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Thread: BodyFat % and Overall Health

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA

    BodyFat % and Overall Health

    Does anyone know at what point a low bf% becomes unhealthy when sustained for extended periods? I'm thinking around 6%. Ju

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i can tekll you first hand

    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Does anyone know at what point a low bf% becomes unhealthy when sustained for extended periods? I'm thinking around 6%. Ju
    that my doctor has been preachign to me for years about my low level as i am always sick in the winter even if it's just the flu. i'm at 4.5 on calipers)for the last the 2 years so that gives you some idea where my health is in the winter, not good, but great to look at....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    The reason I asked is because I've heard that the guys on the front of mags cut down to like 3.5% but they can't stay there for more than a few days because it makes you feel like ****.

    How do you maintain that low-level of bf pbn? Mine used to stay a lot lower, but that's when I weighed 155 and danced my ass off all weekend

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    well it's a combination of things for me

    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    The reason I asked is because I've heard that the guys on the front of mags cut down to like 3.5% but they can't stay there for more than a few days because it makes you feel like ****.

    How do you maintain that low-level of bf pbn? Mine used to stay a lot lower, but that's when I weighed 155 and danced my ass off all weekend
    genetics for one, a well constructed diet, and high intensity in my training with no cardio.oh don't get me wrong, i feel sluggish every ****ing day no matter how much i sleep, no lie. i do my cardi dancing at the clubs , but that has be comign infrequent lately as my schedule is busier.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    that my doctor has been preachign to me for years about my low level as i am always sick in the winter even if it's just the flu. i'm at 4.5 on calipers)for the last the 2 years so that gives you some idea where my health is in the winter, not good, but great to look at....
    how the **** do you get to 4.5?? also how long did it take you? there is no way with me, my metabo is just too go**** slow. but i can lift a house i guess thats cool

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    diet and genetics for me

    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    how the **** do you get to 4.5?? also how long did it take you? there is no way with me, my metabo is just too go**** slow. but i can lift a house i guess thats cool
    i can maintain it year round easily even as i gain size, which i have to deem partly due to genetics. i have gains another 5 lbs in the last two weeks and i will test it again in a few weeks and i'll put $$ on it not moving up an inch.weird, but i'm not complaining except for being a slug 24/7

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    i can maintain it year round easily even as i gain size, which i have to deem partly due to genetics. i have gains another 5 lbs in the last two weeks and i will test it again in a few weeks and i'll put $$ on it not moving up an inch.weird, but i'm not complaining except for being a slug 24/7
    if you dont mind me asking, what does your diet look like? just the broad overview if thats cool. i am trying to adjust mine.. i know i am totally different than you but atleast it will help me with ideas and ****. thanx bro

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    yea, I feel ya on the partying....I was the same way, 1/2 dancing - 1/2 "party favors"

    Tends to keep the metab up for days at a time

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i pick core groups of food and go with them

    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    if you dont mind me asking, what does your diet look like? just the broad overview if thats cool. i am trying to adjust mine.. i know i am totally different than you but atleast it will help me with ideas and ****. thanx bro
    here's a book that i feel has helped me with my diet immensely....
    Sports and Exercise Nutrition by McArdle, Katch, and Katch

    it hard to say since i devised a diet restucturing plan that takes different calorie expenditures into account, as well as macronutrient counting(which can be a pain until you research you food base for each, takes all of probably 2 hours), and metabolic rates. it's a system i came up with that i use on myself and my very well for bodyfat reduction w/o lean muscle wasting. it's personalized ot me.everyone will be different, but i choose about 12 core foods per marconutrient and stick with those until i get bored, then i give myself variety by going back and omitted foods i'm tired ofand keeping ones i enjoy. no cardio needed so i like the system.

    you knwo for the most part what food are solid choices and what aren't. you just have to figure out expenditure totals, lean weight, and such.

    to post my exact diet wouldn't really work as my marco totals are gonna be different than everyone else's and my caloric expenditures are gonan be different so it's not IMO a good idea for peopel to follow other people's diets. i'm sure Swole will tell you the same thing as i'm sure none of his clients follow the same programs and procedures

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    here's a book that i feel has helped me with my diet immensely....
    Sports and Exercise Nutrition by McArdle, Katch, and Katch

    it hard to say since i devised a diet restucturing plan that takes different calorie expenditures into account, as well as macronutrient counting(which can be a pain until you research you food base for each, takes all of probably 2 hours), and metabolic rates. it's a system i came up with that i use on myself and my very well for bodyfat reduction w/o lean muscle wasting. it's personalized ot me.everyone will be different, but i choose about 12 core foods per marconutrient and stick with those until i get bored, then i give myself variety by going back and omitted foods i'm tired ofand keeping ones i enjoy. no cardio needed so i like the system.

    you knwo for the most part what food are solid choices and what aren't. you just have to figure out expenditure totals, lean weight, and such.

    to post my exact diet wouldn't really work as my marco totals are gonna be different than everyone else's and my caloric expenditures are gonan be different so it's not IMO a good idea for peopel to follow other people's diets. i'm sure Swole will tell you the same thing as i'm sure none of his clients follow the same programs and procedures
    Good information bro. I'm gonna check out that book. I have this one pudge of fat that hangs out around my belly button that just will not go away. I'm so afraid to cut my calories or do more cardio because of the muscle waste issue

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    if you are an NSCA member

    i think it's $58 bucks. if not i think it is still cheaper on their site than on amazon or any place else, but look around. i got it from NSCA. one of my favorite sources for books on what we do is or great post graduate texts on there. i think you will find a wealth of knowledge from these sources

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    4.5% all year? What fun is that.... the bulk cycle is fun

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    i believe its worse for girls... dont they lose their period if they have ultra low BF

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    i believe its worse for girls... dont they lose their period if they have ultra low BF
    yeah I've heard that too

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