I kept reading reviews in magazines in which they gave the album 5 stars, whatever that means. I have found that when most people are saying the same thing, then the odds are good that what everyone is saying is true. So I bought the album and sure enough, it's pretty good. I'm not saying I'm all about the album or anything, but there are some nice guitar riffs on there and it's good driving music. I also picked up some old Smiths stuff because I felt like it. So there. Anyways, has anyone else heard the album? Do you like it? Also, do you suppose that bee sellers sell their bees individually or in larger units of 10 or 100 or something? I bet killer bees are sold individually since they each have their own potential for destruction, but I bet most bee salesmen push their bees in larger increments. I probably would sell them in units of 100 is all I'm saying.