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Thread: Lozgod's Relationship Tips

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Like I said....bimbo barfly gym groupies...or women with self esteem issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    no, actually it does work -

    no women wants to date a pussy

    I guess a "good man" waits on you hand and foot?, or mabey he's SO entirely devoted to you he wants to be with you ALL the time? or perhaps they drop everything just to make you happy all the time, just dismiss there life goals and ambitions so they can go to dinner with you?

    well that's not life, Lozgood has the baseline that most men use (albite slightly modified) - if there actually is something there, than a friendship is formed and it's not about sex anymore, but his rap works

    just to prove it - how many girls do you know don't call the ex's assholes?

    when women want love when there younger, they should go buy a dog

    besides, games are fun, they keep relationships intresting
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    your right, good men don't - great men do

    you'll find that the nice guys get boring, how many boring relationships did you see growing up when these people made the mistake of getting married? so they just live their lives vicariously through there children

    a good guy is happy just the way you are, a great guy encourages you to ALWAYS be getting better, he makes jokes about how your neurotic or possesive, he tells you the truth that other girls are attractive

    and also, EVERYBODY has self-esteem issues in SOMETHING
    Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 07-17-2004 at 10:53 PM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    6,094 are so right. I'm only a woman...what do I know.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  4. #44
    I am a "newbie". So i hope i dont get thrown off the board by stepping on some cool dudes toes but..........this is GARBAGE dude. Not all females are into games like this. Your blueprint on women sounds like something Zack Morris from Saved By the Bell used to pick up chicks at the Max after school. I would say you are obviously consumed with picking up chicks and have came up with some really jacked theories there Don Juan. If you were any kind of player you would know that being yourself is the only way to go. Putting up a front and playing games is only masking our own insecurities and its SUPER easy for women to spot.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi are so right. I'm only a woman...what do I know.
    i'm glad you see it my way

    don't take it personally CB, i'm just trying to play the devils advocate here, i gotta go work the door - i'm hoping to hear some argument points from you

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    No offense GQ, but young men with your attitude are going to learn the hard way. I don't have the energy or desire to devote to trying to convince you otherwise.

    Good luck to you and all who follow the advice set forth by Lozgod. I'll be on the lookout of for more of the "this biotch is crazy, danm women, women are "players"" thread. And when I see them, I'm simply going to link to this thread.

    Nuff said
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  7. #47
    I am a guy and I try to put myself in womens shoes when i hear these macdaddy ways. Has to look so bad when a guy acts like he has all women figured out and is so lost.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    Loz!! Im going to take your advice on the hottie Im trying to pull right now. Shes going to be going to school here in Ft worth but had a Bf back in houston. Long distance relationships dont work very often. pLus theve only been together for 2 months. If your tips work your next cycle is on me! lol

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi are so right. I'm only a woman...what do I know.
    Not saying you specifically of course, but women say one thing and do another. They say they want a nice guy but when they get them, they treat him like crap. The biggest jerks have the hottest girls, and if no guy on here will admit that then he is in denial. Also some of guys sound like pussy's. The same guys that say this stuff is for sluts and whores are the same guys that will be saying "My girl did this and that and now I am crying like a little bitch" two months from now. BE A MAN LEARN HOW TO RUN IT DOWN ON WOMEN SO YOU ARENT THAT ONE TO BE PLAYED.

  10. #50
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Loz... Im sorry .. I like you as a person.. but it's men like you that make me soo happy to be a taken woman!

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Loz... Im sorry .. I like you as a person.. but it's men like you that make me soo happy to be a taken woman!
    Well if I could find some women that didnt want to be treated like, or better yet, didnt have to be treated like that, then I wouldn't be like that. I found from experience, you can be the one getting played, or be the player. I choose the latter.

  12. #52
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Well if I could find some women that didnt want to be treated like, or better yet, didnt have to be treated like that, then I wouldn't be like that. I found from experience, you can be the one getting played, or be the player. I choose the latter.
    hey dont get all pissy...

    im not arguing with you ..

    there are women who like to be treated like dirty rotten pieces of meat.. I and Cb are obviously not 2 of those woemn..

    so yes there is a time and a place and the right scank for this type of man.. and im glad im not out there among them anymore..

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    hey dont get all pissy...
    I wasnt getting pissy, I was just saying. Actually if I met a nice girl that could make me not like that I would make an attempt to try something different but maybe its the girls I have met in the past that created this relationship monster that is Lozgod. Before I am 50 I would like to settle down. Maybe by then I will meet a decent one that I dont have to win the game with.

  14. #54
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Sorry Loz, you just seem to be jumping on everyone.. its just a board.. you cant hear my voice and you dont know when im joking.. so i just put the warning.. ok

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Sorry Loz, you just seem to be jumping on everyone.. its just a board.. you cant hear my voice and you dont know when im joking.. so i just put the warning.. ok
    I know its just a board. I would never jump on a female that was involved with an associate of mine
    Actually I would expect a female that is involved in a good relationship and not in to the game to not agree with this. However as a woman, you have to admit, the percentage of women that really want a nice guy and proove it by their actions is small compared to the percentage that say they do but act otherwise.
    This whole thread is for guys that dont know how to respond to women that dog them out. If someone has a good relationship then I would never say turn in to what i am proposing. This is for those that are tired of being played and want to know how to win the game.

  16. #56
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Lozzy read post #52.. i did agree with you .. i actually have many friends like that .. LMO, Elly.. you still want Splinter?? lol

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Lozzy read post #52.. i did agree with you .. i actually have many friends like that .. LMO, Elly.. you still want Splinter?? lol
    Well next time I am in TX I will look you and CS up and you can hook me me up. They will probaly change there ways after me thogh. I make female players fall in love. A week after I leave they'll be calling me from Philly International saying they had to see me again.

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Lozzy read post #52.. i did agree with you .. i actually have many friends like that .. LMO, Elly.. you still want Splinter?? lol


  19. #59
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Well next time I am in TX I will look you and CS up and you can hook me me up. They will probaly change there ways after me thogh. I make female players fall in love. A week after I leave they'll be calling me from Philly International saying they had to see me again.
    not Splinter... you dont know Splinter... she will break your heart.. errrr I mean your wallet.. boys fall for her stupid ass.. errrr ugly, stupid ass.. I dont get it.. lol

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    not Splinter... you dont know Splinter... she will break your heart.. errrr I mean your wallet.. boys fall for her stupid ass.. errrr ugly, stupid ass.. I dont get it.. lol
    That sounds like a challenge.
    I dont know what you heard about me
    A girl cant get a dollar outta me

  21. #61
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    That sounds like a challenge.
    I dont know what you heard about me
    A girl cant get a dollar outta me
    many have said taht comenig in.. but are left going ...


  22. #62
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    many have said taht comenig in.. but are left going ...

    She probaly treats guys like crap and they go on a mission to win her over and go broke in the process. My game is perfect for those girls. They never see it coming, they are used to being in control. I flip the script on them. Find a way to get a drink from the well and you can drain it dry with the right game.

  23. #63
    LM1332 Guest
    Listen to this man he knows what he is talking about. This is no bull****

    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    After reading 1Victors dilemna and the advice he was getting I wanted to give yall some good advice on dealing with women. I don't expect any women to agree with this verbally but I bet their actions would say this advice is right on the money.

    1. Always act nice in the beginning. All women think they want a nice guy, but subconsiously they want a bad boy. So play the role. Laugh at their stupid jokes, act like you care about their jobs and blah blah blah. Play it to the hill too. I mean act like it is the most interesting thing in the world.

    2. Always try to get them alone after doing all that BS to reel them in. Start off by saying something like, "I usually don't say do this but I never met someone as smart and beautiful as you" looking in to their eyes and kiss them. They knew in the first 30 seconds if they were gonna give you some so if they were you are in there. Do your thing, start off slow, then work your way up to high intensity, make sure she gets off.

    3. Leave or take her home. Never spend the night together. The next day don't call. She probaly won't call you going by her friends advice, but she will by day 2. Answer the phone and say you'll call her back. Call her back. Seem very interested in what she is saying but not too much. Do this for about 3-7 days, dont go overboard the fish will get off the hook if you do. Use common sense.

    4. Take her out. Be nice again, pretty much repeat the first night. This is to show her you are a "good guy" deep down. This time you dont talk to her for a few days after sex. Time to make her start persuing you.

    5. Next time don't take her out. Go straight to your or her crib. Be nice but make sure you don't hit it. This will make her think, **** is he boning someone else he wasn't horny. See by now she should like you and wont be too quick to curb you.

    **** I got to go make a call. More later.

    The next info are rules after your first few dates got her reeled in.

    1. NEVER EVER SEEM JEALOUS. Remember she is the lucky one, not you. If she left tomorrow you would be fine.

    2. Tell little stupid lies for no reason out of the bluie, and make sure they are lies you get caught in. Then never justify yourself when she catches you. Don't even be willing to discuss it. You are the man not her. This makes you mysterious. You got secrets, this is intriguing to her.

    3. Always get caught checking out other girls when you are out together. This will force her to make herself more desirable to you. Works great.

    4. Never ever under any circumstances make her your priority. Put friends, the club, the gym, your dog, car, whatever before her. This will make her starve for your attention. This is golden if she grew up without a father but works on 80% of women. They all want to be first in your life.

    5. Always have stuff about yourself they hate. Their missiion in life is to change a man in to what they want. Once you do that. Game over they win and you get sh!t on.

    6. A couple days a month put these rules away and be Prince Charming. Always got to proove that "there is a nice guy inside of you."

    I am going off the top of my head thats all I can think of right now, as I think of more I'll add to it. I guarantee this stuff works. If you are a whining pussy or a hater dont bother trying because you probaly arent man enough to pull it off, but dont worry when your girl needs a real man she can call me. PM me for my number to give to your girl Decadbal.

  24. #64
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    No offense GQ, but young men with your attitude are going to learn the hard way. I don't have the energy or desire to devote to trying to convince you otherwise.

    Good luck to you and all who follow the advice set forth by Lozgod. I'll be on the lookout of for more of the "this biotch is crazy, danm women, women are "players"" thread. And when I see them, I'm simply going to link to this thread.

    Nuff said
    inevitably i'm sure i'll get my heart broken, but that's apart of life - right now, i'm going to college, workin a nightclub and having fun (as by my own definition),

    BUT if and when i find that girl i'm absolutely in love with, i'll make sure I bring it up with a picture of the two of us and you can tell me i'm wrong (in that i didn't follow lozgods directions thereafter the beginning of the relationship)

  25. #65
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    women with self esteem issues.
    They are the best women on the planet. A hot girl with self-esteem issues. This game isn't to find Mrs. Right. This game is to get laid and have 4 or 5 girls at your disposal and how to not get played by a female player. This is for those guys that dont want to settle down.




  26. #66
    Join Date
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    ACLU headquarters
    As the inspiration for this threat (my dilemma) I agree with Loz that most of todays women are players too and you have to one up them in the game. Before I met my wife I was a manwhore that practiced all of his principles. When I met someone that "did it" for me that's when I quit the game.

    Good women and good men are hard to find these days you have to sort through a lot of garbage to find a diamond!

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    dirty souf
    ok if u haters,u know who u are i dont have to to point u out ,would have read what loz said about if u wanna ''house wife '' etc ... u wouldnt have had to open ur hatin mouth he was just sayin if u want pussy this is what u do, i do it ,i didnt realize i was doin it till i read this so i guess i just got game and i know it works so all u haters wanna be a superman go ahead mean while pple like me and loz will be takin viagra and test when were 90 bangin a differnt chick everynight

  28. #68
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by alabama
    ok if u haters,u know who u are i dont have to to point u out ,would have read what loz said about if u wanna ''house wife '' etc ... u wouldnt have had to open ur hatin mouth he was just sayin if u want pussy this is what u do, i do it ,i didnt realize i was doin it till i read this so i guess i just got game and i know it works so all u haters wanna be a superman go ahead mean while pple like me and loz will be takin viagra and test when were 90 bangin a differnt chick everynight
    alabama, you sound like the trashiest trailerpark redneck i haven't met

    i think it'd be better if you shut your cussin mouth

    your post here really isn't helping lozgod's argument

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    dirty souf
    can we please stop all ths hatin man ,u ant helpin either with ur hatin

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    yeah your right dude

    sorry about the rudeness

  31. #71
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Alabama.... heres my take on your comment..

    the thread title is "Lozgod's RELATIONSHIP advice"

    and not every man/woman is a hater because they might actually be out there looking for the ONE..

    and this is an open board.. as long as theers no flaming, anyone can comment on any thread... sooo SHHHHHH!!!!

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    AMEN sister.

    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    hey dont get all pissy...

    im not arguing with you ..

    there are women who like to be treated like dirty rotten pieces of meat.. I and Cb are obviously not 2 of those woemn..

    so yes there is a time and a place and the right scank for this type of man.. and im glad im not out there among them anymore..
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Well.... I'm in love. Too bad we're so far from one another. I would love a chance to be one of your many dumb bimbo chicks.

    Do I have to take a number at the door?

    Quote Originally Posted by alabama
    ok if u haters,u know who u are i dont have to to point u out ,would have read what loz said about if u wanna ''house wife '' etc ... u wouldnt have had to open ur hatin mouth he was just sayin if u want pussy this is what u do, i do it ,i didnt realize i was doin it till i read this so i guess i just got game and i know it works so all u haters wanna be a superman go ahead mean while pple like me and loz will be takin viagra and test when were 90 bangin a differnt chick everynight
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    You people are all missing the point! These don't work on decent, "take home to mom" type girls, this ONLY applies to girls that are sluts and will get you laid quickly. As Commando Barbi said, "bimbo barfly gym groupies...or women with self esteem issues"

    And none of you women on this board can relate because youre all decent, respectable, quality girls!
    Last edited by AandF6969; 07-18-2004 at 12:57 PM.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thats been our problem this whole summer dude, were always looking for the sluts but all were finding is the "take home" chicks. And using the wrong techniques on them.

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Good advice if you want to get laid.If you're looking for a gf, then take a totally different aproach.And being nice to your girl doesn't make you a pussy.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    Good advice if you want to get laid.If you're looking for a gf, then take a totally different aproach.And being nice to your girl doesn't make you a pussy.
    If you're her complete bitch and do everything she says like she owns you, and youve lost all will of your own, yes you are a pussy. Witnessed it firsthand with my roommate.

  38. #78
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    And being nice to your girl doesn't make you a pussy.
    If its sincere and not to get in her pants then........yes it does.

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    Zagreb, Croatia
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    If you're her complete bitch and do everything she says like she owns you, and youve lost all will of your own, yes you are a pussy. Witnessed it firsthand with my roommate.
    Yes, I agree. As with all human relations you have to know where to draw the line. I always treat a woman like a lady, but only if she deserves it! If she treats me with respect there is no reason for me to act as a dumbass that doesn't return her phone calls just coz I wanna feel like a player!

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Lozgod did you say you were 30 years old?

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