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Thread: Darn dirty cops

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Darn dirty cops

    Ok, I was drivin with the old lady and the kiddo and we drove by a cop sittin on the side of the road, didn't think nothing of it although he was lookin at me. I kept driving and looked in my mirror and seen the kid climbing around in the back seat, so I asked the gf to put her back in her carseat. But what luck, when the old lady turned around to buckle her up she said the cop was behind me with his lights on. Well I thought, great, pulled over and the cop came up to the window. He said the reason he pulled me over was because he seen the kid crawling around in the back, so I replied, I know we were trying to buckle her back up. Then stupid smartmouth me, I said "look at the carseat it's still buckled, she crawled out. Do ya think we'd just put the seat in and take the time to buckle it for ****s?". Well of course he didn't like that, so he took my license and went back to his car, only to come back with my nice little ticket. "Here you are sir, make sure to keep her buckled up in the future. Have a nice day". $700 bucks!!! Boy she's lucky I ain't my dad, if I pulled that **** he woulda tanned my hide soo bad I wouldn't be able to walk for a week. Now I gotta pull the vacation funds to pay the **** thing, and the gf's pissed, like it's my fault!!

    Bottom line, I'll be accepting donations at F*[email protected].
    Thanks for listening and all donations are appreicated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I used to have respect for cops.....been around too many of them respect. In my opinion they are all hypocrits....and, I hate hypocrits.



  3. #3
    Join Date
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    North Jersey
    2 kinds of cops, ones who want to help people and ones who need the power because they are insecure

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Denver, CO
    Quote Originally Posted by nickrizz
    2 kinds of cops, ones who want to help people and ones who need the power because they are insecure
    and unfortunately the system often turns the first kind into the second kind.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Alternatively, this cop may have seen really bad accidents with children involved who were un-buckled, could have lost someone he knew to a situation like this, etc.

    The un-arguable point however, as sad as it may seem, is that it IS the law, and he really didn't do anything wrong w/enforcing it. That is what his job is.

    In any event, bummer about the $700 however!


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    go to court.. get it reduced.. of suspended..

    just a thought..
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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    go to court.. get it reduced.. of suspended..

    just a thought..
    That's what I was thinking, especially if the cop noted that the seat was still buckled

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    $700 chirst! Talk about making it harder on "the man".

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Go to court and ask for a reduction, there's no way any reasonable judge will uphold afine of $700 for that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    I used to have respect for cops.....been around too many of them respect. In my opinion they are all hypocrits....and, I hate hypocrits.



  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Last edited by Gearhead007; 09-27-2007 at 07:05 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Being a paramedic, you would be surprised how many dead kids I've pulled out of cars that weren't in a carseat, or it isn't put in correctly, etc. A lot of times the crash isn't that bad and the parents aren't even hurt. No matter how many times you see it, it never gets easier. The unfortunate fact is that in a lot of cases, it takes a stiff fine to get people to think, and even then, it doesn't always work. Let me ask you this, will it ever happen again? I wish the police would write tickets more often for this. I see kids rolling around in the backs of mini vans and cars all the time. Makes me sick to my stomach everytime I see it. He was jsut doing his job, and more than likely, your comments, however smartass they were, didn't have anything to do with you getting the ticket.

    Just my .02


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Va Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by Gearhead007
    Lets cut to the chase. Even you know what happened. You got a ticket for being a smart-@$$. There are those that have, and those that will. Lesson learned. I keep my mouth shut now, and I have not gotten written up in years.

    Why not just say... Bad cop, no donut for you... or,

    I thought you guys were suppoesd to be in shape... or,

    Sorry for speeding, I just left your wife, she was afraid you would come home early.

    Good luck.
    Much truth to that!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Alternatively, this cop may have seen really bad accidents with children involved who were un-buckled, could have lost someone he knew to a situation like this, etc.

    The un-arguable point however, as sad as it may seem, is that it IS the law, and he really didn't do anything wrong w/enforcing it. That is what his job is.

    In any event, bummer about the $700 however!

    Swole, although you do make a very valid point, how does giving the guy a ticket make it any better? The cop would have been better off explaining to him that he has seen a lot of accidents and stressed how important it is to have your child securly buckled....It would have been completely different if there was no car seat in the car at all....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Never mind, now that I read the rest of the posts...I clearly see your point!
    Shoulda made it $800 bucks bwhaaaaaa

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Flasher
    Swole, although you do make a very valid point, how does giving the guy a ticket make it any better? The cop would have been better off explaining to him that he has seen a lot of accidents and stressed how important it is to have your child securly buckled....It would have been completely different if there was no car seat in the car at all....
    it teaches him to always be in control of the safty of his child, i see nothing wrong with what the cop did, and i see a ton wrong with not making your child stayin the carseat... when i was a cop, id have been nice enough to listen to your story till you became a smartass, who thinks he can run off at the cumhole to me, then id have written you a ticket for everything i found wrong with the car and youd have stfu up in front of your family and respected the police like ppl need to.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Flasher
    Swole, although you do make a very valid point, how does giving the guy a ticket make it any better? The cop would have been better off explaining to him that he has seen a lot of accidents and stressed how important it is to have your child securly buckled....It would have been completely different if there was no car seat in the car at all....

    True that.
    The cop was just being a dink.
    They can't help it, it's what they are.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    Go to court and ask for a reduction, there's no way any reasonable judge will uphold afine of $700 for that.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    True that.
    The cop was just being a dink.
    They can't help it, it's what they are.
    so many retards, so little time...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Flasher
    Swole, although you do make a very valid point, how does giving the guy a ticket make it any better?..
    Well, very easily actually. If it were me, and I was faced w/a $700 fine, I'd do everything in my power to make SURE that my child didn't get him/herself out of the carseat!!!!! It's further reinforcement to superglue his/her @SS into the carseat. So, from now on, w/that $700 debt in the back of your mind everytime you load up the car w/lady and kid, you purposely remember to buckle everyone in and KEEP THEM THERE. That may save a life one day, so that is how it "makes it better".


  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Well, very easily actually. If it were me, and I was faced w/a $700 fine, I'd do everything in my power to make SURE that my child didn't get him/herself out of the carseat!!!!! It's further reinforcement to superglue his/her @SS into the carseat. So, from now on, w/that $700 debt in the back of your mind everytime you load up the car w/lady and kid, you purposely remember to buckle everyone in and KEEP THEM THERE. That may save a life one day, so that is how it "makes it better".

    I doubt the safety of the kid was in the back of the cops mind when he wrote him up for 700 bones. Thats just plain cruel. My last 2 cents on this subject.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    True that.
    The cop was just being a dink.
    They can't help it, it's what they are.
    Responses like this and people who say these types of things are usually ones who get all the tickets and have issues w/law enforcement. "ALL COPS ARE DINKS", what an educated statement!

    Aside from that, it's just common sense to keep your child restrained. My 5 year old NEVER got out of his seat, ever. I know sh*t happens, yes, but as we can see all it takes is ONE measly time and it's $$$ down the sh*tter.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    I doubt the safety of the kid was in the back of the cops mind when he wrote him up for 700 bones. Thats just plain cruel. My last 2 cents on this subject.
    So now you are the policeman's brain? It's great how you just know everything that people think and their reasoning as well. You should be on T.V.


  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Responses like this and people who say these types of things are usually ones who get all the tickets and have issues w/law enforcement. "ALL COPS ARE DINKS", what an educated statement!

    Aside from that, it's just common sense to keep your child restrained. My 5 year old NEVER got out of his seat, ever. I know sh*t happens, yes, but as we can see all it takes is ONE measly time and it's $$$ down the sh*tter.

    No. I just get hassled alot with routine checks because i drive a nice car and don't have a combover fluttering in the wind. Maybe cops are respectable where you live. Not here.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    So now you are the policeman's brain? It's great how you just know everything that people think and their reasoning as well. You should be on T.V.


    I know cops. Working as cops, and quit being cops. I worked security also where we delt with cops. I know the personalities. I'm basing my opinions on first hand experience. And you?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    No. I just get hassled alot with routine checks because i drive a nice car and don't have a combover fluttering in the wind. Maybe cops are respectable where you live. Not here.
    I drive a nice car as well, and usually have a hat balanced on my head, or a bandanna on, a cut off, sweaty as hell, arms hangin' out the window, music loud as all h*ll, and I'll look right at a cop bobbin' my head and all. No reason for one to do a "routine" check if you are not doing anything wrong. I'd report these "checks" of sorts to your local gov't agency, go further than the police department, and have documentation/reports of every traffic stop, why you were stopped (what he/she "told" you), what actually happened, etc. If it's as bad as you say, something can be done about it.


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    I know cops. Working as cops, and quit being cops. I worked security also where we delt with cops. I know the personalities. I'm basing my opinions on first hand experience. And you?
    Wow, because you have experience as a rent-a-cop, now you're an expert on all law enforcement officials and their personalities?

    LMFAO!!!!! You're killin' me here..................

    The "and you" sh*t is hilarious, not that "EXPERIENCE" is needed for me to point out that you are making what is called in journalism a "gross generalization". No experience is needed to point that out, it's common sense and reasoning. You could have had 20-30 bad police run-ins, that still does NOT make every law enforcement official a jerk/prick/whatever.

    So, your experience question is a non-sequitor, as the issue here is you claiming that all police are "whack". That is simply NOT true. No experience needed for that, again, common sense. The world is not confined to YOUR experiences only and your area.

    I'm basing my experience on a LIFETIME of being pulled over, even questioned in a robbery (which I took nothing, but friends did and did 3-4 years each!!!), and having my car searched, all the sh*t thrown out, seats torn apart, etc. Was that f*cked up? Yeah, but being that I got myself into stupid situations, it was plausible to see why they carried out the duties that they did.

    This is a non-arguable point, as there is no point, it's all opinion. So, you are entitled to your's, as I am entitled to mine.

    Good day.


  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I drive a nice car as well, and usually have a hat balanced on my head, or a bandanna on, a cut off, sweaty as hell, arms hangin' out the window, music loud as all h*ll, and I'll look right at a cop bobbin' my head and all. No reason for one to do a "routine" check if you are not doing anything wrong. I'd report these "checks" of sorts to your local gov't agency, go further than the police department, and have documentation/reports of every traffic stop, why you were stopped (what he/she "told" you), what actually happened, etc. If it's as bad as you say, something can be done about it.

    I'm picturing a bad man from your description - in this town you would not get pulled over because the police would be afraid to engage you. I'm serious. They target the younger high tech nerds in nice cars (like they are gun totting drug runners).

    I'm just a regular looking guy, an easy target. My offence? My car is shiney and loud - and the offending cop doesn't have one just like it.

    When i ask what i did wrong i get "It's my right to pull you over under the HTA".. oh yeah. i also get "Is this yours?" "what do you do for a living?" "whats the insurance on this?"..

    Our house also got robbed, we called while a robbery was in progress, man i could go on and on about the stupidity of this towns law enforcement..

    Thats my story.
    Last edited by Try Me; 08-17-2004 at 07:20 AM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    This is a non-arguable point, as there is no point, it's all opinion.
    Good day.

    It's what i've been arguing from the beginning!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    I'm picturing a bad man from your description - in this town you would not get pulled over because the police would be afraid to engage you. I'm serious. They target the younger high tech nerds in nice cars (like they are gun totting drug runners).

    I'm just a regular looking guy, an easy target. My offence? My car is shiney and loud - and the offending cop doesn't have one just like it.

    When i ask what i did wrong i get "It's my right to pull you over under the HTA".. oh yeah. i also get "Is this yours?" "what do you do for a living?" "whats the insurance on this?"..

    Thats my story.
    I understand, and that is pretty messed up! See if you can document all of these "stops" if they continue, and what can be done about it. I know I would!

    Oh, and if the police were too afraid to "engage" me or pull me over, they have WAY MORE ISSUES than those you have brought to the table here.



  31. #31
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Try Me
    I'm picturing a bad man from your description - in this town you would not get pulled over because the police would be afraid to engage you. I'm serious. They target the younger high tech nerds in nice cars (like they are gun totting drug runners).

    I'm just a regular looking guy, an easy target. My offence? My car is shiney and loud - and the offending cop doesn't have one just like it.

    When i ask what i did wrong i get "It's my right to pull you over under the HTA".. oh yeah. i also get "Is this yours?" "what do you do for a living?" "whats the insurance on this?"..

    Thats my story.
    u dont get alot of azz do ya bro... i imagine self pity is as unattractive to women as it is me..

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Va Beach
    chalk it up to life experience-try harder next time...get over it.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Write a letter to your DA. Or set up a meeting with the asistant DA and talk to them about it. Give the biggest sob story you can and explain that you noticed it before the cop did and you wanted to pull over and fix it but you couldn't pull over where you were. More than likely the assistant DA will drop it. I have no tickets on my record, but more than 1 of the assistant DA's are family friends. Just remember they are people too and they have the power to reduce it before court and drop it. I heard that getting tickets dropped in other states besides mine is un-heard of. But its worth a shot and I promise thats the way to go.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nickrizz
    2 kinds of cops, ones who want to help people and ones who need the power because they are insecure

    Exactly -- I had a cop follow me home and I was walking up my driveway and he harrassed me for "hunking my horn" what an asshole. To make matters worse he tackled me to the ground and knocked me out.

    I had the pig put on "desk duty" for 90 days because the internal investigation by the police dept found that there was no reason for him to use force. The end result -- I got a $20.oo fine for blowing my horn.

    Even though that happened to me I know there is good cops and pigs like the one above. It seems these days there are less ans less good ones.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    ACLU headquarters
    Back to the issue at hand, the fine is set that high by the state for the reasons stated above. You will never let a kid loose in your car again! This happened to me ten years ago, GF had a little girl and we were just going around the corner to a store and SHE let the kid sit on her lap. I got the ticket and the fine because I was the driver, it did not matter if her mother was "to blame" for it. It was around that amount of money too. As you can see I haven't forgotten about it, probably never will. And no kid goes in my car unbuckled. When my 3 year old squirms out I pull over and put him back in PRONTO!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Well, very easily actually. If it were me, and I was faced w/a $700 fine, I'd do everything in my power to make SURE that my child didn't get him/herself out of the carseat!!!!! It's further reinforcement to superglue his/her @SS into the carseat. So, from now on, w/that $700 debt in the back of your mind everytime you load up the car w/lady and kid, you purposely remember to buckle everyone in and KEEP THEM THERE. That may save a life one day, so that is how it "makes it better".



    My son is 6. If he ever attempted to get out of his carseat when he was little I don't remember it, but you better believe for the sake of his life he wouldn't actually accomplish it.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Cali

    My son is 6. If he ever attempted to get out of his carseat when he was little I don't remember it, but you better believe for the sake of his life he wouldn't actually accomplish it.
    you don't notice, geesh people you think I let this fly all the time. I tend to keep my eye's on the road most of the time, and occasionally glance behind me to see if the kiddo's ok. She's 3 and just pulls he straps right off, don't even notice (yes, I'm gonna get a different seat). But the plus side is she has a good memory so I should be cool with just telling her "remember when the cop came and yelled at us because you got out." I think the cop coulda just given me a warning though, does suck, but I am goin to go to municy and see if I can get it reduced or hopefully suspended

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Natural~I wasn't trying to slam ya with that or anything. Sorry if you took it that way.

    When my son was an infant I found a mirror that props on the visor or the car's rear view mirror so you can see the child as you drive. I still use it. They're in almost all of the stores that carry infant/children's items.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Yeah, I wasn't meaning to slam you either NaturalBuff. This is just something that I see all the time. You seem to be a responsible person, but there are a lot of people out there who aren't, and they're the reason the fines are so high. Think of it as forced responsibility. Sorry you got nailed.

    I work with a lot of police too, and I'll tell you what, I would never want that job. You go to work everyday with a bulls eye on your chest and the only time you really interact with anyone is on the worst day of their lives. Yeah, there are some a-holes out there, but most of them are just trying to do their job and we all get pissed at them because they catch us breaking the law and call us on it. You don't break the law, they won't bother you.

    And if you're one of those gangsta boys, you have no business getting pissed when they treat you as such either. Go out in your pimp clothes with your pimp ride. They don't know you. All they see is someone who is advertising a lifestyle that condones and even exhaults the killing of the police. And you wonder why they mess with you? Wake-up. How would you act toward someone who affiliated themselves with people who had killed your friends and threatened to kill you? Think about it.

    Sorry for venting. It just pisses me off when people call them pigs without even knowing what they go through every day. Yet who do you call when you get robbed or your car gets stolen? I respect police for even coming to work. I've been shot at because I had a uniform on. Didn't matter that I just jumped out of a big red fire truck and I'm trying to help the kid that was caught in the crossfire. That I don't carry a gun, and all I care about is saving innocent lives. Doesn't happen often, but I can't imagine going to work everyday knowing I'm a target.

    Last edited by chances; 08-17-2004 at 07:49 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    I used to have respect for cops.....been around too many of them respect. In my opinion they are all hypocrits....and, I hate hypocrits.


    True..... My whole gym is full of cops and they've all juiced themselves stupid.

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