Well this was about 6 months back but reading those stripper posts reminded me of this story...
me and a few of my buddies went to a strip club in toronto called Whiskey-A-GoGo to celebrate some stupid nerds birthday. I really hated this guy. He wasnt my bro but he was a friend of a friend sort of thing. Picture one of those girlie type of pu$$y guys that are tall, thin, stupid looking, and wouldnt throw a punch if his life depended on it. This is what he looked like,,,but anywayz. So its his birthday and were all sitting in the front row enjoying drinks and the fine pu$$y infront of us when all of a sudden this gorgeous stripper stands in front of the b-day boy and taps her own ass signaling him to slap it. Being the shy pu$$y that he was he never did it. The stripper turned around and said to him "What are you, gay or something". At this point me and my buddies are dying of laughter, and you could almost see a tear trickle down his cheek. Anywayz about 4 or 5 dancers later another hot ass stripper stands infront of the B-day boy again sticking her ass out at him, however this stripper never signaled him to slap it. Feeling nervous about being taunted again the dummy stands up out of his chair anddelievers one of the most hardest slaps to the girls ass i have ever seen.
This was the insuing dialouge.
Stripper: What the hell do you think your doing.
Dumbass: I thought you wanted me to slap your ass..
Stripper: Umm did you hear me say slap my ass..
Dumbass: No but...
stripper: exactly now you owe me 20 bucks for touching me without permission.
Being the dumbass that he is he stumbles for his wallet like a nervous wreck and he pulls out a 50$ bill wrapped in a 20$ bill. As soon as the stripper seen the money she swipped it out of his hands. At this point me and my buddies are once again dying of laughter. So with 70$ in her hands the stripper countinues to dance. The B-day boy then gets up on stage almost literally chasing the stripper around it saying,, "hey give me my money" needless to say the bouncers were on him like white on rice. A 300lbs monster of a bouncer jumped the pencil neck from behind completly squishing him on stage. 2 bouncers then carried him out while he was kicking and screaming like a little bitch. Me and my buddies then debated should be go out and see if hes alright..."Nah phuck him" we said and we enjoyed the rest of our stay. We left the club about 2 hours later to find the guy on a park bench near by crying with a bloody lip. My smart ass buddy with the funniest grin of his face looked down at him and said "Happy birthday idiot."