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  1. #1
    bad_man's Avatar
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    What's a rusty trombone?

    Would you go to Athens?

    If you were an Olympic athlete, what would you be thinking about going to Athens at this point? Given the state of the world and the fact that they are WAY behind schedule, I think it's a definite that some bad $hit is going to happen over there.

    If you were a top athlete in your sport, would you still feel comfortable going?
    What if you had no chance of winning a medal?
    What if you were a pro like an NBA player?
    What if your son or daughter was the athlete, would feel comfortable sending them?

    I know I'd be scared as hell going over there.

  2. #2
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Would they dare attack a stadium? Right now the terrorists and the US are in the main battle. Kill a bunch of other nationalities...and their respective countries join the war on terror. The terrorists would be opening a huge bag of whoop ass upon themselves.

    Then again...those savages have never been accused of being smart.

  3. #3
    bad_man's Avatar
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    Al Quaeda and other extremist groups oppose the "western" way of life. Do you know what he birthplace of democracy is? Greece. It would be a very symbolic attack.

  4. #4
    Elliot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad_man
    Al Quaeda and other extremist groups oppose the "western" way of life. Do you know what he birthplace of democracy is? Greece. It would be a very symbolic attack.

    i dont think thier that deep..

  5. #5
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad_man
    Al Quaeda and other extremist groups oppose the "western" way of life. Do you know what he birthplace of democracy is? Greece. It would be a very symbolic attack.

    yep...i wouldn't want to go but i don't think it would be enough after the amount of training they do...i have the video South Paw...about Francis Barret and he fought in Alanta even though he came from a hard lifestyle....very moving...i don't think anything would have come between him and his dream...

  6. #6
    bad_man's Avatar
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL
    yep...i wouldn't want to go but i don't think it would be enough after the amount of training they do...i have the video South Paw...about Francis Barret and he fought in Alanta even though he came from a hard lifestyle....very moving...i don't think anything would have come between him and his dream...
    That's what I was thinking. If it was me, I'd go but I'd be scared as hell. If it was my son (I'm not old enough to have a son that age yet) or daughter, I'd be even more scared. If I was an NBA player, I'd say screw it, I'll stay home and watch you guys on TV.

  7. #7
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    I tip my hat to Kobe.....what incredible foresight on his part

  8. #8
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    My biggest fear would be the greek men...god forbid i dropped something and had to pick it up. ..Then again,there are some on this board that would welcome such and encounter**cough*mass***cough,cough**rambo**

  9. #9
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    something bad is going to happen. greece is pretty much in the middle east and i swear those wackos get off on getting headlines

  10. #10
    saboudian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad_man
    If you were an Olympic athlete, what would you be thinking about going to Athens at this point? Given the state of the world and the fact that they are WAY behind schedule, I think it's a definite that some bad $hit is going to happen over there.

    If you were a top athlete in your sport, would you still feel comfortable going?
    What if you had no chance of winning a medal?
    What if you were a pro like an NBA player?
    What if your son or daughter was the athlete, would feel comfortable sending them?

    I know I'd be scared as hell going over there.
    Thats a very good question, if i was that hardcore of an athlete to get the chance to go, i don't see how i could say no. Unless i was a basketball player, then i'd say fvck it. I think alot of the BBall players are simply saying no, not only for security, but I think alot of them are just looking forward to the offseason. And of course if you know most aren't going anyways, why bother.

    I think security is gonna be a big deal especially with things running behind, this would certainly leave at least some things unchecked or things left open as they rush to get things done, and the US's current role in the world is a biggie as mentioned.

  11. #11
    saboudian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    i dont think thier that deep..
    Are you serious? Do you think they attacked the WTCs because they just wanted to kill a bunch of ppl? It was purely symbolic, the fact that some ppl were killed was not the point. They could have just have easily targeted nuclear plants, can you imagine how many would have died had 3-4 nuclear plants been destroyed?

  12. #12
    Soldier of Misfortune's Avatar
    Soldier of Misfortune is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    i dont think THEY'RE that deep..
    Dude, those people in the middle eastern countries are like 25 years behind in technology for the most part. I am reminded of Eurotrip when the crew meets that one dude in Croatia or Slavia and his car was painted like the General Lee from Dukes of Hazard. He thought that show was brand new. Granted thats just a show, but thats how far behind they are, Mid east even further. Most of them dont have TV so thats about 55 years behind the US. They hate the US for being better and gloating about it. We are only there becuase they have oil. If we were going to try to stop every war that is going on, then why are we not in Africa where at any given time there are 100 civil wars going on throughout the continent? Because all they have is elephants, killer bees, and deserts w/ no oil in em. So why would our govt care? I got off subject a bit but the al queda fags are pissed at us for invading thier homeland. (yes they dont deserve capitalization because they killed my bros in arms.) And if theres a bunch of westerners basically in thier backyard, my guess would be they are planning something.

  13. #13
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    I would go, not even a question.

  14. #14
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I wouldn't go, but could you imagine the pharmacy sales they'll be having

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    I wouldn't go, but could you imagine the pharmacy sales they'll be having
    I'm sure the token Canadian olympian spot is already filled anyway.

  16. #16
    worldknown's Avatar
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    do you guys even know all the security that they will be having? I know for a fac that nothing will happen, and im hell of sure there istn gonna be any airplanes crashing into it. I think the security is gonna be so tight so id be willing to go hell yah. Dont lose faith in the USA!

  17. #17
    Prime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    I would go, not even a question.
    At the atlanta olympics there was a study amongst the atheletes. One of the q's was "if you could take a pill that would make you win but you would die 2 years later would you take it?" 70% said yes.
    Most olympic atheletes have been training their whole lives to win a gold. If most are willing to take experimental drugs like thg and masking agents so they can win, im sure this risk wont be considered particularly large. JMO
    Not saying all do take drugs but look at the chinese female swimmers form the past!!!

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