He recently broke up with his gf who had problems and basically, long story short, he convinced himself she wasn't full of **** about everything she said because she was hot and when he couldn't deny the truth anymore he had to let go. Anyways, he met a hot girl who works at the tanning salon he goes to and she told him she would be at this bar tonight. So he asked me to go and I said I would help him out. Anyways, we ran into her and her friend and had a few drinks with them. As soon as I heard the word "ex-girlfriend" come out of his mouth, I could see the whole thing going downhill fast. I was going to kick him in the shin at that point to shut him the **** up but didn't, which was a mistake. He ended up bringing his ex up again and that was when the friend pointed out that he's obviously not over the girl. What a ****ing half-wit. He also always makes a point of almost leading with the question, "Do you smoke?" He won't even date a smoker is the thing, so he figures he'll ask right off the bat rather than risk wasting his time. I tried to explain to him that a question like that gives a lot about him away, most noteably the fact that he is looking for a RELATIONSHIP and much less a relaxed encounter with a stranger. Too strong, too fast I you ask me. I have my own kinks to work out in my own game but at least appearing too interested is not one of them. My problem is staying focused long enough to get anything accomplished. Tomorrow night he'll have to play wingman to me and I can show him all knew ways to blow it with a girl before you even score.