So after work yesterday, I challenge my boss to a racquetball game, totally planning on him accepting. I had overheard him a few weeks ago bragging about some crappy victory of weeks past and used this against him.
He accepts with a scornful grin, teeth flashed, and says 'The big man plays racquetball, huh? This should be fun, I havn't played in months' Totally lied to downplay whatever mediocre skill he might have and put delusions of grandeur in my head before the match.
I lie and tell him I only do it once in a while, when in reality I am pretty **** good since I have been doing it since my teens. Regardless of how bad be might be sandbagging, I am almost certain I can beat him even with some sort of handicap.
Anyway, work ends and I meet him at 6:45 @ the designated court and play begins.
I let him take the first game, but let him score point after point while making him work for it.
He is beaming and has a false bravado that is just oozing in every swing of the racquet. I play the part of the loser to perfection and he is now up 2 games to 0.
He asks me if I want to put any money on the rest of the games and I hesitate. As a horrible player would be uncomfortable betting on himself, I ponder a monetary wager. He begins to goad me and taunt me, finally saying 'how about $100 a game?'
I say 'Let's make it $200' and he accepts without blinking.
We play, and I proceed to win the next 2 pretty handily when I try running him into the ground.
I let him get up by a few points so it doesn't seem so obvious that I was playing below my ability at first and am waiting for an opportunity to either hit him with my racquet or the ball.
Basically, my plan backfired because he made an awkward movement going laterally for a shot and I steamrolled him trying to return the shot. I hit him with pretty good force and he goes down, but our legs get tangled up and he brings me down too.
I land with my knee on his shin or femur, whatever, and later learn that I fractured it. He is writhing in pain and I am scared ****less since I didn't plan on taking it that far, however the fvck deserved anything he got. When I saw him this morning I asked him if he wanted to play again when he was better, and he frowned, shaking his head no.
I am watching him gimp around here and I can't help but laugh since I took $400 from him and sent him to the hospital too.
Racquetball rocks.