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  1. #1


    So I am goin away this weekend, I got both V and a C I know about em both a little bit. I am giving one of my friends the C, but now thinking if I should just give him the V LOL

    Ok first things first.. I got a V 100mg, Can I cut this in half and make it a 50mg 100mg will be way too much for me..

    Second if I take the C, am I gonna get all freaked out like I usually do with the V? I actually had a mini panic attack on the V before.. Does C make me feel this way too? Will my heart be racing pretty high??

    Just lookin for opinions, thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    do u need to take it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Cialas and V are totally different.
    V gets you up but it doesn't last long so you have to time it right where as Cialas will allow you to get hard whenever need be for a few days.
    I took 1ml (30mgs) of AR-R cialas and I felt the effects for 4 days...I guess I took too much.
    Cialas also allows you to "go longer" where when I took V it really didn't do much for me as far as stamina.
    So if I were you I'd go with the cialas and give your friend the V.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Cialas and V are totally different.
    V gets you up but it doesn't last long so you have to time it right where as Cialas will allow you to get hard whenever need be for a few days.
    I took 1ml (30mgs) of AR-R cialas and I felt the effects for 4 days...I guess I took too much.
    Cialas also allows you to "go longer" where when I took V it really didn't do much for me as far as stamina.
    So if I were you I'd go with the cialas and give your friend the V.

    Yea that's what I was thinkin, I got the pill form though, did you have any high heart beat with C? Say I took it, and forgot I took it, would I feel an effect besides in my pants LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I didn't feel any increased heartbeat or anything like that...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    I didn't feel any increased heartbeat or anything like that...

    Cool I guess I am gonna go with the C..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Cialis..Hands down..With me and anyone I would give advice to, Viagra is a thing of the past..

    You may feel a little increased heart rate, but doubtful..I usually get a little bit of a stuffy nose, but it goes away and I am ready to roll for 3-4 days..I don't need the stuff, but it sure makes for some good times..

    Doc M

  9. #9


    can cialis be obtained....besides going to your physician. i'm 28 and don't think my PCP would prescribe it to me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    you can get it here

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    When the title of your thread starts with "Another", as in already said... the search function might be helpful

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Cialis..Hands down..With me and anyone I would give advice to, Viagra is a thing of the past..

    You may feel a little increased heart rate, but doubtful..I usually get a little bit of a stuffy nose, but it goes away and I am ready to roll for 3-4 days..I don't need the stuff, but it sure makes for some good times..

    Doc M
    But the heart rate is not as bad as like with viagra, right.. I know with Viagra I feel all weird on it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Cialis def more effective, but also has been shown to have more side effects than Viagra, so if the V makes you loopy, the C might be worse. Try a half dose at first.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    Cialis def more effective, but also has been shown to have more side effects than Viagra, so if the V makes you loopy, the C might be worse. Try a half dose at first.

    CRAP!! Really?? I thought it was less sides!!!

    Maybe I should just keep the V now..
    Can I split the C pill?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    Cialis def more effective, but also has been shown to have more side effects than Viagra, so if the V makes you loopy, the C might be worse. Try a half dose at first.
    What do you mean loppy? Havent tryed cialis and i dont need it but it sounds like fun.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    OK an opposing veiwpoint here. Viagra may work for only a few hours but the size and hardness is better than Cialis. With V I literally hit pornstar size. My wife can def tell the difference and would much rather me take that. The quality of erection is not as great with C but lasts for 2 or 3 days. If you don't have dysfunction I don't think C is much beter than a natural erection. V is definately a better party drug. The down side is the nasal congestion.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Markas V makes your dick grow in length? And C's make your dick hard for days or does it just make it easier to get an erection?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    NW of DFW TX
    personally, I prefer levitra.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Markas V makes your dick grow in length? And C's make your dick hard for days or does it just make it easier to get an erection?

    I know from V I am bigger and harder in general!

    So I am stickin with the V!! Thanks all!!

    I got a 100mg I can split it right guys???

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331
    I know from V I am bigger and harder in general!

    So I am stickin with the V!! Thanks all!!

    I got a 100mg I can split it right guys???
    Yes you can split it.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Yes gives me almost an inch and at least 30% more girth.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    WTF is the matter with you guys?? LOL!! Quit taking pills to get your dik hard. What ever happened to good ol' Fukin..??? LOL

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    If thats true then thats a sweet deal, but u make me laugh man... how the hell did u pick 30% more girth. Lol just funny u gave a % like that
    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    Yes gives me almost an inch and at least 30% more girth.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331
    I know from V I am bigger and harder in general!

    So I am stickin with the V!! Thanks all!!

    I got a 100mg I can split it right guys???
    ditto. I get bigger and harder on viagra. cialis feels just like a normal errection. V is the **** if you want to party all night long. you can split it up into 2 50mg doses no problem. just remember to take on an empty stomach and don't eat any fatty foods after you take it

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I'd go with the Cialis. Here's a copy of a post I put up not to long ago from the following thread:

    I have the real versions of Cialis, Viagra and Levitra (all obtained through legal prescriptions). Here are my comments:

    If spontenaety is what you're after, Cialis is king of these three. It starts working within 15-45 minutes. Cialis is not affected by meals (fats, etcetera) as are the other two. Effects last for 2.5 days, with hardest (firmest) erections noticed at 2 hours after taking it and within 15-24 hours of taking it. Erections occurring during the other times are good, just not that skin popping feeling at the 2-hour and 15-24 hour marks. I have had neither vision disturbances nor a stuffy nose while using Cialis. Erections are more controllable than Viagra. But when you get excited, your hard-on will be around for the entire time you're in action.

    If this stuff (the real Viagra) were water soluable, this would be the thing to slip to a friend as a prank just before he heads somewhere where having an erection would be embarrassing--like wrestling practice.

    Viagra works within an hour (if you haven't eaten anything with high fat content), the erections are like steel bars. Viagra erections are not as controllable as Cialis and Levitra. If you cock rubs against your underwear, or you think anything nearly arousing, it's going to be rock hard for the next few minutes. You try thinking about Margret Thatcher naked to get it to go down, but it's still semi- to fully-erect.

    I suggest Viagra for people who can plan their sex out easily, do not tend to eat high fat meals and don't mind sporting a full or semi erection on and off for the next 3 hours.

    Viagra lasts for about 3 hours in lower doses. The max dose pill lasts for about 6, with the best erections occuring within 1.5-2 hours of taking it.

    Viagra is heavily affected by fats. If you eat a meal with fats in it (meat, french fries, ice cream, milk, etc.), then Viagra will either not work or will have a milder effect on your erections.

    You know when Viagra hits your system because lights will seem to have a bluish tint and your nose will get stuffed up. Some get terrible headaches from it. DO NOT DRINK heavily if you plan to use Viagra or else you will have a hellish hangover.

    Levitra is similar to Viagra in the time it takes to effect you and the duration of it's benefits. However, Levitra induced erections are similar to Cialis erections in that they are far more controllable. You won't know that Levitra has hit you, but if someone touches your cock, or you start thinking arousing thoughts, you'll be rock hard in no time.

    OVERALL RATINGS (listed in order of best to worst)
    1. Cialis is best for spontenaiety. It acts fast and lasts long. Erections controllable
    2. Viagra gives the hardest erections, but it kills spontenaiety and may not work well if on a dinner date. Erections pop up at the slightest stimulation.
    3. Levitra gives firm erections but not as hard as Viagra. Kills spontenaiety for the same reasons as Viagra (affected by foods especially fats). Erections controllable.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    good summary bask8case. One other thing to remember is that they all 3 are great drugs!!



  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    I'd go with the Cialis. Here's a copy of a post I put up not to long ago from the following thread:

    I have the real versions of Cialis, Viagra and Levitra (all obtained through legal prescriptions). Here are my comments:

    If spontenaety is what you're after, Cialis is king of these three. It starts working within 15-45 minutes. Cialis is not affected by meals (fats, etcetera) as are the other two. Effects last for 2.5 days, with hardest (firmest) erections noticed at 2 hours after taking it and within 15-24 hours of taking it. Erections occurring during the other times are good, just not that skin popping feeling at the 2-hour and 15-24 hour marks. I have had neither vision disturbances nor a stuffy nose while using Cialis. Erections are more controllable than Viagra. But when you get excited, your hard-on will be around for the entire time you're in action.

    If this stuff (the real Viagra) were water soluable, this would be the thing to slip to a friend as a prank just before he heads somewhere where having an erection would be embarrassing--like wrestling practice.

    Viagra works within an hour (if you haven't eaten anything with high fat content), the erections are like steel bars. Viagra erections are not as controllable as Cialis and Levitra. If you cock rubs against your underwear, or you think anything nearly arousing, it's going to be rock hard for the next few minutes. You try thinking about Margret Thatcher naked to get it to go down, but it's still semi- to fully-erect.

    I suggest Viagra for people who can plan their sex out easily, do not tend to eat high fat meals and don't mind sporting a full or semi erection on and off for the next 3 hours.

    Viagra lasts for about 3 hours in lower doses. The max dose pill lasts for about 6, with the best erections occuring within 1.5-2 hours of taking it.

    Viagra is heavily affected by fats. If you eat a meal with fats in it (meat, french fries, ice cream, milk, etc.), then Viagra will either not work or will have a milder effect on your erections.

    You know when Viagra hits your system because lights will seem to have a bluish tint and your nose will get stuffed up. Some get terrible headaches from it. DO NOT DRINK heavily if you plan to use Viagra or else you will have a hellish hangover.

    Levitra is similar to Viagra in the time it takes to effect you and the duration of it's benefits. However, Levitra induced erections are similar to Cialis erections in that they are far more controllable. You won't know that Levitra has hit you, but if someone touches your cock, or you start thinking arousing thoughts, you'll be rock hard in no time.

    OVERALL RATINGS (listed in order of best to worst)
    1. Cialis is best for spontenaiety. It acts fast and lasts long. Erections controllable
    2. Viagra gives the hardest erections, but it kills spontenaiety and may not work well if on a dinner date. Erections pop up at the slightest stimulation.
    3. Levitra gives firm erections but not as hard as Viagra. Kills spontenaiety for the same reasons as Viagra (affected by foods especially fats). Erections controllable.
    Just wondering how old you are bro...I dont know of any Doctors that will prescribe any of the above unless you are over 30.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs

    WTF is the matter with you guys?? LOL!! Quit taking pills to get your dik hard. What ever happened to good ol' Fukin..??? LOL
    Well, I wasn't gonna say it but yeah... is everyone here on deca only cycles???


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Believe me, it gets prescribed where I am at to nearly anyone who comes in and says they have a hard time getting an erection..The more drugs that are prescribed, the more perks the drug reps bring into the Doctor's office..You would **** if you knew some of the things that our drug reps give us in return for prescribing their companies meds..It's almost on the ridiculous side..

    Personally I would take Cialis anytime over Viagra..V is too high maintenance and inconvenient..ANd I can attest for me personally, the erections are the same quality with both..I suffer from zero ED, so I am not a good subject on that matter..

    Doc M

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Believe me, it gets prescribed where I am at to nearly anyone who comes in and says they have a hard time getting an erection..The more drugs that are prescribed, the more perks the drug reps bring into the Doctor's office..You would **** if you knew some of the things that our drug reps give us in return for prescribing their companies meds..It's almost on the ridiculous side..

    Personally I would take Cialis anytime over Viagra..V is too high maintenance and inconvenient..ANd I can attest for me personally, the erections are the same quality with both..I suffer from zero ED, so I am not a good subject on that matter..

    Doc M must explain that incredible home theatre you have

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Believe me, it gets prescribed where I am at to nearly anyone who comes in and says they have a hard time getting an erection..The more drugs that are prescribed, the more perks the drug reps bring into the Doctor's office..You would **** if you knew some of the things that our drug reps give us in return for prescribing their companies meds..It's almost on the ridiculous side..

    Personally I would take Cialis anytime over Viagra..V is too high maintenance and inconvenient..ANd I can attest for me personally, the erections are the same quality with both..I suffer from zero ED, so I am not a good subject on that matter..

    Doc M
    Well that I find quite worrying.

  32. #32
    CutieFace Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331
    So I am goin away this weekend, I got both V and a C I know about em both a little bit. I am giving one of my friends the C, but now thinking if I should just give him the V LOL

    Ok first things first.. I got a V 100mg, Can I cut this in half and make it a 50mg 100mg will be way too much for me..

    Second if I take the C, am I gonna get all freaked out like I usually do with the V? I actually had a mini panic attack on the V before.. Does C make me feel this way too? Will my heart be racing pretty high??

    Just lookin for opinions, thanks guys!

    if you get freaked out w/ the V, then you should acutually take the C, but to be honest IMO I personally prefer to take the C, it lasts longer, less sides and gives a more all over nice feel......and share some w/ your girl.....

    the V's you should split if you ever decide to take may even want to try to 1/4 it and see how you do w/ just 25mg...may be enough for you
    make sure you drink plenty of water w/ the V's that's why you get that nasty headache, they dehydrate you


  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CutieFace
    if you get freaked out w/ the V, then you should acutually take the C, but to be honest IMO I personally prefer to take the C, it lasts longer, less sides and gives a more all over nice feel......and share some w/ your girl.....

    the V's you should split if you ever decide to take may even want to try to 1/4 it and see how you do w/ just 25mg...may be enough for you
    make sure you drink plenty of water w/ the V's that's why you get that nasty headache, they dehydrate you

    What sort of effects does it have for the woman to take it...Ive heard that some do but have never asked this question before

  34. #34
    CutieFace Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    What sort of effects does it have for the woman to take it...Ive heard that some do but have never asked this question before

    Viagra and Cialis as w/ men increase the blood flow to the vaginal now all of the nerve endings along the vaginal cannel are more sensitive...which is great for a woman who say has a problem obtaining a vaginal orgasm....the clitoris gets more swollen and sensitive as well....exp w/ the C and w/ the C the nipples as well.....

    you haven't heard my joke? that I popped a Cialis and had a threesome w/ me, myself and I? *wink*



  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CutieFace
    Viagra and Cialis as w/ men increase the blood flow to the vaginal now all of the nerve endings along the vaginal cannel are more sensitive...which is great for a woman who say has a problem obtaining a vaginal orgasm....the clitoris gets more swollen and sensitive as well....exp w/ the C and w/ the C the nipples as well.....

    you haven't heard my joke? that I popped a Cialis and had a threesome w/ me, myself and I? *wink*


    lol..nice...thanks for the explanation..

    gotta ask you though after the threesome ... Did any of the other partners get jealous because you paid more attention to one than the other

  36. #36
    CutieFace Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    lol..nice...thanks for the explanation..

    gotta ask you though after the threesome ... Did any of the other partners get jealous because you paid more attention to one than the other

    ROFLMAO! no, they were all blondes so they were too dumb to even notice



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