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Thread: The Next Girl Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    The Next Girl Thread

    well to lead on with the girl threads, i was just curious if any of you guys have ever been told by a girl that you were intimidating, size wize? and not penis this happened to me a while back but something reminded me of when it happened, cuz my friend told me she was afraid i was going to hurt her i was like WTF, i was passed out on the floor, i'm pretty laid back as well, so i was just interested...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Used to happen to me all the time before, but if a girl tells you that, 9/10 times she's thinking how it would be f*cking your brains out.

    I'm sorry to be so explicit, but it's the truth. Use it to your advantage if she says it out of sheer curiousity. I have plenty of times and I'll be the first to tell you that it's a fun, fun time.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    also, i know there are bro's way bigger than me on here, so i thought it may have happened to you as well

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    yea ive been told that. Not just that they thought id hurt them, but ive found out that some girls liked me but they were intimidated by the muscles, so they wouldnt say anything to me. Weird... and tons of guys on here are way bigger then me!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    yea ive been told that. Not just that they thought id hurt them, but ive found out that some girls liked me but they were intimidated by the muscles, so they wouldnt say anything to me. Weird... and tons of guys on here are way bigger then me!
    i agree, its mind blowing, chicks are impressed by muscular guys, and yet, when they are around them they are intimidated, now for the ladies, i'll say, i've met some girls that say they like muscles, but it just seems weird to me, i guess its just one of those things you will never understand

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i'm probably better off not trying to figure it out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    i agree, its mind blowing, chicks are impressed by muscular guys, and yet, when they are around them they are intimidated, now for the ladies, i'll say, i've met some girls that say they like muscles, but it just seems weird to me, i guess its just one of those things you will never understand
    its like what a chick whos a 9 or 10 to us. of course we're going to be intimidated to try and pick up a girl whos a 10.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Yeah, most girls wont say anything to me because I look "big and mean", after I go up to them and start talking to them, they say, "wow, i can't believe you're so nice", or something to that affect. I try to look big, but not mean....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    My X is leary of me. Im the biggest guy she has ever dated, and we just have a conversation the other night that she dosent wanna talk to me anymore or hangout with me because he rass wipe b/f is a controlling fag. But she also knows im training double time now and she says that i sorta scare her, and her new b/f is definetly afraid of me, that puny little ****. He dosent want her being around me because he knows i could probably sleep with her if i wanted too. Ohh well if she wants to lose a friend because she is afraid of me thats her loss, she knows i'd never hurt her, but i'd sure like to pound on that new b/f of hers though heheh....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Philliagorillia
    My X is leary of me. Im the biggest guy she has ever dated, and we just have a conversation the other night that she dosent wanna talk to me anymore or hangout with me because he rass wipe b/f is a controlling fag. But she also knows im training double time now and she says that i sorta scare her, and her new b/f is definetly afraid of me, that puny little ****. He dosent want her being around me because he knows i could probably sleep with her if i wanted too. Ohh well if she wants to lose a friend because she is afraid of me thats her loss, she knows i'd never hurt her, but i'd sure like to pound on that new b/f of hers though heheh....
    dang bro, the test is flowing , guy doesn't even want you talkign to her any more?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Not that im that big, but with my frame and muscle mass... its hit or miss. The girls either love it or hate it. Not all girls like that kinda look. I also get that "u look mean" kinda thing. The other day as im leaving the gym this girl i didnt know walks by and said "Dont look so happy" (being sarcastic). I smile and started talking to her for a few. Yea she knew i was a nice guy after that
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    i agree, its mind blowing, chicks are impressed by muscular guys, and yet, when they are around them they are intimidated, now for the ladies, i'll say, i've met some girls that say they like muscles, but it just seems weird to me, i guess its just one of those things you will never understand

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    dang bro, the test is flowing , guy doesn't even want you talkign to her any more?
    Oh hell no, that dude has never liked me, he thinks im a wack job and i like the fact that he thinks im nuts because he is right. All i gotta say is that dude better not hurt her, if he does his ass is grass and im the lawnmower....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    Not that im that big, but with my frame and muscle mass... its hit or miss. The girls either love it or hate it. Not all girls like that kinda look. I also get that "u look mean" kinda thing. The other day as im leaving the gym this girl i didnt know walks by and said "Dont look so happy" (being sarcastic). I smile and started talking to her for a few. Yea she knew i was a nice guy after that
    ahhhhh, i've never been told that i look mean yet, that'll probably be next "don't be so happy" lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Philliagorillia
    Oh hell no, that dude has never liked me, he thinks im a wack job and i like the fact that he thinks im nuts because he is right. All i gotta say is that dude better not hurt her, if he does his ass is grass and im the lawnmower....
    LOL, that sucks, sounds like the guy is trying to create drama

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Well i was at the gym, so im sure i always look mean there. Since i have my game face on and get in the zone. She caught me as i was leaving so i switched modes real quick
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    ahhhhh, i've never been told that i look mean yet, that'll probably be next "don't be so happy" lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    Well i was at the gym, so im sure i always look mean there. Since i have my game face on and get in the zone. She caught me as i was leaving so i switched modes real quick
    hehe game face, today when i left, i had no game face, i did squat, and took a bite out of my energy stores, i see a lot of hot girls when i walk in, but then i gotta get focused, ever noticed that sometimes you get so into lifting, that you are unaware of your surroundings, and its just like you and weights

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Indeed thats just about all my workouts are like that. Thats why im sure i look funny because im on a mission
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    hehe game face, today when i left, i had no game face, i did squat, and took a bite out of my energy stores, i see a lot of hot girls when i walk in, but then i gotta get focused, ever noticed that sometimes you get so into lifting, that you are unaware of your surroundings, and its just like you and weights

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    Indeed thats just about all my workouts are like that. Thats why im sure i look funny because im on a mission
    i noticed it today on leg extensions, it was almost like i was in some peaceful state i was so concentrated, and once i relized it, i snaped out of it and heard the musice and noticed people walking around in the weight room

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