That what you think, there always some dumb bitches working behind the counter.
In my area I go to 3 pharmacies.
First one : Pharmaprix, **** them they cannot even give me the correct size of needles or give me insulin needles but the pins are for a slin pen!
Second one: Jean Coutu #1: Depends who's behind the counter, some years ago they thought I was a junky, then the owner once told me "Hey your dealer doesnt have pins too". Anyway they are ****ing expensive.
Always fun to have that chat
- Hi can I help you?
- Yes I want some syrinques, 3cc 25g 1"
- Do you have them in your file?
- No
- Okay, please sit there, and wait sir
30min after they come serve you!
the third one another Jean coutu, the owner is cool.
Me: Hey
phar: hi so whats for you
me: syrinque....
phar: let me guess 3cc 25g 5/8 right
me: yup, add some 1 1/2 18g too
phar: what for, man that must me a bitch in the ass
me: Oh just to draw the liquid I work with
phar: yeah right!

phar: so it that a good price?
He usually sell them 20$ cheaper per box than anyone, he compares to the net price too.
But his assistants are kinda dumb too, once I had to explain to that 18yo with braces the difference between intramuscular and cutanous.