Anyone else have a deviated septom? Anyone had the corrective surgery? I think I'm gonna have to get the surgery because one side of my nose is constantly blocked up.
Anyone else have a deviated septom? Anyone had the corrective surgery? I think I'm gonna have to get the surgery because one side of my nose is constantly blocked up.
whats a septom? spinal disks?Originally Posted by twosocks40
I am guessing it has to do w/the nose, since he said one side is always blocked.
been snorting too much pixie dust broOriginally Posted by twosocks40
Originally Posted by twosocks40
got the surgery and it just went back deviated, just not as bad. Have you broken your nose or did it happen congenitally? Insurance usually covers deviated septum.
My buddy had a "deviated septum". He had a really big nose and basically wanted a nose job so the doc called it a deviated septum and did the surgery. Man was he a mess for a while... lots of pain... but it was a full fledged nose job.
I heard they can just take the cartlidge out. Heard of that?
Swole, your right. A deviated septom is when the cartlidge in your nose is crooked or curved.
Deviated septum is the new term for "Free nose job where the insurace pays for it"
Anyone who gets a cosmetic nose job tells their friends it was due to a deviated septum.
So, has anyone here had it done? I am curious since i have had my nose broken around six times (ex-boxer, etc). Anyone have some details about the recovery process?
I have not had the operation done, but I am going to this winter. I have had a stuffy nose for as long as I can remember and I finally know why..... this is what the surgen told me. Keep in mind he is doing this with a laser:
A few weeks after the operation you will have guaze stuffed in your nose. Then they take it out, and he sticks a vaccume and other tools up there to clean out all the scar tissue and mucus & crap. Then you can breath freely!!! AH![]()
But the night after the surgery is supposed to be a nightmare. You're drugged up and you want to sleep, but you can't breath out your nose......and in my case, my throat will be hurting since hes taking my tonsils out in the same operation.
He said 1-2 weeks recovery time is commmon. Can't remember all else he said as I had this consultation back in April.......I hope that helps guys.
Its not that bad. The goz is the worst cause it is packed in so much you feel like you have an elephant up there. Just take vicadin and anti biotics. It oozes for a few days as well but nothing you cant handle. The thing that saved me was an ice pack for my eyes. An ice pack on the eyes makes it feel so much better.
Try to have a cool ass chick stay with you for awhile to help you get stuff. They dig taking care of a guy who just got out of operation. It gets them all worked up. I dont know why....
So, is your entire face swollen and do you have black eyes for a bit? I would really like to be able to breathe out of my right nostrel, but i dunnoI am so sick of having surgerys!
Bull $hit it is not that bad.....
I broke my nose in October last year and had the surgery because my septum was deviated and I couldn't breath out of one of nostrils. Now take in mind I have had a broken jaw and had it wired shut for 6 weeks as well which was horribly painful, but having your nose broken and your septum deviated was much worse and so was the surgery and recovery.
Many people don't know it but your nose is one of your center's of balance, and when your nose is broken you get dizzy very easily. When I got the surgery done, I had 2 pieces of plastic stuck up the sides of my nose as a support, and then a plastic cast over my face. I couldn't eat really because chewing was painful, and it blocks your sinuses from the plastic up your nose causing major headaches until they take em out. Taking them out is the most painful thing you will ever go through.
During the 2 weeks the nose was broken and then after the surgery I could not train at all due to dizzyness and pain from stressing my face when lifting. I can tell you whatever you want to know about the whole thing, I will never forget how painful that $hit was.
However, I will say this. I have never been able to breath better out of my nose then after the surgery. They fixed some natural defects I had up there too that I never knew about.
Originally Posted by 956Vette
Your face will be swolen, as for a black eye that depends on your genetics. I didn't get black eyes from the surgery but my whole face was swolen and my nose was HUGE. It is not a fun surgery and its not something to be taken lightly.... it will put you out of commission for a week atleast.
Good information, appreciate you sharing that bro! A lot to think aboutOriginally Posted by LeanMeOut
Originally Posted by 956Vette
No problem man..... if you wanna know anything else involved with the surgery or recovery drop me a PM
Dietolog! You are the best newbie! this thread is too old a-hole![]()
many years ago i kept getting a blocked up nose for no reason till it got to a point i couldnt breath through my nose...
turned out i had pollops growing in my sinus'.they were there before but years of boxing made them a lot worse and i had to have surgery.....
it was fuc**n horrible.and i have had lots of major surgery,bowel cancer=6 ops.major motorbike accident=lost count of the
all i remember about my nose op was when they pulled the gauze plugs out my nose bled so bad i started choking on it,......but i was in hospital so thats why im still alive the nurse pulled one of the plugs it detached some of the pollop scars hence the excessive bleeding...
if your in the uk you will be fine cus healthcare is free and even complications get dealt with very quickly.
I had the surgery last year and after all the pain I went through it did not correct a damn thing.
Last edited by sigman roid; 05-08-2009 at 07:25 AM.
by the way boys you know this thread was made in 2004 you never know he may still have the same
Sigman, would you mind editing that quote out of your post, as the link is still there
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