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  1. #1
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Will we ever see a 1,000lb bench press?

    I mean, with 180lb guys shooting for 700's, guys reportedly pushing 900 in training (don't recall the name of the monster...kennely maybe??, but this month's powerlifting magazine had a blurb about it) can 1,000 be *that* far off relatively speaking? I'm not talking within the next 5-10 years, but I tend to think it's attainable (keeping in mind i know NOTHING about competitive powerlifting, but do know a decent amount concerning the 'record curve' and its relation to athletic performance and human potential) within the next quarter century, particularly as science (both in terms of training routines and drug use) continues to advance. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
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    There was an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer a couple months ago about a new world record. Some dude put up 900 lbs. and he said his goal is to hit 1000.

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Oh yes, and I realize the responses will be slanted to some degree since guys like Cycleon, Johnny B, Doc M, Juggy, et al who are up in there sixties and such now, technically won't "see" a 1,000lb bench press in their lives, so assume that by "we" i mean the average AR member and not the AR assisted living chapter.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Poppa Pump
    There was an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer a couple months ago about a new world record. Some dude put up 900 lbs. and he said his goal is to hit 1000.

    actually I just looked for the article, here it is if you feel like checking it out....

  5. #5
    decadbal's Avatar
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    just gimme some time ok...dam dont rush a brotha

  6. #6
    Spoon's Avatar
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    i think its a bit far off for all-natural lifter.

  7. #7
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    As soon as they invent a quadruple ply ultra stretch double denim bench shirt.

  8. #8
    slizzut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    As soon as they invent a quadruple ply ultra stretch double denim bench shirt.

    Ugh I hate bench shirts! What is the highest bench press right now w/o a bench shirt.. do you know?

  9. #9
    Spoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slizzut
    Ugh I hate bench shirts! What is the highest bench press right now w/o a bench shirt.. do you know?

    probably half of that with shirts

  10. #10
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Two words: Gene doping.

    ...and a crap load of tren .

  11. #11
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Oh yes, and I realize the responses will be slanted to some degree since guys like Cycleon, Johnny B, Doc M, Juggy, et al who are up in there sixties and such now, technically won't "see" a 1,000lb bench press in their lives, so assume that by "we" i mean the average AR member and not the AR assisted living chapter.
    Thats the funniest thing I've seen on here in awhile, BigGreen...

  12. #12
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    probably half of that with shirts

    Actually, most 800 pound benchers will still do around 650+ without the shirt

  13. #13
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    And by the way, the highest bench press was 965 pounds by gene relychek. 1000 is not very far.

  14. #14
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BWhitaker
    And by the way, the highest bench press was 965 pounds by gene relychek. 1000 is not very far.
    That was with a shirt

    Record for raw still lurks in the low 700's and that is something I will never see myself.Scott Mendelson has benchpressed over 700 pounds (without a bench shirt) and Ryan "BenchMonster" Kennelly hits 3-6 rep sets with 600 pounds (without a bench shirt) on heavy training days.
    Last edited by Benches505; 09-13-2004 at 11:00 PM.

  15. #15
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    That was with a shirt

    Record for raw still lurks in the low 700's and that is something I will never see myself.Scott Mendelson has benchpressed over 700 pounds (without a bench shirt) and Ryan "BenchMonster" Kennelly hits 3-6 rep sets with 600 pounds (without a bench shirt) on heavy training days.
    Yes, it was with a shirt...he did ask for the highest record, lol.

    PS-Scot (with only one t, jk) Mendelson is def one of my favs

  16. #16
    markas214's Avatar
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    Definately going to happen with these new bench shirts. Definatelty not the same respect as raw though. It's like letting swimmers use swim fins or giving boxers brass knuckles. The pure human element is gone. Sure the same can be said for steroids too. Anyone have a guess of the highest drug free raw bench. A guy who used to go to the local YMCA 10 or 15 years ago who was 5'-3, 190 was able to do around 500 for a single and repped with 455. He was definately drug free.

  17. #17
    BDTR's Avatar
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    I'm hitting 550 now without a shirt with 600 in my sights.. i wouldn't even know how to put one on to be honest. What do you think i could get with the most ridiculously cheating shirt on the market? Im just curious, cus if its like 800 lbs, im buying one.

  18. #18
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    I have along way to go...I just hit 405 for 3 last night

  19. #19
    palme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I'm hitting 550 now without a shirt with 600 in my sights.. i wouldn't even know how to put one on to be honest. What do you think i could get with the most ridiculously cheating shirt on the market? Im just curious, cus if its like 800 lbs, im buying one.
    A normal benchshirt gives you somewhere between 40lbs-60lbs, but these superdenim-sailcloth-metal shirts i dont know.

  20. #20
    synthetic is offline Associate Member
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    highest drug free bench is 859 by shawn lattimer
    Last edited by synthetic; 09-16-2004 at 10:48 AM.

  21. #21
    markas214's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I'm hitting 550 now without a shirt with 600 in my sights.. i wouldn't even know how to put one on to be honest. What do you think i could get with the most ridiculously cheating shirt on the market? Im just curious, cus if its like 800 lbs, im buying one.
    I heard it will add 200-300 lbs.

  22. #22
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by synthetic
    highest drug free bench is 859 by shawn lattimer
    After checking his site and bio I would put his raw BP in the Low 6's which is still F'n awesome! Given he is a 400lb man. I don't know about the rest of the Bro's on here but juice added a total of 55 lbs to my bench when I hit a personal record last month and as soon as I went off the Dbol I lost 40lbs toward the max for a net gain of 20 lbs from when I was natural.

    Drug free is such a relative term these days also since one becomes drugfree for competition as soon as they can test negative for juice etc.

  23. #23
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I'm hitting 550 now without a shirt with 600 in my sights.. i wouldn't even know how to put one on to be honest. What do you think i could get with the most ridiculously cheating shirt on the market? Im just curious, cus if its like 800 lbs, im buying one.
    I'm sure you would see a 750lb bench with the type of shirt you mention but that would still take a lot of practice.

  24. #24
    scrapakilla is offline Associate Member
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    question about the shirts

    If you wer to start to wear a bench shirt on chest day would you be able to sginificantly increase your chest size because you are lifting more or are they only used to bench more on a one rep max

  25. #25
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Oh yes, and I realize the responses will be slanted to some degree since guys like Cycleon, Johnny B, Doc M, Juggy, et al who are up in there sixties and such now, technically won't "see" a 1,000lb bench press in their lives, so assume that by "we" i mean the average AR member and not the AR assisted living chapter.

    Make a crack like that again, greenie boy and you will be needing some assisted living!!!

    Now youll have to excuse me so I can take my daily GH and Geritol :spudnikgr - but dont let me hear it again or ill whack you with my cane!!!!

  26. #26
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Make a crack like that again, greenie boy and you will be needing some assisted living!!!

    Now youll have to excuse me so I can take my daily GH and Geritol :spudnikgr - but dont let me hear it again or ill whack you with my cane!!!!
    I think it's safe to say that with the number of whiffle balls of mine you've kept that we hit over your fence, we're about even now.

  27. #27
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    i think its a bit far off for all-natural lifter.
    Thank you Captain Obvious.

  28. #28
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Hmmm, how would i fair in a PL comp? 700+ DL, 765 raw squat and a 750 bench with a shirt? I know nothing about PLing really, just a lot about heavy lifting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    I'm sure you would see a 750lb bench with the type of shirt you mention but that would still take a lot of practice.

  29. #29
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    bdtr, a 2000 lb+ total is very respectable.

  30. #30
    Benches505's Avatar
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    total 2215 awesome

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I'm hitting 550 now without a shirt with 600 in my sights.. i wouldn't even know how to put one on to be honest. What do you think i could get with the most ridiculously cheating shirt on the market? Im just curious, cus if its like 800 lbs, im buying one.

    It takes a lot of practice with the shirt. A local here set a new teenage record for the highest bp ever by a teenager. It was 655 or 670 and hes 19. I talked with him and he told me he's been training with his shirt for a long time. I've seen him use it now for at least a year. He went from 500 to 650 within a year after high school.

    Don't waste your time or money on a single ply.IMO

  32. #32
    joevette's Avatar
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    The highest raw bench is about 735 or 750 by scott Mendleson, not really sure of the exact amount. 1000lbs is only 35lbs away, that could happen at any time. I think Mendleson has even reported a 1000lb bp in the weigth room.

  33. #33
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    The highest raw bench is about 735 or 750 by scott Mendleson, not really sure of the exact amount. 1000lbs is only 35lbs away, that could happen at any time. I think Mendleson has even reported a 1000lb bp in the weigth room.
    735 is the raw record..**** so what that means is that a bench shirt can add 265 lbs to someones bench or at least the ones who are masters with them. I bet a good forklift could add 1,000 to mine

  34. #34
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    1000s my goal lol ... i just hit 19y/o and have alredy maxed 420 at 185lbs... and thats natty to

  35. #35
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    Markas214, what YMCA are you talking about? I know a guy who is your same stats that you listed who can do about that amount, natural, who works out at a YMCA in PA, the philly area.

  36. #36
    Gorgoroth_'s Avatar
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    Currently the record is 975....

  37. #37
    SickNasty's Avatar
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    there is this 300lb ripped dude from the power team who benches over 600 raw, I think within a couple of years a 1000 lb bencher will come along

  38. #38
    SickNasty's Avatar
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    **** he is 310 at 6 foot name is willy raines

  39. #39
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    sorry to highjack but here's a noob question: what exaclty to bench shirts do? I've never even seen one before.

  40. #40
    Imperialist's Avatar
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    Power lifting is highly specialized and requires excess for success. I'm going to shoot for moderation and if I ever need a human car jack I know who to call.
    I once scared myself by injecting a 15cc bubble of gas oxygen into my right median cubital space venus bloodstream. My heart made some very unusual smacking noises that sounded like little kisses in my heart until the cavitation issue was resolved through tissue oxygen absorbtion. Felt really freakin strange, too. I was scared.

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