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Look barbie, Blake!
I don't know what form of enjoyment you take in making threats on a message board to people who aren't even taking part in your Bull Sh!t, however, I have given you NO ****ing cause to attack me nor my husband just because I wouldn't pay attention to you in the way in which you wanted, granted I never told you flat out to grab the seat of your pants and go jump in the first Lake you came to and I tried really hard to befriend you because you seem very lost and in need of a friend.
But that's the kind of person I am, I am nice to everyone untill they give me reason not to be! Which you did!!! So I have made not one singal responce to you sense you were ask to leave me alone, why must I be brought up in your constant rubbish, and trash talking of other board members?
Just because I don't like you, and wish nothing to do with you that gives you the right to play GOD judge and jury and bring me down along with others for something I don't even do??
That;s really sad little boy, and last time I checked your uncle robyn was just a city cop not a dea agent, but if it helps you to think so, whatever floats your boat, just be carefull of slander and threats and harrasment, as you aren't the only one with some pull in the police force, some of us just don't boast about it as much as you.
Do you recall what happend to the last nark who got busted in Middlesboro??
Now kindly forget you ever met me and stop bringing me into your stupid games, as I have no patients nor concern as to what excuse or threats you make, and being as you're so bad and all you know where I am come and get me little man, I'm not worried one bit! In fact I dare ya, but first I'd advice you to sprout a dick and grow some balls before you try!!!
So sorry to be so brash guys/gals but I've had enough of his childish temper tantrums!