I love listening to what ignorant people have to say... First off, my friend's mom thinks that creatine and amino acids are steroids that cause cancer and once he stops working out all that muscle will turn to fat. Hmm..... he then proceeded to tell her that creatine is in steak, and so are amino acids, so i guess she's doing steroids also. Godd@mn people think that everything that helps you along with your goals is a steroid, wether it be creatine, aminos, protein shakes, you name it. They don't know anything about a subject so they immediately think its bad and reject it. Ignorance is bliss i guess. I think people are muscle-phobic these days.
Then there's a guy I work with who hasnt seen me in a while and said "dude, are you on steroids?" I said "not yet" and he said "youre an idiot if you even think about it, they can kill you man." Then, as the night went on, he proceeded to tell me every single rumor there is about steroids. "They lower sperm count.. your dick will get small. You have to stay on them all the time to keep the muscles. You get fat afterwards" Didn't listen to a word I said even though I've researched on this site for probably 300+ hours, and told him that post cycle will make everything better. GOD I hate ignorant people. After I juice i'm just going to say its something off the wall like vitamin B3 or something. I wonder if that's a "steroid" too.