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Thread: Check this **** out..

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state

    Check this **** out..

    so my girl is a waitress at this restaurant where this one manager is a big ****ing perv. so she tells me today some of the **** he has bheen sayinjg to her about how he should show him her boobs once they get done, and before he has said that if he takes her into the back room he can make her "day alot better" and a whole bunch of other ****. so i get pissed cause this is sexual harrasment. he touches her ass all the time. and all that ****. so i tell her either she says something to the corporate about it or im gonna say something to him. she is defending him sayin he is like that to everyone and that i shouldnt worry. she refuses to report him and i think its bull****. i know he has slept with other employees and that is against policies. he is the GM. what what u guys do if this was your girl.. fina makes me want to wait outside for him to get off one night, but if i do my girl has told me she is gone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    u should do a role reversal on her, if this guy touches her again and she doesnt say anything, then u should dump her...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    go to his boss and complain,

    have your girlfriend file a report with the police,

    go talk to him yourself <- i think this would be the best way

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state
    u said either she says something to his boss or i say something to him. and she thinks if i report him to his boss that she is gonna get fired. and she has a child so she is freaking out. and i said i would "talk" to him, but she threaten to end it with me if i do so cause she is afraid to lose her job. not about her dignity and self respect , but a ****ing dumbass job

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    **** it,

    go talk to him,

    but be polite, try to hold back the anger

    say something like " hey man, can i talk to you for a sec... me and my girlfriend are in love, i've heard that you've been flirting with her a bit, which is cool because i trust her, but please don't come on to her anymore or ask her to show her boobs to her.. because that's disrespectful to me "

    make sure you shake his hand and form a bond, so he will feel he should betray you

    oh and if that doesn't work, end it off by telling him that your on steroids

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    She is afraid of causing drama and doesnt wanna get fired or she is kinda flattered by it and doesnt mind if it continues.
    Put your foot down and make the shlt stop. Do what needs to be done and if she keeps defending the guy then have a serious talk with her about WHY SHE defends him. That would piss me off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state
    the ****ed up part is he knows me. he has partied with us before and we were cool before i found this out. he still says whats up to me everytime he sees me. but acts like i dont konw ****. i just want to drop him in his shoes in front of all the other employees

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state
    i sure hope she isnt flattered by this deusch. he is like 40 balding and fat as hell. i just wanted to make sure i wasnt blowing this out of proportion. that i was thinnking rationally and wasnt making a big deal out of nothing. cause i **** sure think it is something big

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Id make a big deal about it. Id go up to the guy and just say " So I heard you asked my gf to show you her boobs or something. He would deny it like an ass and then I would tell him if I heard anymore similar stories, he would be regretting it for a very long time....I would do it infront of my girlfriend too. Stuff like that should not be happening.

  10. #10
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    May 2004
    If you're not willing to support her until she finds a better job thenyou cant say anything. Men will always hit on your girl, thats life, and you cant fight everyone for it but repetedly grabbing her ass and making her feel uncomfortable is crossing the line. If you like her enough, support her until she gets another job then lay the guy out at a party if you can get away with it without getting arrested otherwise theres not much you can do.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    There is a lot you can do. You kick the first persons ass who does shlt like then. After awhile, the reputation carries itself and people just know instinctively not to fvck with her. Plus, girls carry themselves in a way that tells men whether or not they have a boyfriend who will beat your ass just for saying hi to them.

  12. #12
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    There is a lot you can do. You kick the first persons ass who does shlt like then. After awhile, the reputation carries itself and people just know instinctively not to fvck with her. Plus, girls carry themselves in a way that tells men whether or not they have a boyfriend who will beat your ass just for saying hi to them.
    This works for someone not worried about getting arrested or some of the fighters on here but just like Mart's thread about D&b's it doesnt alway work that way. when you go to get gas and theres 6 thugs in the store that wanna holler at your girl, theres not much you can do. This used to happen to me a lot when I was with a fine girl who lived in a bad area of town. Eventually I relized from not doing anything all those times that you dont get anything out of kicking their asses anyway. Eventually I stopped bothering with everyone that tried to holler at my girl. This situation is an extreme because it happens constantly and he actually touched her, I would not let this fly.

  13. #13
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    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    There is a lot you can do. You kick the first persons ass who does shlt like then. After awhile, the reputation carries itself and people just know instinctively not to fvck with her. Plus, girls carry themselves in a way that tells men whether or not they have a boyfriend who will beat your ass just for saying hi to them.

    thanks bermie, im glad someone else thinks the same way i do. she is still bitching cause she thinks im making a big deal over something that is stupid. she still thinks by reportin him that she is gonna lose her job, but they cant do that cause if they do sue sue sue. ya know. and she told some of her friends at work cause i made her call and ge the corporates number and they said im being dumb cause he is like that to every girl there. ALL THE MORE REASON TO REPORT HIM!!! i gave her the ultimadem. either she reports him with exactely what he said not " he is making bad comments", or i take care of it myself . im kinda hoping it goes to the second option. 125mg fina/ed says i dare ya to **** with me

  14. #14
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    Jan 2004
    I'm not trying to knock you girl bro but a Woman who doesn't stand up for herself wouldn't be my g/f. And if she's threatening to break up w/ you if you don't drop it i would let her go. A spineless woman isn't one for me

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    down south
    If she got fired for filing sexual harrasment charges against him she could sue thier arse off. Just something to consider.


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by twosocks40
    If she got fired for filing sexual harrasment charges against him she could sue thier arse off. Just something to consider.


    thats what im saying bro. **** the job if u got a **** load of money from applebee's for sueing them.she is refusing to do it so i am on my way up there to have a talk with him. ill let ya know how it goes

  17. #17
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by twosocks40
    If she got fired for filing sexual harrasment charges against him she could sue thier arse off. Just something to consider.


    Exactly. Companies do not shine on these situations lightly cause they know it can end up in a very bad way for them.

    A chick I know was being harassed by her boss at Best Buy. She called corporate and they fired his ass very quickly. Techniquly I think they let him resign or something like that.

    A girl not standing up for herself is a turn off. I avoid those types cause they dont know how to get out of situations like that. They are afraid of people disliking them so they just stay there and take it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    WOW.......It's Apleebee's...........W/ a corporation like that, one complaint and or one police resport will have that Manager canned from that company. They don't tollerate ANY shady bizz

  19. #19
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    thats what im saying bro. **** the job if u got a **** load of money from applebee's for sueing them.she is refusing to do it so i am on my way up there to have a talk with him. ill let ya know how it goes
    Bro. That is a major franchise. I thought it was just some little diner. Get the fvcker fired or just get the ball rolling so he has no room to move.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state
    exactely they cant afford for that **** to get out. big ass company + sexual harrassment = $$$$$$$$$$$$. i told her all she has to do is file a complaint with corporate and he will be fired. no doubt about it, but she still think she will get fired.

  21. #21
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    May 2004
    OK so this happened to my girl also ... and like you I was freaking fuming. THIS is what I did.... called a few of my friends and we went to the sports bar she worked at while the dude is there.... he happened to be hanging out with family (wife, son etc) and friends (He wasn't the GM but the owner). I got a few beers and when walking back to the table we were all hanging out at .. I grabbed his A$$ like he did my girls'. NOW this guy was like wtf ... a little embarrassed and pissed. I asked him if he liked it ... obviously not …and then told him who I was and that my girl doesn't like it either. He wanted to call his bouncers etc to whoop my a$$ but the guys I was with are big boys .. so his son actually apologized to me and politely asked us to leave while greezy old daddy made a scene. It wasn't my intention to fight the guy .,. only to embarrass him as I did. The man actually called a few days later to apology and asked if she still wants to work there w/o hard feelings.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Buckeye state
    ok so here is what my dumbass girlfriend did. she wrote appleebee's corporate an anonymous email. didnt mention his name or his exact position at her store. and all she said was that "sometimes" he makes comments to female employees that make them feel uncomfortable. im sooo pissed right now. i dont think this relationship is gonnamake it through the night.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Where I lay my head
    I would have ripped his f'ing head off bro and taken home a new waitress after the a@@ wippin I gave the manager.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    ok so here is what my dumbass girlfriend did. she wrote appleebee's corporate an anonymous email. didnt mention his name or his exact position at her store. and all she said was that "sometimes" he makes comments to female employees that make them feel uncomfortable. im sooo pissed right now. i dont think this relationship is gonnamake it through the night.

    Just support her in what she's doing. At least she taking the right steps to get done what needs to be done. Call the District manager. I'm sure you can look it up online w/ out any trouble. Tell him what's going on and the situation w/ your g/f and that's worried about her job. If you don't want to say who you are @ least you'll know what the company can do about the situation

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicejunkie2
    OK so this happened to my girl also ... and like you I was freaking fuming. THIS is what I did.... called a few of my friends and we went to the sports bar she worked at while the dude is there.... he happened to be hanging out with family (wife, son etc) and friends (He wasn't the GM but the owner). I got a few beers and when walking back to the table we were all hanging out at .. I grabbed his A$$ like he did my girls'. NOW this guy was like wtf ... a little embarrassed and pissed. I asked him if he liked it ... obviously not …and then told him who I was and that my girl doesn't like it either. He wanted to call his bouncers etc to whoop my a$$ but the guys I was with are big boys .. so his son actually apologized to me and politely asked us to leave while greezy old daddy made a scene. It wasn't my intention to fight the guy .,. only to embarrass him as I did. The man actually called a few days later to apology and asked if she still wants to work there w/o hard feelings.
    Now that is the perfect way to handle a situation like that.... even though you might want to destroy the guy, violence only puts you in a worse scenario.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    walk in her workplace, with a syringe necklace, and needles sticking out of your quads and delts full of fina. run up on her manager and just start stabbing him in the neck with them, uncontrollably. then go home and get some sleep.

  27. #27
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    dont talk smack unless you are ready to get her another job - I knowits not fun but just keep supporting her and figure a way so that she can do what needs to be done without risking her career

  28. #28
    ttuPrincess Guest
    that sucks fo her, but untill shes ready to stand up theres not much you can do.. if you go in looking like a psycho and she says "I dont know what hes talking about" then you can get in trouble, and she still might lose her job

    i got fired from a major restaurant chain because the manager and i had worked at another restaurant chain years before and I knew he got fired from there for sexual harassment..

    he recognized me right away when i transfered to that new store and waiting till i was having a bad night and messed up and he was the only manager on duty then fired me, so that he could give the GM an excuse.. well i got a phone call about a month later from the GM wanting me to come back in ..

    my best friend still worked there and this manager had put his hands down her pants as a joke.. she told me about it and i told her what i knew about him.. so they got me in there to confront him face to face with others around and call him out basically..

    the paper work is a biatch, but in the end it was worth it to watch him get fired and have it glo on his permiate record.. lol.. bastard..

  29. #29
    ttuPrincess Guest
    so basically what I was trying to say was "what goes around comes around.. adn this guy will get whats coming to him" they all do it just takes one helluva pissed off biatch to get stuff done sometimes.. lol

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    LOL, you are getting this worked up over some workplace drama at Applebee's? Don't let it bother you, the guy's a fat, bald old dude anyway he's in no position to take your lady. And if she really was bothered by this guy, or anyone else, asking about her future boob job she wouldn't be telling people she's getting one. Newsflash! Girls love attention......all of em do, despite what they say.

    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    thats what im saying bro. **** the job if u got a **** load of money from applebee's for sueing them.she is refusing to do it so i am on my way up there to have a talk with him. ill let ya know how it goes

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    down south
    Does she have to wear flare???



  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    **** it,

    go talk to him,

    but be polite, try to hold back the anger

    Yea but GQ, shouldn't he stamp on his head a few times? Knocking him unconcious?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    hey bro, you cant go wrong no matter what you do. Im telling you right now there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that she will get fired. And if it does happen, thats a good thing for you, thats a lawsuit waiting to happen. It would be illegal for her to be fired for, A. reporting this to the police B. reporting this to his boss C. going up to him and saying that what he is doing is pissing you off. I would personally go with C. Go in there and dont act like you guys are friends. Tell him that what he is doing is fuc*ing pissing you off and if he doesnt stop legal action will be involved. You really think he will fire her if he thinks he might get sued and fired himself? Hell no, he will most definately stop. Nothing pisses me off then guys that sexually harass women. Makes me wanna crack some skulls

  34. #34
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Look.. you need to go about it all properly..
    I dont know about where yall are from, but here in Texas employees dont have to even have a reason to fire someone... so if the manager suspects shes thinking of doing anything then he can fire her unexpectatedly.. now if she goes behind the sence and writes letters to corporate, etc and then he fires her, she can sue, but if she has no proof, then she was just another employee who got fired...

    geezz guys think wih your heads!

  35. #35
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    Buckeye state
    well i finally convinced her to call the district manager on monday when she is back in. it took a **** load of arguing and yelling but oh well. now she is afraid that he is gonna get fired and she will feel bad cause he has to kids. well that polesmoker should have thought about his kids when he was sleeping with employees and touching and sexually harassing the other ones. call me insensitive if u want, but im happy as hell he is getting fired .
    i just want to be there when he gets fired so i can wave to him.

  36. #36
    ttuPrincess Guest
    thank you w rballs.. its good to see you made the right move on how to get this handled..

  37. #37
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    u have no clue how much restraint this is taking on my part.... the main thing im still pissed about is my girl didnt want to do anything about it. she just dismissed it as him being him cause he does it to everyone. it took me threatening to leave her if she didnt report him, now that is some fvcked up bullsheet.

  38. #38
    ttuPrincess Guest
    yeah well, shes scared about her job.. I work in a restaurant as well, ( and have at amny of them for years) its so common that unless your not working there yourself it doesnt seem like much

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Va Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    She is afraid of causing drama and doesnt wanna get fired or she is kinda flattered by it and doesnt mind if it continues.
    Put your foot down and make the shlt stop. Do what needs to be done and if she keeps defending the guy then have a serious talk with her about WHY SHE defends him. That would piss me off.
    I second that! When she defends him- that sounds fishy!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    1st off.. i don't do well with threats.... if she is gone.. she is gone..

    and it's none of your business... she chooses to stay in this environment.. her choose.. you gave her options, and a way out of it, and she declined..

    so it is her that continues to put herself at risk..
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