Originally Posted by
Einstein - This is from a co-written book, one of the co-writers being Professor Kenneth Plummer (did you look him up?).
"....it was not until the nineteenth century that homosexuality was invented as an object of scientific investigation......From this time until the 1970's, the dominant mode of thinking about homosexuality was clinical - it was primarily viewed through a medical framework as a pathology, it's causes were located in biological degeneracy or family pathology, and treatments ranging from castration to psychoanalysis were advocated. Although such an approach still continues amongst a few, since 1973 the American Psychiatric Association has officially removed homosexuality from its clinical listing of pathologies, seeing it as non-pathological in itself. Ironically, some of the leading clinicians, and notably Freud, had never viewed it as a pathology: in 1935 Freud could write in a famous "letter to mother" that "whilst homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, it is nothing to be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual development"."
So you see, the view you express is an old belief which modern science has all but outdated.