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Thread: whats your parents` take on your lifestyle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.

    whats your parents` take on your lifestyle?

    i got in this game at age 12. at age 15 i was blessed with good genetics, so i started to look bigger than everyone. thats when my parents thought i was on roids. they basically turned theyre back on me with everything that has to do with weightlifting. when i was 15 also, i hopped on the high school powerlifting team. i was a good benchpresser. at the age of 17 i was in the high 300's(my senior year at high school) and i had 42 meets in total. i was telented enough to make it so sectionals, then regionals, and i made it to state the 3 years i competed. but my parents never showed up for any of meets. they actually yelled at me sometimes for going to the meets because they were a good drive and i would come back late at night. i placed 3rd and 4th at state the 3 years and i got a trophy twice for 3rd, but they didnt care at all. my dad wanted me out working construction with him like im doing now, and my mom was worried for my body because she thought i was roidin up hard. so basically, i never had anybody standing behind me in anything i ever did in my life. kinda sad and phucked up but, its just **** i have to deal with. sometimes i blame my losses at my powerlifting meets to my parents, because when you see a kid with so much talent in the sport, and you take a look around the arena and you see everyone else parents there, and you say to yourself "i wonder what my parents are doing", it kinda messes with your head bro's. when i was 17, i hadnt cried for a few years, but i broke down a couple times after i lost my meets, just cuzz i take them seriously, but no one else whos a part of my life does and at that point of my life i NEEDED someone to stand behind me, but there were nothin but shadows. so i basically deal with my problems by myself. ofcourse you had a few guys on the team who were strong as well, and they would call the team over to your bench so that the whole team can cheer for you and get you pumped but you still wonder where the hell your family is, you know?

    im sorry yall i just had to vent it out, it kills me when the ONLY thing you argue about with your parents, is my weightlifting life

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wow bro, that's really rough. I'm lucky in that my parents were supportive of me in everything that I did. Of course, I didn't get into bodybuilding until way after I had moved out, so I really didn't give two shakes of a rat's @ss what anyone thought of what I was doing anyhow.

    However, I hear what you're sayin'. I know some guys that had situations like that.


  3. #3
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    Nov 2001

    my mom thinks i'm scary

    she saw the pictures i posted here just a few days ago after i sent them to her.she always freaks out when i see her and i'm all veiny.she told me she would never date a guy like me because i look scary, mom is like 5'2 and 100 nothign lbs so to her i'm huge,haha
    she does ask me alot of questions about everything and knows i use gear.she always says, "you could have worse hobbies than keeping in shape and looking good" so that is a nice confirmation that mom's are the best

  4. #4
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    Sounds rough bro. My parents supported me all the way. I do know a bit about how you feel though. When I went to college to play ball my parents were only able to come to a few games a year due to the 1,000mile+ trip. So I usually gave my free tix away to other players or to chix I would bang after the game.

    Nothing beats having your parents support though.


  5. #5
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    when I was into lifting hardcore, my mom would always say "how are you looking like that? what are you taking? creatine is bad for you!!" she would nag non-stop. i am just getting back into it, and the first thing she says when i get home, "dont go so hard at the gym, you are already getting bigger so fast!" I said, "mom, its only my second workout." Moms will be moms, I think mine is just a little more eccentric than most. And my dad doesnt give a ****.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2001

    same with me

    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    when I was into lifting hardcore, my mom would always say "how are you looking like that? what are you taking? creatine is bad for you!!" she would nag non-stop. i am just getting back into it, and the first thing she says when i get home, "dont go so hard at the gym, you are already getting bigger so fast!" I said, "mom, its only my second workout." Moms will be moms, I think mine is just a little more eccentric than most. And my dad doesnt give a ****.
    my mo supported every athletic thing i did including this now that i'm done w/ college ball and all that. mom's are awesome that way!my dad could care less if i breathe sweet air.he was always putting down my acheivements because he's an insecure ****

  7. #7
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    my dad isnt like that, hes a pretty cool guy. ITs just that he doesnt care. I came home all excited after the gym one day and told him I benched 115's for 10x (Im not a very big guy), and he smiles and says,"Way to go", I can just tell he doesnt give a flying F*ck though. At least he pretends like he cares I guess.

  8. #8
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    My mom tries, she is a nurse practitioner so she always interjects with the evils of the bodybuilding lifestyle and my health. She gets particularly voicestrous when it is time to diet down. But again she tries.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Wow bro, that's really rough. I'm lucky in that my parents were supportive of me in everything that I did. Of course, I didn't get into bodybuilding until way after I had moved out, so I really didn't give two shakes of a rat's @ss what anyone thought of what I was doing anyhow.

    However, I hear what you're sayin'. I know some guys that had situations like that.

    your carrying the mentality ive developed over the years brutha. ive learned from those years, im just tryin to stick in the game till my time is up in this world, **** what anyone thinks of me and **** support i dont need it.

  10. #10
    my mom says "why is your face so bloated?" lol, i tell her its an anti-inflamatory med. She says, I have never seen you so big. I know what she is thinking but i dance around it and change the subject, no sense telling her since her head is filled with all of the media hype. All that would do is make her worry. Just live your life, you only get one ride on this rock.

  11. #11
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    she saw the pictures i posted here just a few days ago after i sent them to her.she always freaks out when i see her and i'm all veiny.she told me she would never date a guy like me because i look scary, mom is like 5'2 and 100 nothign lbs so to her i'm huge,haha
    she does ask me alot of questions about everything and knows i use gear.she always says, "you could have worse hobbies than keeping in shape and looking good" so that is a nice confirmation that mom's are the best
    My Mom knows I juice and she's supportive. She did say something silly. When I told her she said don't get roid rage and have your brain explode. I've never seen anyone's brain explode on a cycle.

  12. #12
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    My dad is very supportive, but my mom tries to sabatoge me all the time.

  13. #13
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    my parents havent got a straight answer out of me in 15 years, they just stopped asking

  14. #14
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    **** what anyone thinks of me and **** support i dont need it.


    jokin man... I have a story about me .. that I have only told one person in my life.

    Similar but the most embarrassing thing I could ever tell ... and will not .... yet.

    but, I hear yah mang.

  15. #15
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    well i dont live with my dad, he and my mom broke up years and years ago. im 19 and i live with my mom who is a heroin addict and unemployed, she doesnt give two ****s about me or my lil brother, i pay her rent each month and then thats when we talk, always about cash so she can get her next hit. ive given up on her. never had anyone to back me up, ive been my own wall. its hard i have no one to confide in, no one tp say well done to me. i cant afford to move out so i have to put up with her, i have to lock my bedroom just in case her druggy friends steal my stuff, and so that my mom dont steal from me, she has stolen my gold, my electrical equiptment before.

    so in conclusion bro, my parent dont care!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    she saw the pictures i posted here just a few days ago after i sent them to her.she always freaks out when i see her and i'm all veiny.she told me she would never date a guy like me because i look scary, mom is like 5'2 and 100 nothign lbs so to her i'm huge,haha
    she does ask me alot of questions about everything and knows i use gear.she always says, "you could have worse hobbies than keeping in shape and looking good" so that is a nice confirmation that mom's are the best
    yeah same thing for me, my parents know the gear thing and they were very scared in the beginning that something goes wrong. but they know that im well informed on the subject so they r kinda reassured . as far for anything else i tried in my youth, they were always there to support me. i love my parents to death i still dont know how ill live after their death...

  17. #17
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    In the game since age 12...Excellent and you got a year jump on me since I started at 13. The only thing my parents nagged me about back then was the need to wait till I had reached full height before working out and in the end they turned out to be right..I was 5 ft 10 at 13 and am still 5ft 10 at 33 My two brothers are 6ft 4 goons but I can still kick their asses.

  18. #18
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    In the Gym, if i could
    my mom knows both my brother and i both are on..........

    we just ignore it like the big turd in the living room...........
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  19. #19
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    Parents? if your still sucking on your mom's teet then you need to grow up. this is your life and you shouldn't be concerend about anyone elses standing up for you. once you grow up and have a family of your own then you can treat your kids the way you wanted to be treated. Until then suck it up and forget about your parents supporting you, it's all about you and you only. Now get out there and kick some ass.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    my mother was 100% against it. When I lived at home (back in high school) she was always on my case. "how big do you want to get?" "why do you do this to yourself" "big guys are gross" etc etc. Everytime we'd pass a nutrition store or a billboard with a BB on it shed look at me and say "you think thats disgusting right? you dont want to get that big right?"

    I feel ya bro. The only thing I could do about it was move out of the house. Since then it's been peacefull for me. Just remember, its your life, not theirs. Do what you want with your life, when you move out it will be better.

  21. #21
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    my dad isnt like that, hes a pretty cool guy. ITs just that he doesnt care. I came home all excited after the gym one day and told him I benched 115's for 10x (Im not a very big guy), and he smiles and says,"Way to go", I can just tell he doesnt give a flying F*ck though. At least he pretends like he cares I guess.
    Join the club I told my pops I repped 315 3x on bench and he said "thats great" I thinking he could not even pick it up... what a hater

  22. #22
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    ha, my parents know I juice...they don't really care or at least i get that impression but now they assume everything wrong that happens to me health wise or emotionally has to deal with steroids

  23. #23
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    My dad just says im not actually persuing bb untill i compete. I have tried to explain that not every bb competes, and that eventually i will but i want to gain some size first. Hes comparing it to football or another sport where you compete every week. BB is different but he cant see it.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2004
    That really sucks bro. I kinda know how you feel, because my mom TRIPS over me takin ephedrine. She would never take it away from me though or any thing else I have which is cool as h*ll with me. All parents are gonna be concerned especially if they are in the dark on the real information behind supps, etc.

    You should have seen all the excuses I came up with though on my first dnp cycle, it was almost comical.

  25. #25
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    When I was young I would eat bad, I was really out of shape and my mom would always nag me to be active and get out more. Then when I got addicted to weightlifting, fitness and going to the gym 5 days a week suddenly it was bad for me and 'you're going to hurt yourself.' That was what really pissed me off when I was a teenager. She would tell me what she thought would be better for me and if I agreed and really took to it she would change her mind. It's like she wasnt happy unless she was telling me I'm doing something wrong.
    But she stopped being like that the day I turned 18 and was an adult in her mind. My parents are really supportive of me now in bb. And try to accomidate my diet when I go visit on weekends

  26. #26
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    my mom just says look at those stretch marks and you're getting to big. She just tells me to not over do it and injure myself. I think she must know but we never really address the issue at hand. She just knows that since I am being focused on school and staying away from the hard core drugs I use to do; that she is just happy that I an not the phuck up I once was,lol

  27. #27
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    i guess i'm lucky. my parents are fitness enthusiasts. My mom and dad do 100-mile bikerides and my mom is a personal trainer. i have fitness in my blood.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    bout my money
    my step mom has given me shots, my dad asks if it hurts to get a shot, and my mom laughs her ass off when i have a shirt off. she says "oohhhh my god your muscles are like popping out of your body." my moms is awesome lol. they just laugh at me and how i eat and all that sh-t

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