, no one but me and some bloody hard work and a whole lot of sacrifice.
Blood and Guts...............DIESEL!
Big Al
Bag of what? Shite...It's not what you're born with, it's what you do with it that matters...Amen!
He gave me jack...i'm just trying to add a little "ed"
if he gave me phisyque i must have mis placed it in my other jacket cause i cant find that shit anywhere
A friend of mine (Sanchez) used to say, "If God didn't intend for men to be gay, he wouldn't have made them so good-looking!"
And he'd say, "I don't have anything against women. I think they should have an island all to themselves."
Me . . . I think we've got what we got so we can enjoy what we got before what we got gets up and goes.
Those who were given physiques by nature or god will never come close to comprehending the immense pleasure of improving upon a creation that seemingly cursed them. Those of you with better than average genetics will never appreciate the strength in the drive of those who weren't allowed your attributes.
Hear hear to the bros who said "God didn't give me squat!"
I also got a load of crud from god, I got the genetics of a swine, I just look at tasty food and get fat, I worked my arse off to get what I got.
Hmm...I wouldn't say he really GAVE us good physiques...We EARNED our physiques... He gave us one another, to help each other out. Some guys on here are still earning their physiques...
For me, I was totally fat. And i'm not talkin a lil chubby, i mean ****in FAT. Now i've put on bulk, got rid of alot of fat, and when spring comes i'll probably be extremely ripped...
I wonder why God let's murder happen sometimes however.... Maybe when He rested, He should havee worked on human compassion...
There must be balance in the world. What would define "ugly" without a few of us beautiful people out here?![]()
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