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Thread: Feeling depressed as hell

  1. #1

    Feeling depressed as hell

    I'm feeling depressed as hell all day today to the point of taking a gun and blowing my brians out. I think its got to do with me going to a titty bar last night. I hate those places. Made me think of my ex gf who I was madly in love with and who was perfect for me and then I moved and things went to shti and now she is a compeltely differnet person and we will NEVER talk again and never get back and I cant find anyone and then I bought a ****ing house and now I want to goto law school and cant because I gotta pay for the ****ing house and ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just feeling like ****. Someone cheer me up.
    Last edited by butterface; 06-20-2004 at 11:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Dude, we had a similar night. Read my post on the forum about partied hard last night.

  3. #3
    Yeah I read it. Your problem is you get too much pussy, mine is I dont get any.

  4. #4
    haha ok I made my self laugh, i'm little happier now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    No way brother, I am married. I get zero pussy, not even from the wife. But I wish I was getting pussy, after being with my Woman for 8 years and married for just two I have no game unless I am drunk. It is a double edged sword though cause when I am drunk I never go for it, I just am to caught up in having a good time. When I am sober all I want is the pussy but lack the liquor to get me to speak up.

  6. #6
    haha now thats funny. Why no pussy from the wife? Whats sad is there was a case few years ago of some guy screwing his wife when she didnt wanna have sex and repeated said now and he got convicted of rape. Now thats just sad. If my wife wasnt giving me sex i'd use some roofies or wait till she is fast asleep and bone her.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Dude, we all get depressed man. I alway's said that a Woman is a very powerful drug, and if you let them they will tear your head apart. Maybe it's because the weekend is over and today is Sunday, I get really depressed feeling on Sunday's for some reason. Don't go to the tittie bar's if your wanting to hook up, all those bitches want is your Benjamins. **** those bitches, keep your head up chief - it'll pass........

  8. #8
    not to hook up just cause i hadnt seen pussy in a few months. and I dont give those girls time of day, They make me sick. I just needed to see some tits. Problem is tattoed slut pussy doesnt cheer me up. Didnt help that this titty bar was full of fat chicks with C-sections scars and stretch marks and guts. GROSS!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Bro i'm heaps sorry to hear about your situation ,i was was in a simular situation about my ex gf,she had totally changed into a different person aswell ,it's my fault that we spilt up in the first place but i seen her again a few weeks back and she had totally changed.

    i keep on thinking that she would have been the ideal gf,and i always thought about her long after we spilt up but i guess life moves on.
    and don't stress that you will never find someone else they come along when u leat expect it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Quote Originally Posted by butterface
    Yeah I read it. Your problem is you get too much pussy, mine is I dont get any.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Yea, it is sad man. She is gorgeous but for some reason we both haven't been sexually intimate like we should. We both love each other but always find some excuse not to do it. Yes it is really ate up man, we may go see a counselor to find out what deal is.

  12. #12
    Just give it to her real hard one night. Put some candles out make some dinner waiting for her when she gets home. Tell her how much you love her. Then take her to the bed room and give it to her real hard. Or if you want call me over and I'll give it to her. Tell her not to worry it will be real quick and painless she wont feel a thing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Well acording to Fox News you must be depressed from Steroid usage

    Just do us all a favor and don't kill yourself so we don't have another story for them to shove in our face.

    We have all had days like this, just forget about that b*tch and stop looking for a new one, when you are ready for a new one in your life she will find you. You'll find happiness when you stop looking for it


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Yea man I'll give you a call the next time she want's to strap on a dildo and stick it some dudes ass really hard. You prob wouldn't feel it.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by gatein
    Yea man I'll give you a call the next time she want's to strap on a dildo and stick it some dudes ass really hard. You prob wouldn't feel it.

    haha, dude i havent gotten any play in a while so dont tempt me.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    My advice would be to stay away from the strip club. Most of the girls there have serious issues and drug problems. Forget about women for a while and focus on your training and diet. When you least expect it you will meet someone. The hard times will pass, I promise.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Pocahontas
    My advice would be to stay away from the strip club. Most of the girls there have serious issues and drug problems. Forget about women for a while and focus on your training and diet. When you least expect it you will meet someone. The hard times will pass, I promise.

    Whats up Houston girl Me Houston too LOL

    Yeah I know about the strip clubs. Its obvious the girls are drugged up. Saw one girl last night looking nasty and fat with C-section scars pissy drunk and stoned falling on her ass repatedly on stage and laughing hysterically and trying to spread her legs and looking stupid as hell. It was one pathetic sight. The girls there were so ugly I had to look away most of the time and when they looked at me in the face wanting me to tip them I would have to apologize. Last time I went was about 2 and a half years ago in college and I hated it then too. I never go but someone wanted to go and I hadnt seen a tit in ages so I agreed. Knowing that I would hate it and feel like crap coming out.
    Last edited by butterface; 06-21-2004 at 12:24 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    My girlfriend of two years told me a few days ago she was "unhappy" and wanted to split. Talk about a sucker punch out of right field. Fock man I thought we were doing good. I think in her case "unhappy" means unhappy with my sausage and happy with another. haha

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    dude i've been with a girl for two and a half years then all of a sudden she told me she was gay and wanted out.. this transpired in 2 hours.. Just imagine the blow to my ego with that one.. and im not even going to talk about the pain i felt when she left me..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by butterface
    haha, dude i havent gotten any play in a while so dont tempt me.
    LMFAO!!!!! that was great

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    the amount of pussy you get doesnt make you a man bro, doing the right thing does. paying for your house instead of lettin the bank recoop it... that makes u a man

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    yep same sorta thing happened with me

    2 some odd years .. me and her broke up.

    3 months ago I met a chick better in every way who loves "it"

    we just did a blumpkin lastnight .. welll sorta


    anyways, you'll find what chu need man. Dont let women control you man. I have my x calling me now. I dont care though, so .. not to worry dude. DONT STRESS. CHICKS LOVE A DUDE WITH HIS OWN HOUSE AND SOME GOALS IN LIFE. Go get em, show her what she lost!!

    you dah MAN!

    OMG new chick just called while typing .... SEE, there all physic witches man!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    when my gf broke up with me 2 years ago, i was pretty depressed for a year. stereotypical **** like thinking i'll never find anyone like her again, etc. then i got into bodybuilding, that cheered me up. i liked how all my friends admired my hard work, etc. then i got a new gf and i must say, she's 3x better than my old one...=) she made me realized that my old one actually sucked and that my old gf is actually a terrible person (i realized by comparison).

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    when my gf broke up with me 2 years ago, i was pretty depressed for a year. stereotypical **** like thinking i'll never find anyone like her again, etc. then i got into bodybuilding, that cheered me up. i liked how all my friends admired my hard work, etc. then i got a new gf and i must say, she's 3x better than my old one...=) she made me realized that my old one actually sucked and that my old gf is actually a terrible person (i realized by comparison).


    its odd how when you go thru that thinkin .. you know that its wrong .. you know that it will pass .... and then your getting thru it .. and she calls .. like they know.

    But, like you said the new one, makes you see how rotten the old one is.

    The cheese is old and mouldy.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    when my gf broke up with me 2 years ago, i was pretty depressed for a year. stereotypical **** like thinking i'll never find anyone like her again, etc. then i got into bodybuilding, that cheered me up. i liked how all my friends admired my hard work, etc. then i got a new gf and i must say, she's 3x better than my old one...=) she made me realized that my old one actually sucked and that my old gf is actually a terrible person (i realized by comparison).

    Yeah I already know the ex kinda sucked and leeched off me but she was FINE AS ****!!!!!! hahahaha **** I just miss the pussy man. She had a fitness model physique, I taught her everything I knew about nutrition and working out and she followed it perfectly and just looked awesome. I guess i'm just sick of fat chicks all around me who dont give a **** about their diet or about working out. I need a girl that goes to the gym and worksout with me again, I guess thats what I really miss.

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