I just saw him on The Best **** Sports Show. I remember him being a puny little twerp, but I guess he hit the weights pretty hard, cuz he is pretty yokd.
I just saw him on The Best **** Sports Show. I remember him being a puny little twerp, but I guess he hit the weights pretty hard, cuz he is pretty yokd.
Id still beat him like a red headed step-child.
dam, you cant even say **** here?Originally Posted by JDawg1536
BWAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!Originally Posted by JDawg1536
I would say post a pic, but...nevermind. Dont need to see that clown anymore than i already have!
yeah hes one ugly mofo, but anyone else that watched the show tonight can vouch for me as well. Im not saying he is BDTR or anything, but hes got some decent size to him.
i tried not to get any face shots![]()
He looks a bit bigger, yeah, but he's still small.........
Why is he a frail little b*tch then on every CALL ATT commercial?
No size whatsoever when he "dials down the center".
yeah but those could have been filmed a long time agoOriginally Posted by SwoleCat
I thought of that, but they are always filmed with the current rate/deal going on, so it would have to be current. I dunno.........
Wow he has really changed from when i saw him a couple of years ago. Alltough his bitchtits are disturbing.
A big imporvement though, I'll give him credit on that!
Carrot top has a shlt load of money though I bet. Im sure he is taxing some models ass even with his read head. Some girls like red headed guys Im sure.
I saw one of his bits a year ago. He is still kinda funny.
Those ATT commercials pay quite a bit of dough. A lot of well known actors are just now figuring out that doing a 30 second commercial that takes a day to film pays almost as much as doing a big screen B movie that takes 6 months of "on location" filming.
Royalties for "EVERY" time, place and channel it is shown on.
Maybe if he shaved his head, he would be more popular.
complete chump...
Well for as little as any of us know of him, off screen he might not be such a dumba$$. I have to say from what I've seen on tv of him I think he's a complete moron though!!
I look at it this way..........the guy is trying to stay busy and make as much money
while he can......lets face it, he will never be a great actor! he is just trying to make
a buck the best way he can......I have never heard him talk smack about anyone...
so more power to him!
plus he is ulgy......so if being on TV will get him laid then good for him.
check the new ATT commercials out. he is pretty jacked...not as big as a bodybuilder, but bigger and more muscular than the average joe on the street. pay closer attention.
Closer attention to a carrot top commercial is not something I can honestly say I'll be making a conscious effort to do.Originally Posted by GQSuperman
your such an a$$hole sc, just cuz he is the ugliest mofo on the planet doesnt mean you have to criticize himOriginally Posted by SwoleCat
I noticed this for a while now in all of his commercials. Someone needs to tell him about anti-e's....look at the bloat in his fukin face....dayum!!!
Vet@ BigdogBodybuilding
Vet@ Anabolic Impact
He needs to shave his ****in head..
im resent that bermich...im a red head. You need to re-word it to "NO girls like red headed guys, im sure." I thinks its more of a "tan" issue howeverOriginally Posted by bermich
Anway, Carrot-top came to my college and went to work out at my gym uptown. Luckly i wasnt there, but a few guys in the gym told me about it the next day....the first thing i though was "carrot top works out??"
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