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Thread: Gear dealers more paranoid than crack peddlers

  1. #1

    Gear dealers more paranoid than crack peddlers

    Been my experience it's easier scoring yayo or smack than a strip of Dbols.
    Not cause it's rare, just paranoya. It's annoying.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pork Chop
    Been my experience it's easier scoring yayo or smack than a strip of Dbols.
    Not cause it's rare, just paranoya. It's annoying.
    thats true, but on par, i'd say that most gear dealers would prefer to stay more anonoymous than regular ol' dealers, some of them are pretty nice guys, and have sucessful lives, don't get me wrong, some street dealers are like that too i'm sure, but for percentage wise i'd think it would lean more for the juice dealers, i mean if i was just trying to make some money and help fellow lifters like myself, i wouldn't wanna be busted in the process

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pork Chop
    Been my experience it's easier scoring yayo or smack than a strip of Dbols.
    Not cause it's rare, just paranoya. It's annoying.
    yeah, you can find white/green/smack MUCH easier than juice. Finding a good roid dealer takes time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    paranoia keeps you safe.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    That's because you'll do as much or more time for
    selling gear then you would for coke in most cases...
    stupid because i have hardly ever heard of anyone
    killing someone to support the gear habit like crack
    heads do to support their crack cocaine habit...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money
    this is funny cause im feeling paranoid cause some buddy of mine called me the other day to see if had had any extra gear. i told him no and i dont know where to get any. i guess its cause my friend sells everything that im kinda paranoid to talk to anyone i dont know about gear. oh well tell the government to let this stuff be legal and it will all be gravy after that

  7. #7
    it's like gear is on the same level as kiddy porn..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    The thing is that if they legalized it and then incresed the prison time for selling to minors I think it would cut down on kids using. I really don't think there would be a rush of people buying them either. That's because it takes a different mind set to take AS in the first place .Most people don't have it and don't want it IMO.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    North Alabama
    You're comparing two completely different classes of people.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money
    Quote Originally Posted by elicotton
    You're comparing two completely different classes of people.
    very much agreed

  11. #11
    Different class of people - but the public perception is the same.

    Juicers are at the bottom of social shhit list with the rapists and horse thieves.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    I dont know what you guys are talking about, I'm out on 19th and Cumberland in North Philly slangin Test muga fukas.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    North Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I dont know what you guys are talking about, I'm out on 19th and Cumberland in North Philly slangin Test muga fukas.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I dont know what you guys are talking about, I'm out on 19th and Cumberland in North Philly slangin Test muga fukas.
    we set up shop on your block, weather you like it or not im over at 21st and seigal st lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    blunt to my lips rocks in my sock vials on my hip eye out for the pigs
    splitting haters wigs.

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