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Thread: okay bros should i? or shouldnt i?

  1. #1

    okay bros should i? or shouldnt i?

    okay guys this is sorta a messed up situation here but here its goes gettin different feelings (more then jus friends) for my best friend (chick), and so should i tell her or no? There alot of complications in the way for us to have a serious relationship and also i think if i tell her we wont be such gud friends nomore cuz it will be difficult to be around each other. but this is eatin me alive here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    do you feel that she is interested in you that way? if soo, then make sure you know that you definately want her... i messed up with an old best friend because i thought i liked her like that, it went further and now we are no longer friends... sux but happend..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Well, if you want to fvck her you cant technically REALLY be friends anymore...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Unwritten mens code: You DO NOT hit on your friends girlfriend! Because in the long run you will end up loosing both.
    i dont think its a friends girlfriend.. he said that he was having feelings for his best friend (chick)..meaning his best friend is a chick...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by phatmark
    do you feel that she is interested in you that way? if soo, then make sure you know that you definately want her... i messed up with an old best friend because i thought i liked her like that, it went further and now we are no longer friends... sux but happend..

    i got no idea if she is interested in me that way, but i think that she still might have a thing with one of exs (like she might still have a crush on him)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    some how if you want her u have to kinda hint around it to see how she reacts.. kinda gotta see if shes on the same track u are..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    you dont have to tell her, make some hints or hit on her and see how she reacts.

  8. #8
    AnabolicAlien Guest


    you should give us more of the details as to what prevents you from having a long term relationship bro.

    next, why don't you tell her how you feel. if you don't you might start acting diifferently toward her and not even realize it man. you might also start to resent her for not having a physical relationship. if it's because your afriad of ruining a good friendship i think that's a load of crap. if you're best/good friends, you already have the part of the relationship that women care about the most. so see if she's physically attracted to you and if she is start dumping your loads in her. you might as well. girls want it just as bad as guys do; they just feel the need to hide it more.

    let us know how it all turns out.

    Last edited by AnabolicAlien; 07-16-2004 at 01:37 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by musclehead1
    i got no idea if she is interested in me that way, but i think that she still might have a thing with one of exs (like she might still have a crush on him)
    same thing happened to me a year ago. I was so close to this girl, but we were still kinda flirty. well she had a bf so it wasnt a problem till they broke up. I realised that i had feelings for her and really wanted to tell her but decided it wasnt a good idea. Well we seemed to be getting closer and closer, i really thought there was a good chance of something starting without me even having to state that i had fallen for her. Unfortunatley i think i missed my opportunity to take it to the next stage because i was afraid that i was misreading the signs. Well after that things seemed to level off and from seeing her almost every day, meeting up in teh evenings etc i hardly saw her anymore. which was a big change and i haddnt been expecting it. We are still freinds and get on well, but do i regret not taking the risk? Hell yeah!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i am in the same situation right now, i know if we start dating it will last a long time, and a break up would be very hard to do, this has been going on for a couple months, she tells me she is happy around me, and all this other stuff, she says i talk to you more than anyone, but she is dating someone else and is constantly bagging on him, when i was on clomid i almost broke down and told her we should be together, but i thought that was the clomid talking so i didnt, i have no answers, we always catch each other looking, i dont know what to do

  11. #11
    AnabolicAlien Guest

    oh god...

    spare me... lol

    dog these girls out and be friends with them after. christ! do you want me to go where you guys are and show ya how it's done!?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    coming from personal experience, don't do it.

    if she is your best friend, you two were probably never meant to be together. it has taken me so long to realize the truth in that statement.

    when you put yourself out on the line, you are setting yourself up for the firing squad.

    how would she react if you brought a new girl over as your girlfriend?

    if she has never been in that situation, you need to determine that before making a pass.

    if she was jealous and thought your gf was beneath you, go for it.

    if she was indifferent and accepting, you won't get anything in return for taking a shot.

    just some food for thought.

  13. #13
    id say go for it bro...Tell her the way you feel. There no sense in beating around the bush. If you think you have feelings for her chances are you have them but your affraid to commit to them. If you dont speak up youll kick yourself in the ass a year from now when she gets a bF....

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Under the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Beernutz
    There no sense in beating around the bush.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Just grab her tit s if she likes it she wants ya, if she gets pissed your a loser

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    you could always show it to her, lol

  17. #17
    you guys are to much..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by NoobJuice
    Just grab her tit s if she likes it she wants ya, if she gets pissed your a loser
    id like for you to try this one... i bet youd have a good story to post after trying it...

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    coming from personal experience, don't do it.

    if she is your best friend, you two were probably never meant to be together. it has taken me so long to realize the truth in that statement.

    when you put yourself out on the line, you are setting yourself up for the firing squad.

    how would she react if you brought a new girl over as your girlfriend?

    if she has never been in that situation, you need to determine that before making a pass.

    if she was jealous and thought your gf was beneath you, go for it.

    if she was indifferent and accepting, you won't get anything in return for taking a shot.

    just some food for thought.
    well i didnt talk to her for a few days and well her friends told me she got really worried and she almost started crying (but thats what her friends were saying, they maybe jus trying to make fun of her) so if thats a singal i got no idea

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    don't get into a serious relationship unless your over 22-24 however fast you mature

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    don't get into a serious relationship unless your over 22-24 however fast you mature
    Good call...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    don't get into a serious relationship unless your over 22-24 however fast you mature
    age has nothing to do with it. i was in a serious realationship all through high school

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    My advice would to just be honest with her!!!!
    But the key in life is always wording!!! you can make almost anything sound appealing if you sit down and think about it for a couple of days before hand and choose the right words.
    Now im not saying to open up completely to her about everything just lead the convo somewhere into that realm of talking.Id start by giving her a small compliment about her personality that you really like. Tell her that it has been really hard for you to find a nice decient girl that has good qualities and a personality like her. The key in this is reading her facial guestures and how she reacts to this and what she says to you in return. That will judge first off to continue leading the convo towards this direction or wait until a latter date. Since you are close and have a lot of time in this matter id wait ubtil latter and keep giving her small compliments about not so obvious things.Women really pick up on that sort of thing. Then lead the conversation towards what she thinks about either your looks or your personality and ask her oppinion on ehat you could do to improve yourself.Take her advice and go with it. Depending on the impressions youve obtained from this youll know wheter or not to pursue or to hold back. Again latter on lead the conversation geared more towards her looks and tell her that you think she is real attractive ask her if things had been different if she had ever pictured you as being more then friends. This way if she had said no its not a big deal because of the wording( if things had been different and such like that) im sure you can find beter wording but make sure to set it up to were it doesnt sound like your in love with her or anything but just think shes a very special person and its hard to come by those from your experience as if shes not interested it doesnt push her away.

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