I'd go with the Cialis. Here's a copy of a post I put up not to long ago from the following thread:
I have the real versions of Cialis, Viagra and Levitra (all obtained through legal prescriptions). Here are my comments:
If spontenaety is what you're after, Cialis is king of these three. It starts working within 15-45 minutes. Cialis is not affected by meals (fats, etcetera) as are the other two. Effects last for 2.5 days, with hardest (firmest) erections noticed at 2 hours after taking it and within 15-24 hours of taking it. Erections occurring during the other times are good, just not that skin popping feeling at the 2-hour and 15-24 hour marks. I have had neither vision disturbances nor a stuffy nose while using Cialis. Erections are more controllable than Viagra. But when you get excited, your hard-on will be around for the entire time you're in action.
If this stuff (the real Viagra) were water soluable, this would be the thing to slip to a friend as a prank just before he heads somewhere where having an erection would be embarrassing--like wrestling practice.
Viagra works within an hour (if you haven't eaten anything with high fat content), the erections are like steel bars. Viagra erections are not as controllable as Cialis and Levitra. If you cock rubs against your underwear, or you think anything nearly arousing, it's going to be rock hard for the next few minutes. You try thinking about Margret Thatcher naked to get it to go down, but it's still semi- to fully-erect.
I suggest Viagra for people who can plan their sex out easily, do not tend to eat high fat meals and don't mind sporting a full or semi erection on and off for the next 3 hours.
Viagra lasts for about 3 hours in lower doses. The max dose pill lasts for about 6, with the best erections occuring within 1.5-2 hours of taking it.
Viagra is heavily affected by fats. If you eat a meal with fats in it (meat, french fries, ice cream, milk, etc.), then Viagra will either not work or will have a milder effect on your erections.
You know when Viagra hits your system because lights will seem to have a bluish tint and your nose will get stuffed up. Some get terrible headaches from it. DO NOT DRINK heavily if you plan to use Viagra or else you will have a hellish hangover.
Levitra is similar to Viagra in the time it takes to effect you and the duration of it's benefits. However, Levitra induced erections are similar to Cialis erections in that they are far more controllable. You won't know that Levitra has hit you, but if someone touches your cock, or you start thinking arousing thoughts, you'll be rock hard in no time.
OVERALL RATINGS (listed in order of best to worst)
1. Cialis is best for spontenaiety. It acts fast and lasts long. Erections controllable
2. Viagra gives the hardest erections, but it kills spontenaiety and may not work well if on a dinner date. Erections pop up at the slightest stimulation.
3. Levitra gives firm erections but not as hard as Viagra. Kills spontenaiety for the same reasons as Viagra (affected by foods especially fats). Erections controllable.