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Thread: Its good to be back at college

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Its good to be back at college

    Ive been back since tuesday, and partied three nites in a row. Oh man, its so sweet to be back. Im cut up and ppl stare at me in the gym, I signed the ROTC contract so Ill be getting free money, M1T starts in a month, Im working on 4 different girls at the moment (I did the walk of shame last nite ) and best of all, my ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend who is a total pu$$y! I saw them at a party last nite and started laffing my ass off. This is gonna be a kick ass year.

  2. #2
    I can't wait to get back either.

    I'm going back after being away for 4 years - been working towards something else, but want a degree to fall back on. I start tomorrow, but I'll be missing the first few weeks. Getting nervous myself. Taking a computer science course (2nd level C programming), Calculus 3, and Spanish 3. The CSC is what's going to kill me. I have an assignment due in 8 days and I can't even remember the language. Haha.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I just finished summer school 2 weeks ago....and I can't wait for the fall semester to start on wednesday. Nothing like new freshman girlies all excited to be in college and crisp winter weather. Starting my next cycle on September 13, running it for 13 weeks, and finishing it up with a trip to Vegas in late December right after the cycle ends. Yeah, it's going to be a GREAT semester.

  4. #4
    ttuPrincess Guest
    FUK that .. i cant move in this town.. we live in a college town and have been here all summer.. nice quite.. no place has been busy ... then friday was move in for the dorms and ill be dammed if i cant even drive around heer .. and this iflux of Mommy's and daddy's buying their kids cell phones and tV's and SH*T at wall martetc is abuot to drive me up the wall...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    FUK that .. i cant move in this town.. we live in a college town and have been here all summer.. nice quite.. no place has been busy ... then friday was move in for the dorms and ill be dammed if i cant even drive around heer .. and this iflux of Mommy's and daddy's buying their kids cell phones and tV's and SH*T at wall martetc is abuot to drive me up the wall...

    I used to go to lubbock to party every now and then. I can't imagine living there though. I don't see how you do it, seems so desolate. It's the worst when the wind picks up and spreads the lovely smell of cow sh*t...

  6. #6
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tonytone36
    I used to go to lubbock to party every now and then. I can't imagine living there though. I don't see how you do it, seems so desolate. It's the worst when the wind picks up and spreads the lovely smell of cow sh*t...
    oh yes.. along with the freshmen comes the lovely smell of cow dung!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    fukk the freshman momies and daddys...its the fagoot as frat boys that eat my a$$!...been dealing with these small frys all week

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    LMAO.....frats are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gay.

    It pisses me off what they do to the pledges too...... I have a few friends I went to HS with that wanted me to join their Frat last semester. In a nice way I told them to f*ck off cause I am not about to be anyones bitch for a semester let alone PAY to have friends. Plus they are retards....and are always getting into trouble. The girls that hang around them are all sluts too. I am just not into it..... I have already lived through all that BS in high school. All frats are just high school drama all over again in College. No thanks


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    **** man, im back to school this weekend......First week is going to be ridiculous...gotta try to keep the boozin to a minimum this year tho and the AM cardio goin. im ****in jealous bro!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Back too....KU.....lets just say i might have to take a week or so off from my dedication

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    back to Junior college for me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    LMAO.....frats are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gay.

    It pisses me off what they do to the pledges too...... I have a few friends I went to HS with that wanted me to join their Frat last semester. In a nice way I told them to f*ck off cause I am not about to be anyones bitch for a semester let alone PAY to have friends. Plus they are retards....and are always getting into trouble. The girls that hang around them are all sluts too. I am just not into it..... I have already lived through all that BS in high school. All frats are just high school drama all over again in College. No thanks

    hhahahahh glad someone spoke up. anyways im back for baseball and the running is insane. Im going to be ripped up though

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    FUK that .. i cant move in this town.. we live in a college town and have been here all summer.. nice quite.. no place has been busy ... then friday was move in for the dorms and ill be dammed if i cant even drive around heer .. and this iflux of Mommy's and daddy's buying their kids cell phones and tV's and SH*T at wall martetc is abuot to drive me up the wall...
    haha that about sums it up here. i got to auburn about a week early to get situated, it's always fun to watch the freshman sluts, i meen girls move in.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    LMAO.....frats are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gay.

    It pisses me off what they do to the pledges too...... I have a few friends I went to HS with that wanted me to join their Frat last semester. In a nice way I told them to f*ck off cause I am not about to be anyones bitch for a semester let alone PAY to have friends. Plus they are retards....and are always getting into trouble. The girls that hang around them are all sluts too. I am just not into it..... I have already lived through all that BS in high school. All frats are just high school drama all over again in College. No thanks

    spoken like a true dork who cant get in... its ok, join the glee club

  15. #15
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    spoken like a true dork who cant get in... its ok, join the glee club
    thats right your one of "THEM".. just kidding.. you told me once what you weer.. i forget now..

    but anywho.. there was a family and their daughter and her b/f at my restaurant the other night and I was standing at a table next to them.. the girl was talking about how her boyfriends Frat had a song they sang "sweet Caroline" and she was so excited like she was the only one who knew about them and that song.. i kinda butted in and said "So Misses Sig Ep.. do you know the meaning behind that song" .. um no its just a song they sing cause they like it..

    i said "well when you find out the meaning behind that song come back and tell me and dinners on me" .. noone left there will know why they sing that song.. lol
    oh well my story for the day.. not a funny one but atleast its something

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    New Yorker
    **** i the only one who isn't looking forward to going back??!?!.... least its my senior year.........
    Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH

  17. #17
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle
    **** i the only one who isn't looking forward to going back??!?!.... least its my senior year.........
    tha is exactly why im looking forward to ging back.. plus we just got new dance teachers, so im looking forwrd to learning for someone new

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Why do they sing that song? Im not a frat guy, F that in the A. I still go to thier parties cuz theres girls and free berr, at least for a couple weeks. ROTC pays you to be in it, guaranteed job after graduation, 4 letters instead of 3, and all the PT you can stand for. Rangers HOOAH!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i'm glad to be back as well, gym is huge too!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    I can hardly wait to go back.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Soldier of Misfortune
    Why do they sing that song? Im not a frat guy, F that in the A. I still go to thier parties cuz theres girls and free berr, at least for a couple weeks. ROTC pays you to be in it, guaranteed job after graduation, 4 letters instead of 3, and all the PT you can stand for. Rangers HOOAH!
    being an exranger... it disappoints me that any rotc crap is even along the same line, much less brags about wantin to be one of us.... sorry if u cant even pledge, i doubt youll own the darby queen

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    spoken like a true dork who cant get in... its ok, join the glee club

    Riiight........ that's why they keep bothering me semester after semester to join lol.

    I must say though they do have the hookup on answers to tests and some of their parties are off the chain..... but other than that the rest is gay.

    But basically frats are f*cking stupid.....and NO I will not pay to have friends.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    SOF, after reading my post it prolly is coming across as a flame, not ment to, just annoys the **** out of me when ppl say stuff about rangers when they havnt earned the right... if your gonna go then good luck... earn the right to say that stuff... dont be a dirtbag who is all talk... good luck and RLTW

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Frats, lol They want you to pledge, and pay them money, and not to mention they get breaks from the school, it should be me doing the hazing, not them.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    nope not at all.. my fiance and i moved here a little under a year ago and havent found our nich at all, on top of that i've been pushed into a junior college because out of state tuition is absolutly crazy for me.... and not trying to knock tx or anything, but (some) of the people in this town (wichita falls a.k.a nowhere) are sooooo flipping redneck its not funny...
    i swear my next door neighboor is Hank
    no offense to anyone who lives in a small town- or to the one person on here that i know lives here....

    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle
    **** i the only one who isn't looking forward to going back??!?!.... least its my senior year.........

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zx7racing
    nope not at all.. my fiance and i moved here a little under a year ago and havent found our nich at all, on top of that i've been pushed into a junior college because out of state tuition is absolutly crazy for me.... and not trying to knock tx or anything, but (some) of the people in this town (wichita falls a.k.a nowhere) are sooooo flipping redneck its not funny...
    i swear my next door neighboor is Hank
    no offense to anyone who lives in a small town- or to the one person on here that i know lives here....
    check your pm's town is kinda plain and boring

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Decadbal - I AM in the Ranger platoon here. Thats the most high speed cadets who have a bunch of extra training and PT sessions. I might not make the actual Ranger Challenge team (theres only 9 spots) but I have a shot at it. Im not a real Army Ranger by any means, I have total respect for all Rangers and SF. I hope to be both after I commission. Sorry if I torqued you off.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Soldier of Misfortune
    Decadbal - I AM in the Ranger platoon here. Thats the most high speed cadets who have a bunch of extra training and PT sessions. I might not make the actual Ranger Challenge team (theres only 9 spots) but I have a shot at it. Im not a real Army Ranger by any means, I have total respect for all Rangers and SF. I hope to be both after I commission. Sorry if I torqued you off.
    its cool bro, i was all knuckled up till i made it, i just hate hearing ppl say that crap without being capable of wearin the tab... youl know what i mean one day... and everyone in the real army hates ROTC... the ranger challenge is a joke.. the one for rotc... so remember that when u think its hard, bc it aint

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2003
    lookin for a new home
    **** I can't wait to go back to school in January. I was going to one of the biggest party schools in the country and left for personal reasons. When I decided I wanted to go back this fall it was too late to get everything finalized so I'm stuck at a CC till January then it's back to good old St. Bona'!!!

    My school didn't have frats because it is a Fransiscan school but they had all the team houses and those dudes were alllllllll tools... I would love walking into a place and all the bros be thinking they were all some tough **** till they see me and shut their pussy ass mouths.

    God this thread has got me soooooooo pumped for Jan 19 2005!!!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    But basically frats are f*cking stupid.....and NO I will not pay to have friends. <<LMO>>
    thats the only con anyone ever offers, like the rest of the cattle you have no clue about what goes on, or the benefits of being a brother... its ok that they try to get u... dont mean u can be one though... u should try something before you knock it, dont be the tard who talks crap about something they havnt the slightest clue about

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    The women and the parties are the only things I missed....

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    thats the only con anyone ever offers, like the rest of the cattle you have no clue about what goes on, or the benefits of being a brother... its ok that they try to get u... dont mean u can be one though... u should try something before you knock it, dont be the tard who talks crap about something they havnt the slightest clue about

    Bro I have no reason to try it.....I do just fine on my own. I know EXACTLY what goes on because I have friends who are now EX brothers and they tell all. I also hear plenty of stories I am not supposed to hear when they are all drunk. All they do is get drunk, f*ck slutty ass sorority girls when the meet up, and then have to go get tested for STD's once or twice a month. No thanks..... and believe me I have been invited to join many many times and I really did consider it for a while until I just finally told myself it's not worth their bull $hit. They do have kick ass parties sometimes.....and the girls that hang around them are insanely good looking..... but 99% of them are sluts and most of their parties end up in a big fight where they all get arrested in the end. Like I said before NO THANKS


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ive seen several parties end up with frat dudes in cuffs. Mostly idot younger ones who prop the door open to a kegger with loud speakers and the cops walk right in, but y'know.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    LMAO.....frats are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gay.

    It pisses me off what they do to the pledges too...... I have a few friends I went to HS with that wanted me to join their Frat last semester. In a nice way I told them to f*ck off cause I am not about to be anyones bitch for a semester let alone PAY to have friends. Plus they are retards....and are always getting into trouble. The girls that hang around them are all sluts too. I am just not into it..... I have already lived through all that BS in high school. All frats are just high school drama all over again in College. No thanks


    true! the fact that someone has to pay money to buy friends and popularity blows my mind.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    OH god i can't wait to go back.. I move into my new apartment on the 3rd and it can't come any sooner. There will definetly be a week off from my dedication to the gym.. then ROTC starts. hooah, soldier.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    i start tomarrow, itd be happy but i go to a community college and my schedule has about a 40 min gap in between each of the 4 classes, and 40 mins isnt enough time to really leave so ill basically be sitting in my car or in the library all dam a feeling its gonna be some long days

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
    i start tomarrow, itd be happy but i go to a community college and my schedule has about a 40 min gap in between each of the 4 classes, and 40 mins isnt enough time to really leave so ill basically be sitting in my car or in the library all dam a feeling its gonna be some long days

    Thats good though.. you'll have plenty of time to have your meals and whatnot..

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    yea im lazy as hell when it comes to packing lunches though, actually im lazy as hell when it comes to just about anything.....Ð

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    so im sittin the librairy before class and these two loser goth freaks are braggin bout their piercings, and i realize im to old to be aroudn these stupid kids. i hate it already and its been 2

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