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Thread: The GROWING call...
07-21-2004, 12:46 PM #1
The GROWING call...
There is a growing call to ban Anabolic Steroids -- which of the three options would you choose ? Of course you can also choose to ignore the issue.
The Debate:
1. "I'm in full support of this motion to ban AS," says man on the street Alexei Limpwong. "I'm sick of being pushed around by cave men on steroids. They make me feel selfconscious and they are not natural."
2. "The government has a responsibility to stop people from hurting themselves -- it's the same reason we should make them wear seat belts in cars. Sooner or later, these Anabolic Steroid users are going to end up in our hospitals, sucking on taxpayer-funded healthcare. Not that that's why we should ban Anabolic Steroids . We should ban AS because we care."
3. "Get your hands off my GEAR and JUICE!" demands long time steroid user Freddy Jefferson. "I've been juicing for fifty years and it's never done me any harm. Helps me concentrate and get results, it does! The government should back off on trying to tell me what I can put into my own body. If you want to put a stop to unfairness, stop that."
(adapted from NationStates)
07-21-2004, 01:14 PM #2
your talking for medical reasons?
already banned without scripts
07-21-2004, 01:21 PM #3
Preach on, brutha.
07-21-2004, 01:22 PM #4
I want to punch the first guy in the face.
07-21-2004, 01:38 PM #5
Originally Posted by AandF6969
07-21-2004, 01:41 PM #6
....what's funny is that most of the people wanting to remove steroids from our society completely are the ones shoving nothing but shiat into their mouths and never working out. But, obesity is recognized as a disease now, so healthcare companies will pay more benefits to those that are fat....dam liberals....
07-21-2004, 01:54 PM #7
I am gonna kick that first guys ass and take his girl. I am #3.
07-21-2004, 02:00 PM #8
I would agree with number 2. Even though I am pro the use of steroids , lets say approximately 50% of those who do use them are incompetent. This in turn gives us a staggering number of idiots who are hospitalized or worst will suffer a painful death due to liver failure. So looking at the big picture, would you legalize something that hurts half of its users? I wouldn't to think so, and worst if it was legal that percentage would be much higher. Therefore, form a social point of view the government has made a wise choice. Since no one wants to pay for long extensive medical care and not everyone has any sort of medical insurance.
07-21-2004, 02:09 PM #9
Yeah I know some dumbasses that are on as and when I was
in hs playing ball all the rage was about dbol **** probably still
is. And for my incompetent friends I just give up one them theres
nothing I can do for them they just wont listen.
07-21-2004, 02:10 PM #10
Originally Posted by Isaiah1SAS
A guy on juice is way more concerned over what goes in his body and his/her health than any other.
My stance on the subject.......make it legal for those of age who can think for themselves. Should free up tons of cash for our war on drugs........just like everything the Goverment handles we're really making great strides with this war.
07-21-2004, 02:14 PM #11
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
07-21-2004, 02:22 PM #12
"...war on drugs..." that is an oxymoron like Political Science or Economic Science or Practicing Medicine or Elected Representative.
AS is a personal choice and we should have this LIBERTY and many others. I'm tired of paying for mercenary whores protecting Pfizer and Merk etc. at the point of a gun.
07-21-2004, 02:24 PM #13
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
How are you comparing obesity to steroid use ? A person can become obese eating anything and everything in excess, what is the government going to do, ratio out food? Ban fast food? It wouldn’t matter people would still be obese.
A competent person on juice is concerned over what goes into his body. Albeit some might think they know what they're doing, they might not know the right dosage or how their body is going to respond. Also, think of how many posts that you have read with people going "PCT...? What's that...?". This is being that the person is somewhat competent being able to use a computer and find this website. However, they aren’t knowledgeable enough to know what Anti-E's are.
Another thing is, assuming that you mean we should propose an age limit on sell of AAS, being that it’s the same way with alcohol and tobacco. Now think of how many times you went to a local grocery store and gotten beer when you were 15-16. Not everyone upholds the law, and being that one shot can be lethal its much more dangerous then a 22 ounce Corona...
07-21-2004, 02:25 PM #14
Originally Posted by mass junkie
Seriously, the goverment says it's against the law for me to put a substance in my body that they have no idea what will or will not happen yet for the most part makes one more healthy but it's perfectly fine by allowing me to smoke ciggs and drink till my liver and kidneys fail.
I've yet to open a paper and read "Steroid user smashes into a school bus and kills three, suspect face's death penalty". I've yet to hear about a steroid user so hooked on the stuff so much so that he steals from his own family and freinds or robs a bank. I can tell in a glance if a guy is drunk or high on rec drugs......I'll be ****ed if I can do the same for a steroid user......then again I don't think a steroid user is going to fall asleep behind the wheel or **** up a TPA report.
07-21-2004, 02:30 PM #15
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Originally Posted by Elliot
07-21-2004, 02:31 PM #16
Yeah screw them fatties
07-21-2004, 02:32 PM #17
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Originally Posted by builtthekid
07-21-2004, 02:33 PM #18
Originally Posted by builtthekid
very insightful
07-21-2004, 02:36 PM #19
Originally Posted by Elliot
and as for dealing with illnesses due to steroids ; whatever they may turn out to be, if any, they pale in comparisson to all the ones that will for sure pop up with the overweight population. I'm pretty sure a 200 pound steroid user will out live a 400 pound man who never least a couple of years more.
07-21-2004, 02:41 PM #20
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
You are describing a person who abuses a substance. Did you see the Fox special on steroids ? Kid started at 16, then stole $400 for another cycle and sold a laptop for his third cycle. Is this out of the ordinary? Yes. Did it happen? Yes. We have extremities with everything. Being that people get into accidents on hourly bases, the one as.shole who runs over someone because he was drunk is in the top 99th percentile of all car related accidents. People get hooked on everything now a days, from coke to Counter Strike. So until steroids start-making users drowsy don't compare the two..
07-21-2004, 02:42 PM #21
And keep in mind I'm reffering to the comment "The government has a responsibility to stop people from hurting themselves". We all know that's total horse ****..............our goverment buys hammers for $10,000 each.........with that in mind I'm positive they'll do a bang up job if this ever becomes a reality.
07-21-2004, 02:42 PM #22
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I can have major surgery to make my face look better (not that I need to, I'm waxing hypothetic here), or have my stomach stapled so I can only eat an ounce or so of food, but I can't legally get a drug that builds muscle only if I workout and eat enough quality food?
07-21-2004, 02:43 PM #23
AS juice head gear nuts have the real-time data and more importantly the SHARP END real world experience to help FAT OBESE americans. 'drogens are the reason america has the MOST fat obese children on planet earth. My heart swells with patriotic pride as I consider all of the noble american patriots in every walk of life helping to make sure through the WAR ON DRUGS that american continues to have the FATTEST MOST OBESE children on the planet bar none-- HEAR, HEAR for obese american children ! And the Rx healthcare BONANZA their increasing illness will in time manifest ! Hoo-ahhhh ! for gyn 'roid obese american children-- fatest on earth !!!
You're correct that the onset of menstruation has been getting progressively earlier among girls in the United States. No one is sure of why, but one possibility is that commercially produced meat and milk products contain residues of growth-promoting hormones. These have estrogenic activity, so they could stimulate early menstruation.
07-21-2004, 02:50 PM #24
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
Once more not every steroid user is smart enough to know how to use the stuff. I cannot stress enough how many idiots are out there popping oral d-bol like its skittles thinking they're going to get huge, while their liver is slowly rotting away.Last edited by Elliot; 07-21-2004 at 02:52 PM.
07-21-2004, 02:50 PM #25
Originally Posted by Elliot
Top 99th percentile.......only the ones that have an accident. How many drive that don't get caught? In one month alone the hills. county cops here in Tampa busted 240 people for drunk freaking month! Yet it's perfectly legal for me to drink but I can't use steroids ? Please...I'm freakin 40 years old....I don't need any goverment telling me what I can't put in my body if they have no problem letting half the population kill themselves with drinking.
07-21-2004, 02:57 PM #26
Originally Posted by Elliot
I'm not saying there aren't some really stupid people out there doing steroids wrong........but if they were legal wouldn't education be a little better about them.....not to mention a doctor could prescrib them to you and monitor your progression?
07-21-2004, 02:59 PM #27
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
Yet the poor kid hung himself, he wasn't able to deal with the clomid mood swings..
You still don't see my point. If there was a way for them to test you for steroid use , you would have been arrested as well, for using an illegal substance. We did try to ban alcohol, and well that didn't work out to well.
07-21-2004, 03:06 PM #28
Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
Well, we did have a physical education test, run a mile in 10 minutes, do 30 sit-ups in one minute, and do a minimum of seven pushups. Of course, the exam is a joke to anyone who ever actually participated in PE. However if they where to raise the standards we would have 26 year old seniors. We can't make every kid into a fitness freak, all we can do is simply try to influence their train of thought.
A doctor can use steroids , as well as he can prescribe them for his patients. In addition, you can find tons of information about steroids , don't tell me you can't. At this day and age, you can Google "pipe bomb" and get an instructional manual on how to construct one.
07-21-2004, 03:09 PM #29
Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
this is the **** that gets my blood food, ciggerttes/tobacco, and fukking prescription meds have killed more than AAS...yet the gov't has to call out all AAS and users and deam it unlawful, illegal, and not acceptable...
our gov't is so fukking contradictive its just rediculas
07-21-2004, 03:12 PM #30
It has become socially acceptable to be obese in this country...
AND IT WILL NOT GO AWAY because the food has gyn 'roids in it and little Billie needs a training bra because ***SOME*** of the mercenary whores fighting the war on drugs like their weapons and choppers, and satellites more than they like Little Billie even though Little Billie loves Gary Owen with all of his PATRIOTIC little heart.
07-21-2004, 03:16 PM #31
State Facts
Population: 19,011,378
Law Enforcement Officers: 80,036
State Prison Population: 102,900
Probation Population: 198,042
Violent Crime Rate
National Ranking: 17
2003 Federal Drug Seizures
Cocaine: 5,056 kgs.
Heroin: 625 kgs.
Methamphetamine: 2.1 kgs.
Marijuana: 2,581 kgs.
Ecstasy: 193,224 tablets
Methamphetamine Laboratories: 18 (DEA, state, and local)
How can you bad mouth that?!
07-21-2004, 03:34 PM #32
#3. That's me.
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