I've read through some older magazines I had lying around and some new ones I picked up today.
I used to be a fan of Muscular Development, but I find myself always skipping the first 200 pages until I hit the Pro's section. But that's all the same ****. Granted, this months MD is pretty intense with the whole Flex/Cormier beef, but the magazine pretty much sucks and recycles old information in the first half of the entire book. The Pro's section is pretty tight, but there's only so much you can read when they talk about their road to 'whatever show' is coming up next. The response to fan letters is good for the most part, but they never seem to stem into detail and/or avoid the questions that most of us really want answered. Not only that, but the Pro's tend to contradict eachother and half of what's written in the first 200 pages.
IE. "Studies show that higher reps make muscles bigger" while a Pro will say, "For this bodypart you have to use low reps". I know each person is different, but you get what I'm saying.
Surprisingly, I'm a fan of Robert Kennedy's "MuscleMag". Atleast the older copies. They would always go indepth with drug articles and facts and go behind the scenes more then any magazine today.
Flex is just crap.
Fitness RX, yes, I did fitness modeling, but that magazine is for pussies.
Mens Health is a bootleg, poor rip-off of Maxim/FHM.
Ironman ain't that shabby. Good articles, ****ty training logs and crap pictures. Nothing out of the ordinary.