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Thread: 10 Rules for Dating my Daughter from G-S

  1. #41
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    my daughter will only have one rule, she cant date until shes married.

  2. #42
    BG's Avatar
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  3. #43
    Join Date
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    my daughter will simply go with this rule.. if shes late, he will die, if she is treated bad, he will die, if she does anything i havnt mentioned but comes to mind, he will die..

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    reading up???

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981

    When i was 17 I met my first girlfriends dad. It was an intimidating experiance. Her mom was cool, but all the moms were becuase they all wanted to **** me prolly, cuz i'm sexy. But anyway, after the first few times, i started to see the father as a pussy, and the intimidation factor went away. That is how it became with many of these "fathers". I figured "Why should i be afraid of this ****. I'm a stronger, in better shape, and I wrestle. If he ****s with me i'll just rip his arms off." After i realized this, all the other fatherly enounters seemed quite commical. The more stern the old man, the funnier it got.

    "Yeah. I'm gonna wiggle my finger into your daughters butthole tonight."
    If he was a real father, he wouldn't even be letting her date in highschool, let alone attend a coed school.

    "You idiot. Do you have any idea how much of a whore your daughter is?"
    It is this lack of parenting that has produced so many young women underserving of the title "Mrs. AnaBolicboy". I just can't take a girl seriously when she starts acting like a porn star.

    Nobody raised their daughters the old fashined way, cuz i have yet to meet an old fashioned girl.

    wow.. i raised 2 girls.. they partied and were virgins till they were 17.. how do i know.. They told me.. that's my relationship..

    ever see a father 5'9" 200 lbs bench 525 lbs??? i bet you would be intimidated by me, especially if you dated one of my daughters.. but then again.. and especially if you made them cry..

    if i didn't know you.. when i met you.. i'd take your picture next to your car, and call your parents before you left..

    You see my daughters did in fact see me call all thier friends parents looking for them, and they have seen me reach into a person's car and pull them out of the window..

    and no i am not a tough guy.. i just live by 1 simple rule.. if we get into a fight, one of us is going to the hospital, because i'm not going to stop..

    This parenting style worked well for me..

    sorry to rant, it just seems you are trying too hard to say you are so cool, and slut with women.. a player..

    that's cool.. i wonder what your mom, or girlfriend did to you to make you hate women..

    damn.. can't believe i said that.. now i have to apologize....

    Sorry about the rant.. at the end of a cycle..
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  6. #46
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    dont appologize spy, you just said what needed to be said. there are still some good old fashioned gals out there

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    On yo momma!
    Oh mass junkie... I would love to date your daughter. Then, I would sit and tell you all the dirty things I had just done to her las night... hehe

    Nah, just playin. I feel you. My daughter's only 6 months old, but I can already feel that rage building up inside for people who might have "unclean" intentions. I even get a little 'tick' in my head when people hold her...

    Great post. I plan simply to grab the guy by the throat and hoist him up off the ground, play "punching bag" with his nut sack for a minute, then calmly set him down and say, "If you arn't back in 2 hours, sleep with one eye open tonight."

    Oh, and mass? I GOT SIX ACRES BEEEEYOTCH!!!

  8. #48
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    Thank god Im not a parent....If some of these parents knew some of the shit I did with their daughters when I was in highschool, well shit I think they'd drop dead...Its really unsettling to think about or know. But I know for a fact no matter how strict you can possibly be, or how much you try to scare some kids, nothing will work. My main piece in high school had some of the strictest parents I've ever met, granted I was really respectful, however this guy was so strict he didn't even let them have cable TV in the house because he thought it was evil or some crazy shit...His daughter was the biggest nympho freak Ive ever met, to this very day...So the best you can probably hope for is that your kid turns out good on their own, kids really do raise themselves these days a lot of the time. And its really true that they are two different people, one person around you, and one person around their friends... end rant...

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    I think some of you should post up some pics of your daughters

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    I think some of you should post up some pics of your daughters


  11. #51
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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  12. #52
    Rule Nine: Do not lie to me. I am a 255lb gear head, short tempered, and not playful. On issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing, merciless God of your universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, a backhoe, and five acres behind the house. And i don't care if i go back to prison.

    this would make better since.

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    On yo momma!
    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    I think some of you should post up some pics of your daughters

    YEAH! All the way man!

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Im not intimidated by ANYONE, I will say that.

    But, that doesnt mean I dont have any respect, I always have. Im not going to meet a girls parents and act like a cocky prick. And if he makes a few smartass comments, so be it, its his daughter, and im sure i'd feel the same. Sooner or later he'll realize im a hard working, friendly, trustworthy guy. And when he does, then putting up with a little shit from your girls old man was all worth it, because he tried to hate you but couldnt.

    And, i dont have a daughter, but I do have a little sister. A guy hit her once, she called me from her cell phone. I stomped into his parents house and kicked his ass in front of his dad that night. When dad found out what happened, he was no happier with his son than I was.

  15. #55
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    i have an 11 yr old that is developed like an 18 yr old and she has been a cheerleader since age 4. i gonna print this in bold letters and make her get it signed my any boy that talks to her and i will also post it on my front door.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    i have an 11 yr old that is developed like an 18 yr old and she has been a cheerleader since age 4. i gonna print this in bold letters and make her get it signed my any boy that talks to her and i will also post it on my front door.

    If a dad was acting like that when i went to pick up his daughter , Id tell him to go **** himself

  17. #57
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    my ex's dad was in the military for 30 years i ave exsperinced most of what you wrote, he had one rule that you did not list she couldnt date anyone that didnt work at least 40 yrs a week ad at the time i was a full time student so he was cool

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX

    If a dad was acting like that when i went to pick up his daughter , Id tell him to go **** himself
    that would make my day!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette

    good post, but how the hell did you find it?

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    on a related note, g-s is the biggest mother****er i've ever seen. if i were his daughter's suitor i would... oh **** that i wouldn't go near her.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    that would make my day!
    Mine too

    Im not a cocky asshole , I dont walk into people's houses and disrespect them....If Im picking up a chick I respect her , her family and dont act nowhere near a prick , so if a dad threw that shit at me out of the blue just cuz he thinks hes some tough guy , I would actually tell him to go **** himself and if it did lead to a fight Id **** him up gladly

  22. #62
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    a man protecting his daughter and a bully should be two different things. with some people they are not. a father promising violence for disrespecting his daughter, without knowing the individual, is himself disrespecting his daughter.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    Having a 14 year old daughter, I use this method of rooting out any potential problems.

    I make sure that I meet any and all potential boyfriends. I walk up really close to them invading their personal space as I warn them of the anger management issues that cause my life to sometimes spiral into a violent blood lust.
    Haha who'd be scared of you!

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