I was typing a thread and I heard some lawnmowers real close but i thought maybe it was my neighbour mowing his lawn. Then I heard an edger to the left and another edger to the right, then suddenly I heard another lawnmower in my backyard. My first though was the cops are raiding my house and got me surrounded with helicopters. I immediately start stashing my gear and trying to flush my weed and s**t. I didnt know what the hell was going on cause I mow my own lawn and I had it growing tall to kill some weeds so that I could mow it longer next time. So I look out my window and 4 mexicans are attacking my lawn making short work of the grass. One guy is standing on some huge ass lawnmower with a 5 foot blade and using his hands to steer around on some hovercraft looking thing. Another guy looks like a strom trooper and has some jetpack looking contraption blower on his back and another guy has a edger by my fence and I run to the backyard and some freak is running with a handpush mower. I am about to run out and yell WTF are you doing mother-effers then I wait and say let those bastards finish. As soon as the last leaf is blowing I run up to the guy and say what the hell did you just do? Guy doesnt speak a word of english. So I try to speak spanglish and tell him to get the hell outta here I didnt call them. I think they realize at that point they mowed the wrong lawn. So I shoo them off and they leave. Then I start washing my car outside. Suddenly another mowing van with another mexican guy shows up who doesnt speak english and he hands me a business card and points at my lawn and says compost or comquash or some freaking word like that. I say WHAT!!!! and he says crawfish or crumply or some**** like 10 times over and over. Finally I'm like "oh yeah sure dude i'll call you dont worry" and I put the business card in my pocket and turn my back on him and he leaves. Now i'm confused. I dont know if he was another lawn company that just came in the area and saw me in my yard and decided to try to solicit business or if it was the owner of the previous lawnmowing company trying to get paid or if he was coming to apologize or what the hell he wanted. I'm pretty much confused as hell and just happy I dont have to mow my lawn this week. Any guys fluent in spanish that know what a word that sounds like comprontsh could possibly mean in English?