By no means do I condone fighting but I had quite a bit to drink and wasnt acting in the right state of mind. I was at a party with my friends and hangin out with an old buddy from high school. There were a group of hot chicks bhind me, and my buddy says "Hey, look over your right shoulder". So me being the pimp I amturn around and start pimp walking over there. As Im on my way I can hear my friend taunting me, "You aint gonna do $hit, you aint gonna do $hit!." Well $hit, then I HAD to do something. So I casually walked by this chick and grabbed her ass. We all start laughing and she gets pissed, gets in my face and says "Oh you think thats funny Im gonna get my boyfriend". So a minute or so later this fag and his butt buddy crew roll up and start yelling at me to apologize. One little bitch told me to apologize before I got my ass beat. I started laughing and said "Whos gonna beat my ass?" The pussy points to his friend, it was hilarious. So I am running my mouth to about 7 guys and they just keep talking $hit back. At this point Im tired of all the talk so I grab 2 beer bottles, smash em together, and say enough talk lets start this ****. Thats when the girl jumps in the middle, and the rest of my buddies come up and pull me away (and all those fags backed up about 10 feet). The little dude was still running his mouth so I told him that I just want me and him out front. So he starts walking over to me all tough, when my buddy, whos about BDTR's size, steps in front of him and throws him to the ground and says, "out front bitch!". Needless to say he never showed. This is why I dont drink, cuz I become a real ass and will do about anyhing.