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Thread: I was caught with Steroids ...bad story!!!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So. Cal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Not to mention if he is so stretched for money he is posting questions in the Steroid Questions forum how to use all this different gear he has.
    Hey man, i'm not a liar, it is one of the things that I hate most about people! So DO NOT call me one please. Yes I talked to a lawer and he said the whole thing I went through sounded bogus too, so I was weirded out by it all. But none the less, it still happened exactly like I said it. Also, yea I got a bottle of d-bols from a bro for almost nothing. So I grabbed a few bucks and bought em. Also, thank you for going out of your way to make everybody on the site think I am a mother ****er! So if you dont like me or think i'm a liar that's fine, just don't believe what I have to say, but I have no reason to lie. If you dont believe me after this I will personally fax or send you the papers I got and everything else that I got so that you will believe me. It is important to me that you and everybody do not think I am a lying bitch. thanks...and lemme know about the papers.
    Last edited by C.K.; 07-04-2004 at 04:59 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So. Cal.
    Look everybody, I didn't become a member to lie and be a complete idiot for attention. I became a member to get information, get advice, and give advice on lifting and steroids. I have better things to do than lie since I, as you now see, only have access to a computer maybe like twice a month due to what happened. I have never been in this much trouble, and didnt know what was going on at the time, but now I realize that a good amount of it seems bogus. I sat down and had a chat with a criminal defense lawer and he said it might just have been a scam, but all did happen just like I said. I even had to go and get myself a second night job as a bouncer at a club! **** does suck, and maybe I just should not have posted this thread to explain what happened! Thanks a bunch.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Bouncing is great fun,

    also, if your strapped for cash, look at selling drugs, working in a club you'll want to stock up on alot of e-bombs and coke. Or alternatively drop of a resume at your local crackshack - just an idea

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Bouncing is great fun,

    also, if your strapped for cash, look at selling drugs, working in a club you'll want to stock up on alot of e-bombs and coke. Or alternatively drop of a resume at your local crackshack - just an idea
    WTF are you talking about... Good info none the less.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    WTF are you talking about... Good info none the less.
    Good advice

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    is this the proline guy

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So. Cal.
    Everybody, just to keep those of you that believe me informed, I just got a letter in the mail telling me that I actually have 10 more days to pay up. so I got the money togather from a loan, and payed it. I also got the papers I got togather so that I can try to post them up or somthing when i get the proper equipment, so that you all can see....and believe me.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by C.K.
    Everybody, just to keep those of you that believe me informed, I just got a letter in the mail telling me that I actually have 10 more days to pay up. so I got the money togather from a loan, and payed it. I also got the papers I got togather so that I can try to post them up or somthing when i get the proper equipment, so that you all can see....and believe me.
    I am glad all is going well and I am glad to know someone so special they revamped the entire legal system for him.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    You've shared you point of view now please kindly STFU and let the rest of us get on with this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I am glad all is going well and I am glad to know someone so special they revamped the entire legal system for him.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    I don't f'ing know why you have to f'ing talk to f'ing me like f'ing that.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom

    Thumbs down

    Quoting me out of context? What's with that?

    So far you have over a dozen posts in this thread and only a couple of which are legit and not complete crappola or intentioal hijacking. CK is sharing his story, which you feel it is BS based on your experience and knowledge, which is fine but I see no need for you to continue to pollute this thread with a dozen or more meaningless posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I don't f'ing know why you have to f'ing talk to f'ing me like f'ing that.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    Quoting me out of context? What's with that?

    So far you have over a dozen posts in this thread and only a couple of which are legit and not complete crappola or intentioal hijacking. CK is sharing his story, which you feel it is BS based on your experience and knowledge, which is fine but I see no need for you to continue to pollute this thread with a dozen or more meaningless posts.
    IMHO The only pollution on this thread is the very first post, but I see your point. Peace.......

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So. Cal.
    Lozgod, i'm sorry you feel that way, I offered to fax you the papers they gave me to prove t but you never responded. Its all good, i'll just get on with everything. thanks guys, i'll keep you all informed.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by C.K.
    Lozgod, i'm sorry you feel that way, I offered to fax you the papers they gave me to prove t but you never responded. Its all good, i'll just get on with everything. thanks guys, i'll keep you all informed.
    Best of luck to you CK, hope things turn around for you

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    why the **** would one crossing the border with gear stuff it in thier crotch? Every experienced gear smuggler knows to put it in a place in your car that requires a tool to get to!!!! NEVER put it on ya', I've heard about more people getting popped this way.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    You guys don't believe this crock do you?

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    south africa
    hope all works out for you dude.if it counts i believe you.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    CK and many like him are expressing their LIBERTY in PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. CK is not pissing and moaning-- he is venting and trying to do something about his situation. He's cut from the same bolt of cloth as Hamaker, Col. US Army Ret. Hamaker is a 30 year veteran MUSTANG airborne-- Vienam, Gulf, etc. suffering from Agent Orange and GWI/GWS. He rated Walter Reed and they almost killed him with Rx drugs. He says the US/Military/VA is just waiting for all the Vets to die or FOD because it's SNAFU FUBAR FIDO. CK like Hamaker is an inspiration to others in similar circumstance because he did NOT give up. He's trying to help himself. The Mexicans are not fooling around-- their jails are filling with American family members and users buying Rx prescriptions in Mex and getting hammered. The ever-increasing CONTROL of all BUYING and SELLING, profiteering law and penal enforcement mean serious fines and jail time. This is how come I believe ultimately users must learn to make their own 'roids as Russell Marker did. Most Americans are ignorant of the HIGH level of SURVEILLANCE conducted by BIG BROTHER and the way in which corrupt U.S. politicians, military, judicial, law enforcement, business, and nut-case Americans prey on each other and spy on each other like Krummie Kommie KGB NKVD types populating gulags or ChiCom PLA PRC wacko's invading house churches in communist China wielding rifles and bayonets. My brother and his friends were scheduling raising public awareness on the Oprah show and talking about low carb diets and oxygen therapies-- especially intravenous injections of oxygen for the eradication of rogue cells, virus, and bacteria, but Atkins died. It does not matter any way-- most Americans are Gyn 'roid eating sheeple-- BEFORE corrupt US politicians, law enforcement, and business embarked upon a plan to increase profits and create health problems in America, LOW-CARB diets were highly effective using meat found in the mainstream commercial food chain-- Estrogen changed all that. re: "...Food makers are signaling that the carb craze is starting to wane. After nearly 2,000 low-carb products were launched this year, sales growth is slowing..." BECAUSE Gyn 'roids in the meat cause weight gain, however this estrogen spike has an element of plausible deniability because estrogen enters the human food chain through milk, too. re "...the onset of menstruation has been getting progressively earlier among girls in the United States. No one is sure of why, but one possibility is that commercially produced meat and milk products contain residues of growth-promoting hormones. These have estrogenic activity, so they could stimulate early menstruation." AND make you fat-- that's how come American children are the most fat obese children on earth and we can thank the Republicans, Democrats, Beef Growers Association, and the Dairy Council.
    Many people like CK are caught in a big cross-fire-- HOW much muscle would he put on without Gyn 'roids in the food chain ? How come 'roids aren't legal in the US ? CK and people like him should never give up. LIFE is not fair. My friend Ray Baker was learning how to fly a helicopter and tore it all to pieces so the Army made him an infantryman. Some NVA shot his arse off in 'nam-- he could feel the warm blood running down his crack. He reached around to feel how bad it was and to his relief found out that his canteen had been wasted. He came home, had a family, and got paralyzed from the neck down in a traffic accident-- a lady crossed into opposing traffic and broke his spine. Ray died in a VA hospital begging to be dragged out into the courtyard so that he could die on the grass in the sunlight. Life is not fair. Don't give up.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    if its any consolation, im eligible for jail time for yelling at a cop.
    best of luck. hope things get better for you.

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by thetank
    if its any consolation, im eligible for jail time for yelling at a cop.
    best of luck. hope things get better for you.
    WHOA!!! You rebel!!!!

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    if its any consolation, im eligible for jail time for yelling at a cop.
    best of luck. hope things get better for you.

    Too bad. Maybe they'll treat you with kid gloves like Halidurton or Enron, or the public utilities spewing mercury into our lakes. I just heard about a man who is jailed down in Mex after trying to bring back his wife's Rx meds. I believe that the control of all buying and selling is so effective and surveillance so pervasive that it's better just to grow and make your own. 'roids are a serious obstacle, but maybe it is possible.

  22. #62
    Join Date
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    So. Cal.
    I would like to thank everybody that has been supportive of my situation, and appreciate the people here that beleive my story. I also want to thank those few that stuck up for me against the few that don't beleive me. so, for what its worth, I appreciate it, and i'm doing ok...just barely getting by, but doing ok!

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I am an experienced criminal, I spent 4 years in prison, I am 12 credits short of a AAS in Criminal Justice, so I am pretty sure I know what I am talking about when I say this. NO ONE is given bail, asked to plea and sentenced in the same day. So I don't believe this story. Plus you said you bailed yourself out, THEN they made you sign a paper or they wouldn't let you out????? If you bailed yourself out, you leave and get a date for preliminary hearing or Superior Court arraignment. This story sounds like BS to me.
    At the border they can do whatever they want my friend

  24. #64
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    i'm not saying i believe it or don't. but you lucky bastard. your bail was 100, for the same offense in el paso, mine was 5000. that was some hefty credit card interest. sounds ****ty for ya but if my mistake went the way of yours, i'd feel blessed!

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space
    lmao @ lozgod!!!! i smell the fumes as well

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    So. Cal.
    **** YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i decided to get on their ass at the border with my dad's help to see what the hell was going on since half the people I know were saying that the deal was funky. Well i called them and talked to the head dude down there and he was just like "Oh, we were just messing with ya, no need to get nasty. We tried to scare youby making you beleive you had a felony." So, all it was was the fine. For those of you that never believed me, I do see why, but I did give you my honest story, and you were right it was bogus, I got played! So, After all this I got back into school with some help, and was just certified as professional rescuer and am in EMT class then off to paramedic school! life is getting way better, but I still live on my own which sux. Thanks everybody!

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I am an experienced criminal, I spent 4 years in prison, I am 12 credits short of a AAS in Criminal Justice, so I am pretty sure I know what I am talking about when I say this. NO ONE is given bail, asked to plea and sentenced in the same day. So I don't believe this story. Plus you said you bailed yourself out, THEN they made you sign a paper or they wouldn't let you out????? If you bailed yourself out, you leave and get a date for preliminary hearing or Superior Court arraignment. This story sounds like BS to me.
    Hey if you know as much you say you know.Then you would KNOW that , those people MAKE MONEY of little 18 ,19 ,20 year old like him......I think they didn't even charged him with a Felony...You would be shocked to know other thinks that go on.......

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by C.K.
    **** YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i decided to get on their ass at the border with my dad's help to see what the hell was going on since half the people I know were saying that the deal was funky. Well i called them and talked to the head dude down there and he was just like "Oh, we were just messing with ya, no need to get nasty. We tried to scare youby making you beleive you had a felony." So, all it was was the fine. For those of you that never believed me, I do see why, but I did give you my honest story, and you were right it was bogus, I got played! So, After all this I got back into school with some help, and was just certified as professional rescuer and am in EMT class then off to paramedic school! life is getting way better, but I still live on my own which sux. Thanks everybody!

    Exactly what I said!!!!!!!!!!

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by C.K.
    **** YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i decided to get on their ass at the border with my dad's help to see what the hell was going on since half the people I know were saying that the deal was funky. Well i called them and talked to the head dude down there and he was just like "Oh, we were just messing with ya, no need to get nasty. We tried to scare youby making you beleive you had a felony." So, all it was was the fine. For those of you that never believed me, I do see why, but I did give you my honest story, and you were right it was bogus, I got played! So, After all this I got back into school with some help, and was just certified as professional rescuer and am in EMT class then off to paramedic school! life is getting way better, but I still live on my own which sux. Thanks everybody!
    good to hear it all worked out for ya. scary **** isnt it when you think your future ambitions are going to be scrapped for one stupid mistake? I had one of those. Set me straight for a few weeks, lol jk

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I really don't believe this story...BUT
    Even if this is true your still a loser for taking someone with you that has a bag of weed. The whole crew that went down must have the IQ of a rock for being so gd stupid...
    Flame away!

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I didn't mean to close this...

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    I really don't believe this story...BUT
    Even if this is true your still a loser for taking someone with you that has a bag of weed. The whole crew that went down must have the IQ of a rock for being so gd stupid...
    Flame away!

    Enough said

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