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Thread: How do you know if you're ugly, hot or somewhere in between?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all

    How do you know if you're ugly, hot or somewhere in between?

    I used to have credible theories for assessing this, but I think they're shot. My most credible was the "significant other corollary theory" in which one could judge their own relative attractiveness based on the attractiveness of their S.O. according to objective opinions. The flaw in this theory, however, is it holds little water in the "real world" as factors such as income, job security, job choice, etc etc come to play a significant role in the process. Though I maintain it is a valid theory while in college.

    HotorNot, et al are terribly inflated, as everyone not heinous gets at least an 8 as I understand it.

    So, i got curious today as to whether I'm nasty or eyes, nose and mouth check out where they're supposed to be, but anyone have a theory as to how i can check the whole package?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Toronto, ONTARIO
    r u in law school???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    its all you bro. If you start judging yourself based on what others think you've already lost. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Looks are based on opinion always. Who cares what other people think of you? decide for yourself how you want to feel, and go with that. fvuck everyone else, they arent living your life and never will.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    nobody with a brain like yours is ever really "nasty".....

    boy you gotta have female friends no? Ask them, they'll be honest.....i always am with my boyz

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Toronto, ONTARIO
    For me its usually the attention I get which makes me feel where I stand...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    BG, just get on top of that long overdue haircut...then you could be on your way

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ontario, canada
    if you get pussy thrown at you your above average

    if you dont have a problem getting laid and dont break mirrors when you brush your teeth your average

    if the last pussy you saw was the one you came out of your ugly

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I have a nice ass, i hear it all the time.

    As for looks idunno, ask mass and juggy, they have seen me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    I have a nice ass, i hear it all the time.

    As for looks idunno, ask mass and juggy, they have seen me.
    i hear mass and juggy see alot of your ass

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by allsaucedup
    i hear mass and juggy see alot of your ass
    They get enough ass from eachother.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Actually, look around at your friends. The people you regularly interract with--the ones you make no effort to attract--is one of the most obvious signs of your basic looks and gereral attractiveness (including personality).

    Are you regularly seen with a below average crowd or an above average crowd? Again, I'm not talking about the crowd you hang with once in a great while, I'm talking about your core group of friends. Your friends tend to be tiny reflections of you. This method is also a reasonably good measure of intelligence and interpersonal skills too.
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 09-14-2004 at 04:35 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by kc
    nobody with a brain like yours is ever really "nasty".....

    boy you gotta have female friends no? Ask them, they'll be honest.....i always am with my boyz
    All of my friends are female save for two or three, and who knows if they're being honest. I *will* get to the bottom of this though.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Actually, look around at your friends. The people you regularly interract with--the ones you make no effort to attract--is one of the most obvious signs of your basic looks and gereral attractiveness (including personality).

    Are you regularly seen with a below average crowd or an above average crowd? Again, I'm not talking about the crowd you hang with once in a great while, I'm talking about your core group of friends. Your friends tend to be tiny reflections of yourself. This method is also is a reasonably good measure of intelligence and interpersonal skills too.
    Crap, I'm screwed.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    You're def right about the outside factors. My friend that pulls the most ass is average-sized, bald, wears glasses, bad underbite but leave him alone with ANY girl for twenty minutes and she'll do anything he wants. I don't get it.

    Relative attractiveness is somewhat objective, but look at who gets the most consensus. A balance of simple features with maybe one or two that are striking seems to be the common demoninator. Make the nose slightly bigger, chin slightly longer, hair slightly thinner, eyes slightly narrower, etc. and it makes all the difference.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    All of my friends are female save for two or three, and who knows if they're being honest. I *will* get to the bottom of this though.
    Then, BigGreen, perhaps you're a latent homosexual. Not too many guys are able to have many female friends that are close without destroying the friendhsip with sex.

    Seriously now... still, look at your friends. Are your girlfriends goodlooking, entertaining, fun, intelligent? Check out how they interact with other people who are not in your group, and it's likely that you interact similarly with outsiders.

    If you have a large amount of close girlfriends, then there's obviously a large part of you that is able to share feelings well and to communicate. Based on the way you've interacted on the message boards, you do like to open up and chat, which is a great characteristic for a guy--not too many have that ability unless it's coated with games-playing or immaturity.
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 09-14-2004 at 04:32 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Toronto, ONTARIO
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Then, BigGreen, perhaps you're a latent homosexual. Not too many guys are able to have many female friends that are close without destroying the friendhsip with sex.

    Seriously now... still, look at your friends. Are your girlfriends goodlooking, entertaining, fun, intelligent? Check out how they interact with other people who are not in your group, and it's likely that you interact similarly with outsiders.

    If you have a large amount of close girlfriends, then there's obviously a large part of you that is able to share feelings well and to communicate. Based on the way you've interacted on the message boards, you do like to open up and chat, which is a great characteristic for a guy--not too many have that ability unless it's coated with games-playing or immaturity.


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Then, BigGreen, perhaps you're a latent homosexual. Not too many guys are able to have many female friends that are close without destroying the friendhsip with sex.
    My three best friends in the world are female and i've slept with two of them. The third is so much like a sister to me that I can't imagine we would ever cross that line.

    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Seriously now... still, look at your friends. Are your girlfriends goodlooking, entertaining, fun, intelligent? Check out how they interact with other people who are not in your group, and it's likely that you interact similarly with outsiders.
    Okay, *now* things are looking up. I consider a lot of my guy friends fairly average or below, but a good chunk of my female friends are tough to be around because of the attention they attract.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    BG, just get on top of that long overdue haircut...then you could be on your way
    Listen Steinbrenner, I'll keep the hair as long as I deem necessary.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Don't do the HotorNot, they told me i was 9.8......even my mama knows it ain't right

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Then, BigGreen, perhaps you're a latent homosexual. Not too many guys are able to have many female friends that are close without destroying the friendhsip with sex.

    Seriously now... still, look at your friends. Are your girlfriends goodlooking, entertaining, fun, intelligent? Check out how they interact with other people who are not in your group, and it's likely that you interact similarly with outsiders.

    If you have a large amount of close girlfriends, then there's obviously a large part of you that is able to share feelings well and to communicate. Based on the way you've interacted on the message boards, you do like to open up and chat, which is a great characteristic for a guy--not too many have that ability unless it's coated with games-playing or immaturity.
    When did you get your phd?

    You mean my girlfriend is a reflection of myself? I thought we chosed opposits(sp), if you are very open your girl/guy will be slightly quiet etc.
    And dosent this forum bs mean we are all unsocial bastards that never leave our homes?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    When did you get your phd?

    You mean my girlfriend is a reflection of myself? I thought we chosed opposits(sp), if you are very open your girl/guy will be slightly quiet etc.
    And dosent this forum bs mean we are all unsocial bastards that never leave our homes?
    If you read my original post, I mentioned that it is not your romantic interests, but your casual friends that are the mirrors of you: "The people you regularly interact with--the ones you make no effort to attract--is one of the most obvious signs of your basic looks and gereral attractiveness (including personality)."

    BG's "girlfirends" we mentioned was a reference to his current friends that are female--not romantic interests anymore (some are ex's).

    Romantic interests are not necessarily your opposites. More often than not they are young versions of one of your parent figures that most influenced you (either one of your parents or someone who raised you--a live in nanny, a grandmother, a nearby family's matriarch or patriarch where you spent most of your time, escaping your real family).

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Texas Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    Don't do the HotorNot, they told me i was 9.8......even my mama knows it ain't right
    I suck, they told me I was an 8.8?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Texas Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    If you read my original post, I mentioned that it is not your romantic interests, but your casual friends that are the mirrors of you: "The people you regularly interact with--the ones you make no effort to attract--is one of the most obvious signs of your basic looks and gereral attractiveness (including personality)."

    BG's "girlfirends" we mentioned was a reference to his current friends that are female--not romantic interests anymore (some are ex's).

    Romantic interests are not necessarily your opposites. More often than not they are young versions of one of your parent figures that most influenced you (either one of your parents or someone who raised you--a live in nanny, a grandmother, a nearby family's matriarch or patriarch where you spent most of your time, escaping your real family).
    I love an intelligent man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    That's exactly the thought that entered my mind when I read that too. If BASK8KACE's theory holds, hopefully I'm the black sheep of the bunch.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Crap, I'm screwed.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fortress of Soltitude,North Pole
    It doesn't matter how hot, average , or nasty a guy is, soon as you get a serious commitment, an uncommon phenomenon occurs when "not all but more than usual" women start payin' a lil' more attention. Kinda sucks,well,.....maybe not.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    not bragging at all here. i know im attractive because, my senior yr of hs i was asked out by 3 girls on the first day. a year ago i was approached at a upscale bar/lounge to model undewear for 30 women bachlorette party. ive been told i should model. i was picked for a Fox reality show last May but didnt have the $ to travel. so id say im decent. ok im off my ego trip..

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TooSmall
    if you get pussy thrown at you your above average

    if you dont have a problem getting laid and dont break mirrors when you brush your teeth your average

    if the last pussy you saw was the one you came out of your ugly
    Best breakdown yet!


  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasFitnessGirl
    I love an intelligent man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hey, TexasFitness(fine)Girl! There are a couple of things I love about you I could list but we're in polite company, right?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Hey, TexasFitness(fine)Girl! There are a couple of thing I love about you I could list but we're in polite company, right?

    Who the Hell are you calling polite?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Texas Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Hey, TexasFitness(fine)Girl! There are a couple of things I love about you I could list but we're in polite company, right?
    We are???? I mean, yes we are.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasFitnessGirl
    We are???? I mean, yes we are.

    Bask8kase your saying were date our own mothers? Your sick!!!!!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Actually, beauty in nature (humans included) is based on symmetry. If you want to know where you stand facially, use the mask created by Dr. Stephen Marquardt using Da Vinci's golden ration 1 : 1.6183... You'll have to take a picture of yourself on a digital camera, download a copy of the mask, and superimpose it on your face shot.

    The ratio is found virtually everwhere in creation from a seashells rings to the shape of galaxies. Pretty friggin cool.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I can't really help you with this BigGreen. Seeing how I've always been bleassed with manly good looks it's hard to relate to the thoughts of uglier folks, such as yourself....and Mart, and the cross you must bare. If I base my status with Bask8's theroy I'm surely one hell of a good looking man. All my male friends are above average except for Jeffery....though lacking in dashing good looks and body, his charm and smooth talking net him more play then my single friends...and he's married! As for my female friends....their all attractive women...ranging in age from 26 to 45. And to top it off my very best friend of this group is a hottie big time (Yes, it's a woman....if you're reading this Mart....Mo).

    Dumbass, I've seen your're an above average looking kind of guy......when you cut that hair......clean your nails......shave your back......pluck that unibrow.........trim the nose hairs..........Call one of those extreme makeover programs and you're set! hahahahahahahaha

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    If you read my original post, I mentioned that it is not your romantic interests, but your casual friends that are the mirrors of you: "The people you regularly interact with--the ones you make no effort to attract--is one of the most obvious signs of your basic looks and gereral attractiveness (including personality)."

    BG's "girlfirends" we mentioned was a reference to his current friends that are female--not romantic interests anymore (some are ex's).

    Romantic interests are not necessarily your opposites. More often than not they are young versions of one of your parent figures that most influenced you (either one of your parents or someone who raised you--a live in nanny, a grandmother, a nearby family's matriarch or patriarch where you spent most of your time, escaping your real family).

    nice post bro, i have to agree with this...

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    oh yeah and big green, you think too much about stupid **** bro... i cant say much i do it too but yeah, we think about this silly **** too much.. thing happen for a reason bro! you'll know it when it comes around

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggy'sTwat
    I can't really help you with this BigGreen. Seeing how I've always been bleassed with manly good looks it's hard to relate to the thoughts of uglier folks, such as yourself....and Mart, and the cross you must bare. If I base my status with Bask8's theroy I'm surely one hell of a good looking man. All my male friends are above average except for Jeffery....though lacking in dashing good looks and body, his charm and smooth talking net him more play then my single friends...and he's married! As for my female friends....their all attractive women...ranging in age from 26 to 45. And to top it off my very best friend of this group is a hottie big time (Yes, it's a woman....if you're reading this Mart....Mo).

    Dumbass, I've seen your're an above average looking kind of guy......when you cut that hair......clean your nails......shave your back......pluck that unibrow.........trim the nose hairs..........Call one of those extreme makeover programs and you're set! hahahahahahahaha

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