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Okay well I don't know about you guys, but it kinda irks me when I see these young kids on the juice. Fortunately, here, 9 out of 10 of the people here use them inteligently, allowing them to gain naturally, and allow themselves to fill out, mature, grow of age, gain the maturity, and the know-how before embarking in the gear game.
But anyways, I'm at the gym, and there's this kid, 17-18 years old who's on the juice, and today, I was near him when he was talking to his friend. He's like "that kid keeps staring at me", his friends like "who", him - "oh that guy over there looking like a tough ass". And he kept making a big deal everytime the kid even looked over.
I wanted to be like "Did you even think maybe he's staring at you 'cause you have about 4000 zits on your face, 8 million on your back, you're build is sloppy 'cause you don't know what the hell you're doing as I watch you lift, and then there's the fact that you get so worked up if someone's looking at you@!!!!"
I'm not making fun of the acne, as I had to take accutane and I've never even been on the gear hehe, but when you're a teenager on the gear I'm sorry but you deserve it. Not to mention the zits are bad enough naturally at that age.
It's these guys that give the gear a bad name, do you guys feel me here?
bah, just venting.