Impressive!Originally Posted by hockeybabe2
**Note to self..Do not piss this lady off!
Impressive!Originally Posted by hockeybabe2
**Note to self..Do not piss this lady off!
Fisshing...Large mouth bass (14 lbs is my record) but I will admitt that it was caught out of the pond in my yard(11 acre pond) that I tend to toss 50lbs of dogfood into per weekI will also catfish when I'm feeling lazy but I refuse to admitt to that since it is looked down on as a scavenger sport around here.
Racoons and foxes using hounds (walker hounds)
White tail deer...barely larger than some F'n dogs down south but we do what we can.
Wild turkey...Just so I can rub it into the good ole boys that claim they are sooo hard to find/kill..on a side note they taste like garbage! I don't care how you cook them or what you use to drown out the nasty taste.
Next on my list is wild boar.
I do I do
just wondering where is it that you have a Falcon. Incredibly amazinly beautiful aren't they. I would love to have one, I dont know about licencing here in Toronto Ontario though.Originally Posted by Warrior
Deffinitly... there was another thread on her when I first started working with her... got her in March 2004.Originally Posted by Dally
Things I have learned regarding hunting with birds of prey: have lots of time to invest, almost like a child; have a quality vet that studies birds of prey; always treat them with respect and keep their self confidence in themselves - and you, high; have plenty of available quarry; weigh them often for proper flight/maintenance weight; ...
This is my favorite pic to date... hopefully get some good ones this fall during some free flights...
BTW - Canada use to have Falconry outlawed (like firearms) but a few provinces have very recently brought it back... check with the CURRENT Ontario laws regarding falconry...
This is my favorite pic to date... hopefully get some good ones this fall during some free flights...
Now that is a crazy good pic. Congrats.
Should have heard it (the rabbit) screamingOriginally Posted by Aboot
Little guys are loud...
Originally Posted by Warrior
DUDE, you were cool before and I listened and appreciated all of your posts... but I must say...your F*CKIN stock has quadrupled in my books.
that is SIMPLY a friggen WICKED... WICKED PICTURE.
I am not a stranger to animals that prey... as all do to some degree...I have had many ... from Cayman crocodiles to red tailed boa's... but one of true beauty like the falcon are ones I cherish. BTW my father as a child had a red tailed hawk and it was INCREDIBLE!
I would love to see more pics of that wicked falcon
Originally Posted by Warrior
Now this is getting a bit perverse, but yeah, I can hear the high pitched squeal now. Strange that I know what a rabbit scream sounds like...
Sure - I got a few more... I got to run now but I can try and get you some more later... and possibly some video of her on the rabbit - and a quail...Originally Posted by Dally
Check that older thread from this spring for some others...
Personally, I would like to try a Gyr some day... beautiful falcons with big sharp talonsI have seen a few out here. Mine is a Lanner Falcon.
How much??Originally Posted by Warrior
what kind of care is needed and enclosure ... any specific heat gradients or temps or specifics to the breed? what about multivitamins or anything to that degree.
I just may look into that
... p.s how big is that one? and what is the max adult wing span size? why specifically did you choose the lanner?
Costs depend on a lot of variables. Like who raised or if it was wild caught, the species and availabity, the season... yada, yada... I am contracted overseas and they are easy to obtain here... I bought mine from some Indian guy for a little less than 200 - wild caught out of Iran. They set up little tents and usually lure them in with a pigeon - then net 'em. They sometimes train and hunt with them for a season and then let them migrate or pass them along the families. Not sure what I will do with mine - but I wouldn't take her back to the states since this is the area she gre up in and understands how to be succesful. Trained falcons that have hunted competively and are good show birds can value well over 30,000 USD... especially white Gyrs. Not sure what the value is of mine at this point.Originally Posted by Dally
Lanner's (a long wing falcon) are good beginner birds. Mine flys at about 450-475g. Her top weight is about 490 (the fat weight she is at now for getting in a good stock of new feathers). There are specific muti-vits for falcons - finding the right one is where finding a doc that knows a great deal about birds of prey is helpful. She eats about a half pigeon per day... sometimes 2X day... or a skipped day... depending on how her weight is doing. They can go from a top weight to a bottom weight (near starvation) rather fast - one reason frequent weighing is muy importante...
Different raptors fly in different temps and conditions. One from Canada would benefit from a lot of following on training (getting her to follow you from trees and such). Where a desert raptor is more geared toward getting a really high pitch to survey a wide area of land (less trees and bushes gettin' in the way)... keeping there lungs clean of any parasites and training them to get higher is part of getting a good pitch.
For the most part mine sits on her perch in my house. The doc said I should keep her hooded most of the day to encourage her to drop more feathers (and bring in the new). She gets little excercise at this point - keeping a top weight is most important during the molt so the new feathers do not develop stress marks. I couldn't find a single falconer that suggests any flying/training while they change their wings...
There are a lot of good books at Amazon and online from Arabic traditions (they have been hunting with falcons a LONG time), British and American fundamentals...
Here is some video and stills in this link of her training on the creance...
Originally Posted by Benches505
Yes I have heard that once or twice. hehe. I also can carry a taserI have always like to hunt though. It is something that I did in Michigan. I haven`t done to much since I have moved out here. I have went fishing though. Clear the mind from everything.
I love to go fishing and would like to start hunting soon.
I mostly fly fish in freshwater for trout, salmon, bass, etc...
I do a good amount of saltwater fishing for stripers, fluke, blues, tuna etc...
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